IT Service Provider to the Military has Been Hacked



  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes his first visit to America since the outbreak of war with Hamas on October 7, 2023. We’ll fill you in on his proposal to bring peace to the Middle East.
  • A mob of pro-Hamas protesters invade the hotel where Netanyahu and his Israeli delegation were staying. We’ll show you the despicable acts they committed.
  • One of the largest IT services providers to the U.S. military-industrial complex has been compromised following a major hack.
  • And Black Lives Matter is furious with the way the Democratic Party elite have swift coronated Vice President Kamala Harris as their 2024 presidential nominee, without any say from average Democrats. 

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Leading us off tonight, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress Wednesday, vowing “total victory” against Hamas while calling for the creation of a new multi-national military alliance that would deal with Israel’s primary Middle East nemesis, Iran.

Netanyahu’s speech did not seem in any way designed to lead to progress in months of U.S.-led pressure for Israel to stop its offensive and agree to a cease-fire.

The AP reported that Netanyahu’s speech was interrupted by frequent applause from mostly GOP lawmakers, while it met with stony silence from many leading Democrats in the chamber.

Netanyahu said the U.S. has a shared interest in his country's fight against Hamas and other Iran-backed terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Netanyahu said:

“America and Israel must stand together. When we stand together something really simple happens: We win, they lose.”

The Israeli leader called on the United States to create a new military alliance similar to NATO in the Middle East, the purpose of which would be to confront the “Iranian threat.”

Netanyahu blasted those protesting the war on college campuses and elsewhere in the U.S. He called protesters “useful idiots” for Israel’s adversaries.

Security removed protesters in the gallery who rose to display T-shirts with slogans demanding an end to the war and the freeing of remaining hostages.

One Democrat member, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, held up a sign that said “WAR CRIMINAL” on one side and “GUILTY OF GENOCIDE” on the other.

Tlaib, a Muslim of Palestinian descent, has relatives in the West Bank and represents a district in Michigan with many Palestinian Americans, most of which came to America decades ago to work in the auto industry.

Netanyahu accused the numerous protesters of the war in the United States of standing with the terrorists who raped women and killed babies in the Hamas attack on Oct. 7.

He said, “These protesters that stand with them, they should be ashamed of themselves.”

Netanyahu was scheduled to meet with Biden and Harris today, and with Trump at Mar-a-Lago on Friday.


Conservative radio host and blogger Todd Starnes reports that a mob of pro-Hamas protesters attacked the Watergate Hotel in Washington overnight.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides are staying at the hotel during his visit to the United States.

According to Starnes:

“The mob dumped thousands of maggots and mealworms onto banquet tables in the delegation’s meeting room as well as throughout the hotel. Crickets, too. They also set off fire alarms in the building.”

Meanwhile, outside the hotel, Starnes says thousands of Muslims waved Palestinian flags and shouted that they were going to kill the Jews – all done in the name of the so-called religion of peace.

Someone on the Watergate staff is believed to have leaked news that Netanyahu was staying at the luxury hotel.

On Capitol Hill, hundreds of protesters staged insurrections inside government buildings.

Starnes stated:

“Security in our nation’s capital is extremely tight – miles of fencing surrounds the Capitol building as well as the White House – preparing for what the Jew-haters are calling a day of rage. Why we are not deporting these savages is beyond me.”


It’s being reported by Bloomberg and Reuters that one of the largest IT services providers to the U.S. military-industrial complex has been hacked. 

The company is Leidos Holdings, known for its extensive work with the Pentagon as well as Homeland Security, NASA and various defense contractors. It was the largest federal IT contractor in the 2022, with contracts totaling $4 billion.

Hackers stole and leaked internal documents, raising concerns about the security of sensitive government data managed by other third-party contractors.

Cyber Security News reports that the leaked documents are believed to have been stolen as part of two breaches of Diligent Corp. in 2022, a platform Leidos used. 

The news outlet writes:

“The nature and sensitivity of the stolen documents remain unclear, but the leak underscores vulnerabilities in the cybersecurity frameworks of companies handling critical government information.”

According to the Cyber Press team investigation report, the data consists of one gigabyte of files associated with Leidos technical assistance and its customers.


The Marxist organization Black Lives Matter has issued a public statement in objection to the way the Democrat Party elite have swift coronated Vice President Kamala Harris as their 2024 presidential nominee, without any input from rank-and-file Democrats. 

BLM said in a statement to Reuters:

“Following the primary where millions of black voters weighed in, after one poor debate performance, the DNC Party elites and billionaire donors bullied Joe Biden out of the race.”

On the social media platform X, President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he would withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

The Western Journal noted that the announcement came under unusual and perhaps suspicious circumstances. Since his dreadful debate performance on June 27, Biden had faced mounting pressure to quit the race from fellow Democrats. He had refused.

