Chris Pinto: April 16, 2020


Chris plays audio of Bill Gates saying that our country should stay in lockdown until he (and his helpers in Big Pharma) have developed a Coronavirus vaccine -- and that we must wait until SEVEN BILLION people around the world are vaccinated until we can go back to normal. He says it’s a “tall order” but that “it is where we need to get to …”  Truth is stranger than fiction.  We also examine statements published by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., about Bill Gates' influence in India, where "Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children ..." (according to Zero Hedge).  Can America trust someone with this sort of track record to create a vaccine for the entire country?  Also, Chris reviews a powerful (and recent) interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, who is a specialist on vaccines and who worked with Dr. Anthony Fauci years ago.  She calls him “evil” and says it was Fauci who pressured President Reagan (in the same way he has pressured President Trump) to pass the law in 1986 that would allow vaccine companies to escape accountability if their vaccines caused harm to anyone. 

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