Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: January 7, 2021

    Guests: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Usama Dakdok and Shahram Hadian. Topic: Political Civil Unrest is a Constitutional Concept and is Sometimes Needed to Oppose Tyranny. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is a former CIA analyst, chief of staff of the U.S. Congressional EMP Task Force, the author of numerous books, and has been featured on numerous TV shows. Dr. Pry explains why the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution gives the right and even obligation to alter or abolish any government that has a long history of transgressing individual rights, liberty, and freedom. Dr. Pry and Brannon explain how the looting, rioting and killing by Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists were praised by many government officials and members of the liberal media. And yet, when conservatives or Constitutionalists protest without harming anyone or harming any police officers, they are declared as violent and domestic terrorists. So are we now watching a propaganda agenda to discourage Americans from standing up for freedom and the U.S. Constitution and to surrender to a Marxist-Islamic revolution? Topic: Shahram Hadian joins us to describe how men dressed in MAGA and Trump gear admitted to him, and his group, walking near the U.S. Capitol, that they were Antifa. Topic: Usama Dakdok joins us to describe how just blocks from the U.S. Capitol, his car was shot at as well as numerous shots fired in his direction after being confronted by a group of thugs. Usama explains how a stranger stepped up to defend Usama only to be shot. Usama asked where was the media to cover this story? Was the media too busy labeling Trump protestors as domestic terrorists to cover the story of a gang of thugs attempting to kill Trump supporters? 
  • Peter Pry: January 5, 2021

    Dr. Pry reports that 100 Republicans joined Democrats in the House to override President Trump’s veto of the 2021 Defense Bill and Senate Republicans are likely to join with Democrats to override President Trump’s veto in the Senate. This proves that the Republican Party cannot be trusted as a bulwark for the Constitution and against socialism, cheating on elections, and Left cancel-culture that seeks to erase American history. President Trump vetoed the bill because: it infringes on the President’s authority as Commander-in-Chief to recall U.S. troops or adjust troop levels in foreign countries (as is his right under the Constitution); does not repeal or amend Section 230 (which empowers big-tech Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. to suppress free speech and free press rights of conservatives and, by misinforming the public, to steal elections); and requires military bases honoring Confederate generals to be re-named (cancel-culture erasing American history). The stage is set for a peaceful 2nd American Revolution from the bottom-up, wherein grassroots conservatives trust not the Republican Party, but themselves, to become “the resistance” to looming socialist tyranny.

  • Peter Pry: January 7, 2021

    Topic: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry responds to the January 6, 2020 breach of the U.S Capitol. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry joins us to explain the danger from the media and Republican Party leadership telling Americans that political violence is always wrong. Dr. Pry describes from the Declaration of Independence that it is the God given right found in natural law and divine law, that men have the right to oppose tyranny and alter, abolish and replace a tyrannical government even if that means a red line is crossed and political violence is used to restore a government based on defense of individual rights found in a Constitutional Republic. 
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 7, 2021

    Many ask why seemingly good people turn bad. How can someone turn violent after a lifetime of apparent normalcy? The answer lies in understanding our fundamental human nature. It’s not easy, but it is possible, if you’re willing to face the truth.
  • Brannon Howse: January 6, 2021

    Guests: Lt. General Thomas McInerney, Mary Fanning, Alan Jones and then LIVE from D.C. reports from Dr. Levenko as well as Shahram Hadian. Topic: On Tuesday evening Brannon tweeted that he was very concerned that Antifa rioters would wear MAGA and Trump gear and do stupid things. Brannon read this tweet as the very events he worried about came to pass 18 hours later. Topic: As we were going live on the air today, the storming of the U.S. Capitol began. Listen as the events literally play out on the air. Topic: Dr. Levenko and Shahram Hadian join us live from D.C. to tell us what they personally saw and why they went to Washington D.C.
  • Crosstalk: January 7, 2021

    This is a momentous time for our nation and what’s at stake. Georgians went to the polls yesterday to cast votes for two Senate seats which impact the majority party for the U.S. Senate. Today the Save America March in Washington DC was said to be the largest rally in the history of our nation. This afternoon Congress convenes for the purpose of certifying the electoral votes from the states. Does the Vice President have the authority to reject electoral college votes from states in which electoral fraud has been proven?
  • Sam Rohrer: January 7, 2021

    Intelligence Update. We are joined by Brad Johnson (Founder, Americans for Intelligence Reform; Retired CIA Operative and Station Chief) and Jimmy DeYoung (Prophecy Today). Topics discussed include: Who is the Intelligence Community? Burying the Intelligence. Israel Update: Peace in 2021? Pursuing the Temple.
  • Crosstalk: January 6, 2021

