Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: February 2, 2021

    Guest: Matthew DePerno Attorney At Law. Topic: Mr. DePerno is the only attorney in the United States of America to have a court order to do a forensic audit of the dominion machines. Mr. DePerno had the Dominion machines audited that were used in Antrim County, Michigan. Mr. DePerno joins us to report that a team of forensic scientists have reported back to him that the Dominion machines are designed to produce fraud. Matt reports that Dominion has a huge failure rate and that Dominion machines will accept a blank ballot as legitimate vote. Matt reports that when the forensic team audited the Dominion machines in Antrim County, they found that the 2020 system files, adjudication files and log files were delated but the same files for 2016 and 2018 were present. Why would someone delete the 2020 records unless they were covering up election fraud. Mr. DePerno explains how Antrim county normally is carried by Republicans at a rate of 65% to 35% democrat. In 2020, the stats were reversed. Mr. DePerno reports that the Attorney General of Michigan is openly talking about suing attorneys and having them disbarred if they bring lawsuits over voter fraud. Matt explains how such threats and intimidation is characteristic of a police state.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: February 2, 2021

    Today, as Jimmy DeYoung sits at his Broadcast Table with Winkie Medad, here on PTIB, Jimmy and Winkie will pause to remember that horrific event of the Holocaust during World War 2. The then Allied Commander, General Eisenhower, was so moved by the sights he saw in 1945, that he documented the results of the Holocaust, on film, so that no one would ever be able to deny that this horrific, historic event did actually happen. Jimmy and Winkie will discuss why the United Nations established the International Holocaust Remembrance Day so that the world would also stop to remember, and say"Never Again".
  • Crosstalk: February 2, 2021

    Tom DeWeese is the president of American Policy Center. He’s one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, American sovereignty and independence and protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Tom is the author of Sustainable: The War on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals and Erase a political novel.
  • Sam Rohrer: February 2, 2021

    Critical Race Theory: How is it Reshaping America? We are joined by Dr. Shelby Steele (Author, Columnist, Documentary Film Maker). Topics discussed include: A Brief History of Critical Theory. The Origins of Critical Race Theory. What Killed Michael Brown?
  • Brannon Howse: February 1, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Mary Fanning. Topic: Today Mike Lindell joins Brannon live in studio to explain how Brannon and Mike Lindell and Mary Fanning are producing a documentary together on the 2020 election fraud. They explain the numerous experts they assembled in the WVW Broadcast Network studio and filmed as they laid out solid evidence that cannot be refuted that documents the stolen elections of 2020. They discuss such experts that are appearing as Dr. Shiva, Jovan Pulitzer, Colonel Waldron, attorney Matt DePerno, former state Senator Patrick Colbeck, and many, many more. Topic: Mike announces that minutes before going not the air Mattress Firm announced they were ceasing to do business with MyPillow. Mike explains why this cancel culture is about punishing patriots and people that speak truth. Listen and be informed on the facts not being reported by the mainstream media on voter fraud.
  • Brannon Howse: January 29, 2021

    The Great Reset and The Great Fascist Threat. Guests: Carl Teichrib and Terry Turchie. Topic: Carl joins us to give a report on the final day of this week’s Great Reset conference. Topic: Terry joins us to discuss the Department of Homeland Security bulletin warning of white, domestic terrorists. One of the descriptions of a potential domestic terrorist is someone concerned about immigration as well as voter fraud. Topic: Terry talks about his shock and embarrassment that the FBI would arrest a young man in 2021 for a tweet in 2016 that was satire about voting for Hilary Clinton from home by texting. Terry reveals that this reveals that the FBI has become the political muscle of the Marxist democrats.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 29, 2021

    Many philosophers believe that good and evil naturally coexist in humans, fighting for ultimate control. The Bible paints a different picture, one of a basic depravity that can only be remedied by the grace of God in Christ. In this message, we will see a big picture view of who we are, and how we can be made good in the eyes of God.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 29, 2021

    On Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing, Jimmy DeYoung brings his Broadcast Partners to his Broadcast Table for the purpose of discussing issues in our world that may well be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. Today Jimmy's Broadcast Partner is Sam Rohrer, President of the American Pastors Network. Jimmy and Sam will discuss the in-coming Biden Administration and how it may affect our world. Jimmy will also ask Sam about the optic of over 20,000 National Guardsmen in Washington on Inauguration Day, and even today.
  • Sam Rohrer: January 29, 2021

    A Faux Senate Trial and Restoring Constitutional Secularism in the White House. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: A Faux Senate Trial – The Political Dilemma. The Trump Trial – A Bill of Attainder? Restoring Constitutional Secularism – The Plan. Totalitarianism: Making, Enforcing, and Judging the Law.
  • Crosstalk: January 29, 2021

