Analyst: CFR membership conflicts with being evangelical

'There seems to be this idea somehow we'll be able to moderate their views toward us'

Posted: October 13, 201011:55 pm Eastern
By Michael Carl© 2010 WorldNetDaily

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NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 13: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, executive director of the Cordoba Initiative, speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations September 13, 2010 in New York City. Rauf said he rejects radical Islam and all religious extremism and hopes to continue to build his Islamic community center in Lower Manhattan near Ground Zero. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

The chief of an organization that is monitoring the advance of jihad across America says it's contradictory for an evangelical Christian to be part of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations.
The object of the criticism from Bo Perrin of Islamic Jihad Watch is Richard Land, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
Perrin recently discussed Land's involvement with the CFR in connection with his participation in the U.S.-Muslim Engagement Project panel with Ground Zero mosque imam Abdul Feisal Rauf.
Perrin, a former Air Force security officer, said he's tried to figure out the benefits of taking a position in a globalist organization.
"I've tried to figure out through not just Dr. Land, but others who have similar leanings, that there seems to be this idea that if we sit with so-called moderate Muslims, moderate jihadists, that somehow we'll be able to moderate their views toward us and moderate American's views towards them and kind of bring people together," Perrin said.
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