
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 30, 2020

    There’s something in all of us that wants what someone else has. But no matter how many possessions we acquire, we can’t take them with us after we die. And this should change our perspective today. The sin of coveting is what God addresses in the last of the Ten Commandments.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 30, 2020

    Jimmy DeYoung has two of his Broadcast Partners today here on PTIB that will cover two very important regions of the world and the role each of these regions will play in the end of time scenario as foretold in Bible Prophecy. First, Winkie Medad will discuss the viable possibility that there could be a fourth election, in Israel, in just over a one year period of time, because of the divisions developing in the present Israeli Government. Then John Rood will come to the Broadcast Table to give us his European Union Up-date. Two key reports on two key regions of this world.
  • Sam Rohrer: July 29, 2020

    What Happens When Christians Say No? Topics discussed include: Protesters vs Preachers. Difficult Questions Being Asked. Showing God’s Love to the Most Vulnerable. ’52 Tuesdays’ Prayer Initiative.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 29, 2020

    Among seven things God hates, the writer of Proverbs lists lying twice. That’s serious for a sin we all commit. Winning in the race of life requires telling the truth. In this message we find out why lying is so prevalent, and so destructive.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 29, 2020

    Each week Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave Dolan to the Broadcast Table so he can give us his Middle East News Update. Dave is here with that report that has news of a mysterious bombing at the Northern border of Israel; the IDF is sending reinforcements to the North, at the Lebanese border; there may be an "October Surprise" in the Middle East, from Iran; and the Muslims in Jerusalem will defend the Al Aqsa mosque at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 28, 2020

    Many people frequently exaggerate, brag, or slander. For some, telling a “white lie” is okay. But it’s not okay with God. If what comes out of our mouth is inconsistent with how we live, then we are liars. Lying violates the ninth commandment in the Bible, and God values integrity. Do you always tell the truth?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 28, 2020

    It is so important for each of us to stay abreast of geo-political events happening in this world that may be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. That's why Jimmy DeYoung brings Ken Timmerman to the Broadcast Table here on PTIB each week to give us his analysis of these events. Jimmy then gives his Prophetic Prospective on all of these issues as well. Ken and Jimmy will cover the details on the new alignment between Iran, China and also Russia; the fact that Turkey will stay in Syria; and Egypt is moving its military into Libya.
  • John Whitcomb: July 27, 2020

    This week on “Encounter God’s Truth,” we listen as Dr. John Whitcomb concludes a short series called, “Judgment—Then Blessing.” He explained that God will use two different methods to deal with two distinct groups—the church and Israel—in each of their final days on this Earth in order to prepare them for the coming kingdom.

    Dr. Whitcomb then surveyed the major themes regarding the trends that will mark the last days of this age. To do this, he took us to the last two chapters of the final book written by the Apostle Paul—the book of 2 Timothy. Later, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb about those who believe that God is finished with Israel and has replaced that nation with the church. God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end! That is our reason for communicating with you here on “Encounter God’s Truth.”
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 27, 2020

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung and Dave James will have a conversation on the advertisement heard on the Fox News Channel "Bedtime Bible Stories". Dave will reveal a number of concerns about this production, produced by These Bedtime Bible Stories may be dangerous to your daily walk with the Lord. Please don't miss this conversation.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 24, 2020

    Stealing is on the rise as people say, “what’s yours is mine.” It’s more than burglary. People steal from their employers with hardly a second thought. We forget that stealing of any kind violates one of the Ten Commandments.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 24, 2020

    Jimmy DeYoung has two of is Broadcast Partners who will join him at the Broadcast Table with very important information. R.C. Morro will be first with his report on world economics and what the IMF is saying about the loss of oil revenues in the Middle East. R.C. will also explain how the recent Israeli discovery of 250 billion barrels of "shale oil" will make Israel the envy of the ME oil-producing Nations. Then Dr. Don DeYoung will join Jimmy to explain God's Creation of the Sun, Moon, stars, and the planets also. You don't want to miss these two very important reports.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 23, 2020

    It’s dangerous to get too close to a fire. And it’s also dangerous to get close to a possible sexual sin. That’s why the seventh commandment teaches us to avoid all forms of such sin. Obedience to God’s command results in a life free of entanglements that can stop us in our tracks.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 23, 2020

    The European Continent and the European Union are both major players in the prophetic scenario found in Bible Prophecy. Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table John Rood to give us his European Union Up-date. This report will cover how the EU ministers are plotting to stop annexation of Judea and Samaria, in Israel; how China and France are becoming stabilizing factors in our world; and how Turkish President Erdogan has converted a Church into a Mosque in his quest to revive the Ottoman Empire.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 22, 2020

    Each of us has a strong desire for intimacy. But keeping our sex drives under control is one of our biggest challenges. Sex in its proper place is a great gift, while passions out of control can ruin one’s future. So, what should we do in a world that only provokes our desires?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 22, 2020

    Each week we bring Dave Dolan to the Broadcast Table, here at PTIB, so that he can give us his Middle East News Up-date. This is an essential report for all of us who are students of Bible Prophecy. Dave's report this week is filled with important information about Israel's attacks on Iran; Hizbullah with 28 missile launch sites in Southern Lebanon, aimed at Israel; and the discovery, by Israel, of 250 billion barrels of shale oil in the Jewish State. This is a key report on a key region of our world.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 21, 2020

    Two major players in the end of times scenario found in Bible Prophecy are two major players in our world today. On PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will discuss with Ken Timmerman the China-Iran deal that will be a danger to Israel, the Middle East, and in fact, the entire world. In addition to that report, Ken will reveal interesting information on Turkey, an Israeli-Greece alliance and other geopolitical events happening around the world. This is an important report, stay tuned.
  • John Whitcomb: July 20, 2020

    Will there be cavemen in the future? Can you imagine a time when people will enter caves to escape the judgment of God? Dr. John Whitcomb described this scene from Isaiah 2, and we replay that message on this week’s edition of “Encounter God’s Truth.”
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 20, 2020

    Each week Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table Dave James, here on PTIB, to discuss an issue that the Church, Christians, must deal
    with from a Biblical Perspective. This is key so that we, as Christians, can walk with the Lord on a daily basis, in His will. This week Jimmy and Dave will discuss anti-Semitism in the world. This is an anti-Semitism that will lead to a second Holocaust, worse than the first. However, this anti-Semitism is also entering the Church and is very dangerous, because it has the Church denying the Word of God, the Bible.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 17, 2020

    Today on PTIB a former Muslim, born in Iran, and now a "born-again believer in Jesus Christ", will come to the Broadcast Table of Jimmy DeYoung to discuss the threat of Islam to America, and in fact, the entire world. Shahram will tell us of how Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, is calling for the Jewish Nation of Israel to be destroyed. You must hear this conversation. Banner