    When Donald Trump campaigned for the presidency, he often spoke about the need to ‘drain the swamp.’ He also spoke about the ‘deep state’, the need to put America and its interests first, national sovereignty and distancing America from the U.N.
  • Brannon Howse: January 28, 2021

    Part 2: Guest: Captain Eugene "Red” McDaniel, a POW of the Vietnam War with much of his time spent at what was called the Hanoi Hilton, and John Molloy of The National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition. Topic: When John McCain was a POW, was he transported for a period of time from Hanoi to the Soviet Union, and if so, for what reason?  Topic: Captain McDaniel's reports on the more than 20 occasions in which the code for missing POW pilots have been carved into the farm fields of Vietnam and spotted by satellites with this occurring in the 1990s.
  • Crosstalk: January 28, 2021

    Over the past several months, Crosstalk has spent extensive amounts of time bringing you information concerning the election and its aftermath, socialism, globalism, the advancement of Islam, COVOD-19, the Middle East, spiritual warfare, the LGBTQ agenda, critical race theory, abortion, Agenda 21, the Green New Deal, immigration, recent executive orders and much more.
  • Brannon Howse: January 27, 2021

    Part 1: Guest: Captain Eugene "Red" McDaniel and John Molloy. John Molloy of The National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition Officers introduced us to Captain McDaniel, who was a POW of the Vietnam War with much of his time spent at what was called the Hanoi Hilton. Captain McDaniel details his story from his ejection, capture, torture, and finally his release. Captain McDaniel’s message today was one of great concern for how our government, or the 'deep state' as he called it, covered up the fact that well over 1,000 men or more were left behind alive in Vietnam. Captain McDaniel reveals how he received a phone call from a member of President Reagan’s National Security Council late one night in which he confirmed the existence of POWs still in Vietnam. Captain McDaniel says that President Reagan was one of the few presidents to show concern for the remaining POWs.
  • Sam Rohrer: January 27, 2021

    God is in Command or He’s Not: A Military Perspective. We are joined by JR McGee (CEO X-Stream Leadership Group, Geopolitical Expert, Biblical Scholar). Topics discussed include: Considering Where We Are - What Should We Do? Biden Changes in the Middle East – Iran, a 2 State Solution. God is in Command or He’s Not.
  • Brannon Howse: January 26, 2021

    Guest: Carl Teichrib and Terry Turchie. Global Reset And Democratic Party is a Terrorist Organization Topic: Carl joins us for another report on the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset. The President of the European Commission in her speech complained about former President Donald Trump, pushed for a digital society and called for a global counsel to decided internet rules and who gets kicked off the World Wide Web. Topic: Terry Turchie, Former Assistant Director of the Counter Terrorism Division of the FBI joins us again as we continue to discuss new information from his book, In Their Own Words: How the Democratic Party is Pushing us Toward a Communist America. Terry gives us the definition of terrorism and then explains how the Democratic Party meets that definition and then how the FBI in many regards has acted as their enforcer. Topic: Terry explains how the FBI has become so political. Topic: How long before the FBI comes knocking on Brannon’s door and that of other conservatives for what they talk about on their radio and television programs? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: January 27, 2021

    Yesterday House Democrats delivered an article of impeachment to the Senate against former President Donald Trump. Representative Jamie Raskin read on the Senate Floor the part of the 14th Amendment regarding those who could not hold office if they have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or gave aid or comforted the enemies thereof. The article of impeachment states, “President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government.” House Democrats are seeking to bar former President Trump from ever holding office in the future.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 26, 2021

    Control freaks are obsessed with themselves. By subjugating others, they seek to elevate their own importance. Such people become evil, as did King Saul of Israel. In this message, we’ll trace the life of a man who would not let go of his kingdom.
  • Sam Rohrer: January 26, 2021

    What Should be our Response to Illegitimate Leadership? We are joined by Dan Kistler (Teacher, Historian). Topics discussed include: Is America a Democracy? The Wording of the Declaration of Independence. Praying for Leaders in Troubled Times.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 26, 2021

    Jimmy DeYoung, on a weekly basis, brings to his Broadcast Table Ken Timmerman to discuss geopolitical events, happening around the world, events that most certainly, are setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. Today, Jimmy and Ken will discuss the fact that President Biden's first foreign trip will be to the United Kingdom, to meet with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to plot "the destiny of the world"; they will update you on the Biden relations with Iran; in addition, they will speak of the situation with Russia, Syria, and Iraq; and conclude with the shocking report of 340 million Christians being persecuted, and/or killed around the world, this last year.
  • Crosstalk: January 26, 2021

    One of the first acts of new President Joe Biden was to suspend investigations, arrests and deportations of most criminal aliens for the next 100 days.  In essence, this makes all of America a sanctuary nation, not only for criminal aliens, but for those here in defiance of our laws. Banner