
  • Udell Meyers: May 1, 2018

    God’s Grace for All – Great and Small.  As God is no respecter of persons in His desire for the Salvation and well being of all; so also must
  • John Guandolo: May 1, 2018

    "How did the US government get so ignorant about the Islamic threat, how is that threat silencing an open discussion, and what can be done.  UTT
  • Mike Riddle: May 1, 2018

    In this program (Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution), Thomas Kindell, Ph.D., discusses why true, observable science refutes evolution.

  • Jimmy DeYoung: May 1, 2018

    A "Worldview" is how we look at the events happening in our world, a result of the political decisions made by international political leaders. All Ch
  • John Whitcomb: May 1, 2018

    Which is greater—truth or love? And how are we to handle the balance between truth and love in our Christian lives and ministries? How do we demonst
  • John Loeffler: May 1, 2018

    Eventually, reality becomes real and illusion fades into obscurity.  In this week's boralogue, John looks at different ways the progressive eliti
  • Erwin Lutzer: May 1, 2018

    Weary runners welcome a second wind, a source of fresh power. For believers, that second wind is the power of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Peter felt
  • Crosstalk: May 1, 2018

    Randy Thomasson is the founder and president of, a campaign for children and families.  They advocate for parental rights, saf
  • Chris Pinto: May 1, 2018


    Chris discusses the much debated topic of how the New Testament relates to the Christian in time of war
  • Erwin Lutzer: April 27, 2018

    Sometimes we fail so deeply that life seems to come to a complete halt. Drowning in shame, we just want to quit. That’s where Jesus found Peter afte
  • Crosstalk: April 27, 2018

    ​​A very tragic story is unfolding again in the UK where the government is forcing a death sentence upon a 23 month old toddler.  We say
  • Erwin Lutzer: April 25, 2018

    When Jesus washed Peter’s feet, the conflict within Peter was palpable. He had a visceral reaction as His Master knelt before him. But servant leade
  • Crosstalk: April 25, 2018

    Today's Crosstalk issues both warning and challenge. 

    Do your kids play video games? Are you aware of the kind of games that they are playing?
  • Sam Rohrer: April 25, 2018

    Israel's Birthday Party. We are joined by Craig Hartman (Founder of Shalom Ministries Inc., author). Topics discussed include: Moving the U.S. Embassy Banner