
  • Brannon Howse: August 11, 2020

    Guest. Pastor Rob McCoy and Pastor Andy Woods. Topic: Rob calls in to give us an update on his court hearing. He has some good news but we need the American people to stand with him and his congregation as they stand for all of us in defending religious liberty and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and private property rights. Topic: Dr. Andy Woods answers these questions. Question: Explain how Jesus came to fulfill the law (Matt. 5:17)? Question: I have heard it said that the Lord rules over the nation of Israel and all the gentile nations are ruled over by fallen angelic beings. Is this true and, if so, are all the principalities ruling over the gentile nations fallen or are there also angels loyal to God who rule over nations? Question: How could Jesus really be from the line of David if He were born via an immaculate conception? Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Sam Rohrer: August 11, 2020

    The Current Age in the Prophetic Plan of God. We are joined by Bill Shade (Source of Light International Ministries, Evangelist). Topics discussed include: The Current Age in the Prophetic Plan of God. World Events and the Rapture…Is the Rapture Near? America in Bible Prophecy. The Pastor and the Church in these “Last Days.”
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 11, 2020

    Jimmy DeYoung will bring Ken Timmerman to the Broadcast Table in a moment here on PTIB. Jimmy and Ken will discuss the catastrophic explosion at the port of Beirut, Lebanon, at least what they know at this time. In addition, Ken will give us details on other geopolitical events around the world. For example; how Turkey is involved in Iraq and also nettling China as Erdogan continues to work at reviving the Ottoman Empire; and Ken helps us to understand why Africa is the next frontier for the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 10, 2020

    Servants continue to serve others even when those they serve don’t appreciate it. They know that God watches their service and is pleased. In this message we learn that a serving church is a church where God’s presence is felt very strongly.
  • John Whitcomb: August 10, 2020

    In this classic broadcast, we hear author and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb tell us why the flood of Noah’s day was real history, built on real chronology—and constituting a real worldwide catastrophe. That is our emphasis today on “Encounter God’s Truth,” as we listen to the first of a two-part message on how the world we see today was shaped by the flood—not millions of years of evolutionary geology. Following the teaching segment of our broadcast, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb to explain the passage regarding “the sons of God” in Genesis 6. Whitcomb Ministries is grateful to bring you a challenging study of the Bible each week on “Encounter God’s Truth,” because God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end. We thank you for listening!
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 10, 2020

    Today on PTIB Dave James comes to the Broadcast Table to discuss with Jimmy DeYoung the time of the beginning of the "Church". Jimmy and Dave will first define the Church, from a Biblical perspective. Then they will look at several other options, or times, when some believe was the time that the Church appeared here on the Earth. Of course, Jimmy and Dave will conclude their discussion on the starting of the Church by allowing the Bible to speak on the issue. This entire discussion is so that we can understand why the beginning of the Church is so key to our study of Bible Prophecy.
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 7, 2020

    Most people set their priorities in selfish ways. It’s unusual when people give others first place. But in ancient Thessalonica, a desire to serve others was evident. Paul commended this church for their service, and in this message, we’ll learn the lessons they learned so long ago.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 7, 2020

    Dr. Peter Pry is the Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security here in America. Dr. Pry will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table on PTIB today to discuss the China Military and its potential to attack America with a nuclear-powered EMP. Dr. Pry will explain what an EMP is and how it could devastate the United States. This information is so important. Please stay tuned to hear this conversation between Jimmy and Dr. Pry.
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 6, 2020

    The church in Thessalonica underwent persecution, but nonetheless exhibited the joy of the Lord, despite their trials. That’s what happens when God’s presence is very real, as it is during times of revival. In this message we look at what happens to a church when God shows up.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 6, 2020

    Dave Dolan's Middle East News Up-date is an essential report heard here on PTIB on a weekly basis. Today Dave comes to my Broadcast Table with the events that took place 15 years ago, events that changed the body politic of the Jewish State. Dave will also reveal information on Iran and its proxy, Hizbullah, and how they both are preparing to attack Israel from its northern border. These reports and others here on PTIB, plus John Rood will also join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table with his European Union Up-date, as well. Please don't miss either of these reports.
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 5, 2020

    New life comes to a church when revival begins, and there's no doubt we could use a great awakening now. What are the indications that God is making His presence known in a special way? In this message we begin a series from one of Paul’s epistles that tells us what they are. 
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 5, 2020

    It is always a key report to hear from Ken Timmerman when he comes to the Broadcast Table on PTIB to give us his analysis on geopolitical world events. Today Ken has reports on Iran and the Mullahs happy for the possibility of a Joe Biden win in the November Elections; Twitter saying that it is OK for the Supreme Leader of Iran to call for the total demise of the Jewish people and the State of Israel, and Turkey's President Erdogan declaring Islamic Jihad on all Non-Muslims in the world.
  • What Does God Require of America For Our National Survival?