Announcing the decision on X, where one might reasonably doubt that the octogenarian president has ever posted on his own behalf, only heightened suspicions of a Democratic Party coup.

For the past two days, Democrats — including Biden himself in a dubious endorsement made via speaker phone — have rallied around Harris. 

Notwithstanding these strange developments, Democrats have clearly tried to depict their party as united behind Harris.

BLM’s public objection constitutes the first major internal demand that Democrats pump the brakes on the Harris 2024 train.

The BLM statement read:

“We call for the Rules Committee to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates. The current political landscape is unprecedented, with President Biden stepping aside in a manner never seen before. This moment calls for decisive action to protect the integrity of our democracy and the voices of black voters.”

Western Journal noted that, to its credit, BLM called out party leaders’ apparent coup against Biden.

The statement continued:

“Now, Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public.”


The Winepress reports that former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield has warned yet again that the U.S. has not seen the last pandemic and that H5N1 bird flu is primed to become a serious issue.

Redfield issued these warnings on July 11th during a Homeland Security Governmental Affairs Senate Committee hearing. During the session, Redfield admitted that the Covid-19 vaccines should not have been mandated and even called them “toxic,” admitting that the vaccines have led to an increase in cardiovascular disease and autoimmune disorders.  

In his opening testimony, Redfield contended that “biosecurity is the most important threat to our nation’s national security, more so than China, Russia, North Korea and Iran,” while urging more funding to address the problem.

Redfield has for some time warned that Covid-19 was the product of gain-of-function research that escaped per a lab-leak. 

He said in his testimony:

“While some believe that gain-of-function research is critical to get ahead of viruses by developing vaccines, in this case, I believe it had the exact opposite result, unleashing a new virus on the world without any means of stopping it and resulting in the deaths of millions of people and changing our Nation’s way of life more profound than even a nuclear event.”

But Redfield believes H5N1 bird flu will be the next pandemic, which he says will stem from gain-of-function experimentation going wrong.

He explained:

“More importantly, Covid-19 is not our Nation’s last pandemic. I am particularly concerned about bird flu. Currently, H5N1 is pandemic among chickens, turkey and wildfowl in the US. It has recently spread to more than 25 other US-based mammals, most recently dairy cattle.

“While H5N1can rarely infect humans, it currently cannot efficiently transmit human-to-human however the virus will continue to evolve in nature towards this goal.

“However, more likely, as I believe was the case for Covid-19, H5N1 could be educated in a research lab to accomplish this. A human transmissible bird flu will be catastrophic. While this proposed legislation can’t prevent natural spill over, it could reduce the risk of a lab-driven event.

“It is my opinion that we should call for a moratorium on all gain-of-function research until we can have a broader debate and come to a consensus as a community about the value of gain-of-function research.”


The Hacker News reports that cybersecurity researchers have discovered what they say is the ninth iteration of a malware infecting Industrial Control Systems that has been used in a disruptive cyber-attack targeting an energy company in Ukraine.

The Russians used this malware to shut off the heating units of 600 apartment units in the city of Lviv for two days this past January.

The same malware could be used to target Western cities.

Industrial cybersecurity firm Dragos has dubbed the malware FrostyGoop, describing it as the first malware strain to directly use Modbus TCP communications to sabotage operational technology, or OT networks. It was discovered by the company in April 2024.

Researchers said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News:

"FrostyGoop is an Industrial Control Systems-specific malware written in Golang that can interact directly with Industrial Control Systems using Modbus TCP over port 502.”

The malware is designed to target Windows systems.

The researchers said in a conference call:

“The adversaries sent Modbus commands to encoder controllers, causing inaccurate measurements and system malfunctions.”

They noted that initial access was likely gained by exploiting an unknown vulnerability in a publicly-accessible router in April 2023.

They added, “The adversaries sent Modbus commands to encoder controllers, causing inaccurate measurements and system malfunctions. Remediation took almost two days.”


WW-L TV in New Orleans reports that two Southeast Louisiana families are grieving after their children were killed in a car accident caused by an illegal alien from Honduras. 

According to state police, the driver who hit them, an illegal from Honduras, was underage and had a blood alcohol reading of nearly seven times the legal limit.

Devin Deen is now facing the grim reality of having to plan her own child's funeral. Her daughter, 18-year-old Taliyah Crochet, was killed in the crash along with her 18-year-old boyfriend.

Deen said, "It's just so hard, these kids work so hard, so hard for 18-year-olds, they had such old souls... And now it's all just gone, and I am having such a hard time grasping the fact that, it's really just over. Like, they're gone.”

