Islamonline confirms stoning basis in Shariah

Islamonline confirms stoning basis in Shariah
By now, everyone has heard of the sad case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, an Iranian woman convicted of adultery and sentenced to death. Her death sentence may or may not be carried out through stoning. Since this story has emerged in the Western media, there has been a debate about whether or not stoning is "Islamic" or has basis in the Quran, the Hadith or in Shariah law. Some Muslims in particular have come out claiming that stoning is not Islamic and has no basis in Shariah law.One person in particular has written two such articles, both very similar to each other. Harris Zafar wrote an article on 9 July in which he claims that stoning is unislamic and contrary to Islamic law (Shariah). He also wrote a very similar article back on 24 September 2009 when a stoning law was passed in Indonesia, saying:
Nowhere in the Quran (Holy scripture of Islam) has stoning to death been laid down as punishment of adultery, or any crime for that matter.   Some people try to cite references to Islamic history in which the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered a Jewish man and woman to be killed by stoning when they were brought before the Prophet for having committed adultery.
 In other words, we have two cases of two of the most populous predominantly Muslim nations on earth dealing with stoning, yet an American Muslim from Portland states emphatically that stoning is unislamic and has no basis in Shariah. This could very well be a case of taqiyya (the Islamic doctrine of sacred deception in which Muslims are authorized and even instructed to lie to promote Islam).
Click here for complete article:


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