Former CIA Officer Dr. Peter Pry on North Korea H-Bomb Test & EMP Threat to America

New Show Just Launched. The Pry Report, with Former CIA officer, Dr. Peter Pry. In this week’s briefing, Dr. Peter Pry discusses the H-Bomb test by North Korea as well as their open admission that they have developed an EMP weapon. What is North Korea hoping to accomplish? What is Russia, Iran, and China hoping to achieve through the actions of North Korea? Why should the U.S. military conduct a pre-emptive strike on North Korea now? What are the dangers of not responding immediately to the threat by North Korea? How are the threats we face today similar to the threats that we faced during World War II? How did the political fools of that era respond to the threat of Hitler and what correlation is there between the threat of Hitler then, the political & media fools of today, and the current threat from North Korea? Don’t miss the history and military context that Dr. Pry brings to the issues facing America’s national security and our very lives. Will America soon be entering into World War III? How is this current issue about who will be the super powers of the world going forward?
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