Nigerian Christian: “Why do they think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades.”

“Why do they think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?”

Good question. And it’s true: Western leaders are largely indifferent to the Muslim persecution of Christians. They are all so very solicitous of Islam as Muslim migrants inundate their countries; perhaps they think that concern for these Christians would be “Islamophobic.”

“The forgotten Christians of Nigeria — faithful while enduring incredible persecution,” by Larry Alex Taunton, Fox News, October 15, 2017:

…I had been invited there by my friend, Jwan Zhumbes, the Anglican bishop of Bukuru.  Jwan and I had done our doctoral work together.  He had asked me some years ago to come and teach the members of the diocese on issues of faith and culture.  Jwan is shepherd to a diocese that has been attacked by the Boko Haram and another Islamic group, the Fulani Herdsmen Militia.  He was, in my estimation, a great man doing a great work.

Now, months later, the mission was complete and it was time for me to leave the country.  My time in Nigeria had been one of great blessing.  The experience defies a simple description or even a simple narrative.  These are Christians whose churches, homes, families and friends have been bombed, burned, and persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.  Indeed, just last month, 20 Christians were slaughtered by the Fulani only a short drive from where I was staying.  This is not uncommon.  And yet, optimism prevails with them where self-pity and a spirit of defeat might rule a lesser people….

Speaking at a conference in London some years ago, Peter Akinola, the Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Nigeria, boldly chastised the West:

“You came to my country and told us there is only one God through whom we could be saved, Jesus Christ, and we believed you, and followed Him.  You told us there is only one true book to know him, the Bible, and we believed you, and read it.  Now you tell us Allah of Islam is also god, and that we can use the Qur’an to learn about God.  You invited the Muslims here as guests, and they have now become your hosts.  So now I come to your country to remind you of what you have forgotten.”…

“Why do they think Islam is a religion of peace?” another man asked me.  “These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it.  Now they are killing you and still your President Obama called it a peaceful religion.  We see Western leaders saying that over and over again.  Why?”…


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