    Indeed, William Bradford, one of the leaders declared that the Pilgrims had come   to the New World "... For the propagating and advancing the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world."  (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company,1856, p24). When Solomon died, Jeroboam became king over the Northern tribes of Israel and went after other gods and caused all Israel to sin against God. All of the rest of the kings in Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord.  When Josiah became king in Judah, Hilkiah, the high priest, found the Book of the Law of God and read it to Josiah and Josiah tore his clothes and began to restore Judah to true worship and removed the idolatrous priests who had burned incense to Baal and all the hosts of heaven.  Many other things did Josiah do to restore true worship in Judah, but when he died, Jehoahaz became king and did evil and Jehoiakim also did evil when he became king and eventually Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC. 
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 4, 2020

    Loving God with all our hearts, and our neighbors as ourselves, fulfills the law and pleases our Creator. Obeying this commandment means obeying all ten of the commands God wrote on tablets of stone so long ago. They’re not suggestions, they’re commands. So do you love God?
  • John Whitcomb: August 3, 2020

    Does the geologic timetable offered by evolution match up with the Biblical record of creation? Bible teacher and author Dr. John Whitcomb showed us why this is not the case in a lesson that we hear this week on “Encounter God’s Truth.” We are beginning to replay a classic series called, “Catastrophism is the Key.” “The fossils came after Adam and Eve were created, not millions of years before,” stated Dr. Whitcomb. He talked about his own journey away from attempts to compromise the book of Genesis through views such as the gap theory or the day-age theory. Our teacher also answered a question from host Wayne Shepherd, further developing this theme. The Bible, God’s Word, is true from the beginning to the end, therefore we are so glad to bring you its powerful content each week here on “Encounter God’s Truth”!
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 3, 2020

    Today on PTIB Dave James and Jimmy DeYoung will have their weekly conversation. This time they will discuss the "Black Lives Matter" movement, in the words of BLM, information from the BLM website. BLM has become known around the world in a very short time and the body politic of America, especially the Christians, must know who and what this movement is all about. At the same time that we will hear what BLM says about themselves, both who they are and what is their mission, as posted on their website, we must be aware of what the Lord says about their stated mission. When we evaluate any person, movement and/or ministry, we must do so in light of God's Word.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 31, 2020

    Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Shahram Hadian with an alarming report on how the Muslims are electing Muslims in America so that they can implement the Islamic law, Sharia. Their goal in 2020 is to elect 1,000 Muslims to political office on the local, state, and National levels. Shahram will also reveal to us the connection between the "Black Lives Matter" organization and the Muslim Brotherhood. You do not want to miss this report.
  • Crosstalk: July 31, 2020

    Michael Johnson is the president of Slavic Gospel Association, a nearly 90-year ministry that partners with hundreds of missionaries and more than 6,000 evangelical churches across Russia and the former Soviet Union. He travels extensively in the former Soviet world and Israel where their ministry assists Russian-speaking congregations.

    Formerly known as the Russian Gospel Association, the Slavic Gospel Association has an interesting history going back to the time of Joseph Stalin who was persecuting the church. On the other hand, Peter Deyneka, the founder who was from Belarus, sought to do just the opposite and find ways to minister to people.

    In 1934, the ministry was established in Chicago as a ministry of prayer, hopeful that the walls of communism would come down. They were also involved in radio ministry in partnership with Trans World Radio, FEBC and HCJB. It was a time when the communists said they would eradicate any form of religion from their countries and put the last Bible ‘under glass’ in a museum in Moscow. Even though Peter left this life in 1987, God blessed his prayers in a big way as the walls of communism came down 3 years later.

    SGA operates under the authority of churches in the nations they serve and while the amount of freedom varies from country to country, he indicated that those churches are allowed to establish various theological training institutions. Once individuals are trained, they secure sponsors to the U.S. The SGA then sends national church planting families into previously unreached towns and villages to evangelize and plant new churches. Included in this effort is the providing of resources to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of people in the various communities.

    How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting Russia? While noting the challenges it presents, in the end Michael believes, ‘…this (the coronavirus pandemic) represents the greatest opportunity for the proclamation of the gospel since the fall of communism. Banner