Did God "Murder" His Son?

Did God "Murder" His Son? –Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

"Sorry Ray, I do not take my morals from a God who drowns opposing armies in the ocean, killed every living thing on Earth in a global flood, punished humanity for all time for eating a piece of fruit, rained fire and brimstone on entire cities because he didn't like their behavior, killed the first born of an entire nation, and murdered his own son. Thank God he does not exist." askeggIt seems that you don't know your Bible. God didn't "kill every living thing on earth in a global flood." He allowed all the fish, and a family of eight people to be saved. He didn't punish humanity "for all time for eating a piece of fruit." Adam was punished for his "disobedience" (see Romans 5:19). If you refuse God's mercy, you too will be punished for your disobedience, not for Adam's. You are also wrong when you said that "God murdered His own Son." The Bible says that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Jesus of Nazareth was the Creator in human form (see John 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:16). The reason God became a Man was to suffer for the sin of the world (taking the punishment that is due to us). We violated God's Law (the Ten Commandments), and Jesus paid our fine. That means you can have your case dismissed. It means you can escape Hell, and receive everlasting life as a gift from God (see Romans 6:23). God warned the Pharaoh ten times that He would judge <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Egypt, and you pin-pointed the reason for God drowning his army. It was because it was an "opposing" army. That's a good lesson for us: oppose and you lose. Like Pharaoh, you have been warned (through the Ten Commandments) that God will judge the world because it is at war with Him (see James 4:4). If you refuse to surrender and carry on with your rebellion, God will give you over to what the Bible calls a "reprobate mind." I would hate that to happen to you.You are right though about the fire and brimstone. The same Justice of God that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah abides on you (see John 3:36), believe it or not. Please, think about your eternal salvation. There's nothing more important.

The Dilemma, Again

"Wow Ray, I have personally answered your versions of infinite regression, and 'nothing creating everything' and corrected your pathetic misunderstanding of the second law of thermodynamics... Not that I am claiming you are lying in this regard, I don't think so. You are simply expressing your ignorant opinions. However if you had any intellectual honesty you would acknowledge that there are answers given to your supposed stumpers that you are unable to refute." RykI am happy to acknowledge that answers have been given to explain the "nothing created everything" dilemma, and I choose to believe that those answers are wrong. There's nothing to refute. I have seen numbers of those who called themselves "atheists" change their minds and admit that they weren't atheists, the moment they realized that they did believe that "something" created everything. That was because the alternative was ridiculous. That realization is the pin that pops the bubble of atheism. That's why I am staying with this, much to the annoyance of the faithful posters. However, my consolation is that if they don't like me saying this, they are free to go elsewhere. Think about it. If every professing atheist leaves, this would no longer be "Atheist Central." The Blog would dry up. I would be out of their lives forever. Or could it be that they get bored talking to those others who profess to be atheists? So, what do you believe: creator or no creator? You could say that there is no such thing as "creation," which many atheists say, which is absurd. You could say "I don't know." But if you do, you are not an atheist. You are agnostic. You could try to define "nothing" as being something, which is also ridiculous. One of your atheist friends said, "An atheist is someone who believes 'the something' is NOT INTELLIGENT, because cosmology, abiogenesis and evolution show you don't need an intelligent designer to end up with a planet filled with life." Crazy-talk. So you do have a dilemma. Here's another atheist's attempt to distance himself from the essence of atheism: "Let's say I believe that something caused the universe to form. SOMETHING not NOTHING. However I think that something was natural and not God. See, I am still an atheist because I don't believe in God, and yet at the same time I believe that something caused the universe." So he believes in a creator as the cause of the universe. He's not an atheist.Let me add to all this that I am honored that you post here. Best wishes to you and yours.

"The Sky is Definitely Blue."

"There probably isn't a God. I'd never be stupid enough to commit myself 100% to the statement that 'THERE DEFIANTLY IS NO GOD!' because I don't know it for a fact. It's summer here in the UK, so I can look out my window and say, for a fact "the sky definitely is blue." You could say that to a color blind person that the sky isn't blue, but you'd be wrong because the color blind person has a vision deficiency causing them to see incorrectly." Andy DucheminI appreciate the fact that you have illustrated my point. As an atheist, you can't be sure of anything in this life. You can't be sure if God doesn't exist. You can't be sure of evolution. You can't be sure of what is right and what is wrong. But you are sure that the sky is blue. However, it's not. It has no color at all. It's an illusion. The only thing you can be sure of is your death. On the other hand, those who know God (as apposed to those who simply "believe" in His existence) can be sure of many things. This is because God is never wrong. Ever. He is absolutely trustworthy in that which He says. We can therefore know absolutely about our origins, and we can know absolutely what is right and what is wrong. There is no "probably" when it comes to His immutable promises. Rather than let this fact upset you, see it instead as unspeakably good news for those who are tossed back and forth on the sea of speculation. It means that you can have a solid foundation for this life, and absolute hope (know that you have everlasting life) in the next.

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