Louisiana State Police say 18-year-old Axel Flores-Cordova of Honduras was driving south on Highway 3090 around 1 a.m. Sunday morning. 

Police say his car crossed the center lane and collided head-on with another car. Inside the other car were Taliyah and her boyfriend, 18-year-old Rylan Oncale. There were two other people in the backseat who suffered non-life threatening injuries.

State Patrol Sgt. Ross Brennan says the illegal from Honduras was not only extremely drunk, but was driving without a license. He wasn't injured. He was booked on two counts of vehicular homicide, not wearing a seatbelt and several other charges. 


Congressman Eli Crane of Arizona grilled Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Col. Christopher Paris during Tuesday’s U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump at a rally on July 13.

, questions regarding Trump rally shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’s home.

The congressman, a former Navy Seal sniper, represents Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District. He asked Col. Paris some very pointed questions about would-be assassin Thomas Crooks.

Take a look at this pivotal exchange.



The Federalist reports that the same agency that failed to protect former President Donald Trump from a would-be assassin’s bullet is now asking the GOP’s presidential candidate to stop holding large outdoor campaign rallies. 

The Federalist noted:

“The request from the grossly incompetent (at best) federal agency stinks of election interference and sounds a lot like a threat.”

As The Washington Post first reported Tuesday, the U.S. Secret Service is “encouraging” the Trump campaign to halt the large-scale events his supporters have grown accustomed to. 

Not naming its sources, the Post reported:

“In the aftermath of the shooting, agents from the Secret Service communicated their concerns about large outdoor rallies going forward to Trump campaign advisers, three people familiar with the matter said.”

Trump’s team, at least according to the Post story, is scouting larger indoor arenas to accommodate thousands of rallygoers. The campaign “is not currently planning any large outdoor events, a person close to Trump said.”

The Trump campaign told The Federalist it does not comment on the former president’s security detail. 

So it’s not clear whether the agency has made the same requests of Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrat Party establishment’s anointed fill-in for Joe Biden. 

The Federalist noted that, if the Trump-hating Post asked that question, it didn’t report the answer in its story. 

Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, mocked the agency on his X account, writing:

“If I saw this in The Babylon Bee it’d make far more sense. The idea that they’d tell Trump to stop holding rallies is embarrassing — for the Secret Service.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

In a report by The Telegraph, a senior British naval officer says the country’s military is “not as strong as we could be” and needs to gear up to prepare for a fight with the Russians.

The Chief of the Defense Staff, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, said he blamed “historic underinvestment” in defense for Britain’s low state of readiness.

Radakin, the UK’s most senior military officer, pointed to serious deficiencies in manpower. He made the comments as the U.K.’s new government embarks on a top-to-bottom review of its Armed Forces. It’s under political pressure from the United States and other NATO members to commit to a date by which it will spend 2.5 percent of GDP on defense.

The review will attempt to incorporate lessons from the war in Ukraine and make the military ready to take on Russia.

Appearing at a land warfare conference organized by the Royal United Services Institute in London, Sir Tony Radakin said the Army needed to show “the humility to recognize that we are not as strong as we could be and have the determination and focus to put it right.”

He added that, “beneath the headline capabilities there are deficiencies in people, equipment, stockpiles, training and technology.”

Sir Tony said the British army needed to be properly equipped with hypersonic missiles and “battalions of attack drones” to play its full part in NATO’s defense of Europe, should Russia invade a member state.

Of course, this is all part of NATO’s effort to scaremonger its citizens into forking over more tax dollars, and more warm bodies, for the NATO war effort against Russia. They have never presented any evidence that Putin wants to re-establish the old Soviet empire, but it sounds scary to cast Putin in Western propaganda as an evil Hitlerian villain trying to take over the world.

NATO has been trying to bait Putin into invading a NATO member state for months, so far to no avail.

The fact is that Putin has shown far more restraint than anyone expected, given that NATO has pumped so much advanced weaponry into Russia’s backyard, including nuclear-capable F-16 fighter jets and long-range missile systems.

Even the Ukrainian government has been signaling to the West in recent days that it’s ready to sit down with Putin and negotiate peace. 

But the neocons in Washington, London, Paris and Berlin will have none of it. Their actions appear designed to stoke a broader war with Russia and they will not stop until they have engulfed America in full blown World War III.

This of course will mean bringing back the military draft. 

Are you ready to offer up your sons and daughters for the defense of Ukraine?

Most Americans are no longer even paying attention to this war. They’re totally focused on presidential politics. But they will take notice when their children get their draft notices.

Now is the time to be on the phone with your members of Congress telling them to cut off the taxpayer-funded weaponry flowing to Ukraine. Because peace is preferable to war. And America has no vital national interest in the Russia-Ukraine border dispute.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting the broadcast.

Until next time…



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