Dr. Randy White: May 7, 2013

God’s Work Among the Gentiles, Part 3 It’s not unusual for preachers to teach, and for churchgoers to believe, that the Book of Ephesians speaks first and foremost to us Gentile believers and addresses our needs, while pretty much ignoring the Jews. Why do we do that? In a word, pride. Today we’re going to continue with more insights dug out of the fertile theological soil of Ephesians 1:13-23. Earlier in the chapter, we discovered that the Apostle Paul was speaking directly to His ‘chosen,’ the Jewish people; now he is addressing the rest of us who are the ‘called’ – who are invited to join the Jews and follow God as non-Jewish Christian members of His holy nation. Today we come back to this idea that the Bible is not primarily to serve our own needs, but to fulfill God’s purposes for teaching His people.

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