    This is a momentous week as a high turnout of voters in Georgia are going to the polls today. The control of the U.S. Senate hangs in the balance. Tomorrow at 1pm Eastern Time when Congress convenes, Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the certification vote of the presidency. It’s being reported that a large number of House members will be objecting to the certification in contested states and 11 senators will join Ted Cruz in doing the same.
  • Brannon Howse: January 5, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Judy Mikovits. Dr. Judy is back to answer questions that came up after her last interview with us. Question: Does Covid-19 virus exist as an isolated virus? Topic: How accurate is the Covid-19 test? Question: How is Covid-19 spread? Question: What is it that people are catching if not an isolated virus of Covid-19? Question: Is the standard flu being categorized as Covid-19? Question: Were death rates in 2020 higher than 2020? Question: Are people dying from a bad reaction to the flu shot mixed with the various drugs they take for underlying conditions? Question: Why are people being put on ventilators like never before and then turned up to damage their lungs? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 6, 2021

    People accept the fact that two plus two has one right answer. But only one way to God? Say that, and you’re ignored at best, hated at worst. The claim of Jesus to be the exclusive path to eternal life forces a decision: do I believe my culture, or do I believe Jesus?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 6, 2021

    On this second program, on PTIB, of Jimmy DeYoung's five-part series on a "Prophetic Prospective for 2021", Jimmy will bring to his Broadcast Table today, Dave Dolan to give us his Middle East News Up-date. Jimmy and Dave will look into 2021 and discuss a fourth national election in Israel, within two years; how the C-V has affected Israel and Israeli's; and the "peace process" in the Middle East between Israel and the Arab Nations, and also Israel and the Palestinians.
  • Sam Rohrer: January 6, 2021

    Critical Race Theory: How is it Reshaping America? We are joined by Dr. Shelby Steele (Author, Columnist, Documentary Film Maker). Topics discussed include: A Brief History of Critical Theory. What Killed Michael Brown?
  • Chris Pinto: January 5, 2021

    Chris discusses the new year 2021 and what might be expected as the stage is set for controversy and possibly even civil war. Our country is threatened by enemies both foreign and domestic, as the 2020 election is set to reach its climax in the very near future. Will Trump gain another four years? Or will the establishment prevail in their attempts to install Biden as a Chi-com agent for the globalists? Also discussed is the Cover-19 vaccine and the many warnings that the vaccine will not only fail to prevent a person from contracting the coronavirus, but may lead to death or serious bodily harm. A physician from the Netherlands named Elke De Klerk, founder of an organization called “Doctors for Truth” who have declared that the coronavirus is nothing more than a variation of the flu virus, and that some 87,000 nurses have refused to take the new vaccine, saying that they will not be “guinea pigs” for the controversial treatment.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 5, 2021

    Political correctness is a formidable force, and when it comes to the Christian faith, it’s out in full strength. In this message we learn how to witness for Christ at a time when people tolerate everything but the truth, and even deny that truth exists.
  • Sam Rohrer: January 5, 2021

    Bracing for a Bumpy 2021. We are joined by Michael Snyder (Author). Topics discussed include: Jan. 6: Just Move On or Dig In? 2020: Look Back - 20 “Crazy” Numbers. 2021: Survival Mode? Surviving on a Bumpy Road.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 5, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy De Young will begin a five-part series on the prophetic scenario for the New Year, "2021-A Prophetic Prospective". Ken Timmerman will come to Jimmy's Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, to begin this series as Jimmy and Ken look at geopolitical events ahead in 2021. First, Jimmy and Ken will look at how a Biden Administration may handle Iran. Russia and China. Then they will discuss the agenda's of Iran, Russia, and China. This is the first part of a five-part series that you do not want to miss.
  • Brannon Howse: January 04, 2021

    Guests: Dr. General McInerney, Mary Fanning, Alan Jones and NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe. Topic: Proof Positive: Coordinated Cyberwarfare Attack Against US By China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan To Steal Election From Trump. General McInerney, Mary Fanning and Alan Jones explain a covert operation, working with their source, that captured the 2020 cyberwar and vote theft from both foreign and domestic actors. The data was collected in real time starting November 1, 2020. They explain how the source has the video of the steal in real time, including date, time, Mac Addresses and longitude and latitude. In addition they report that North Korea, Pakistan, China, Russia and Iran were involved in the election cyberwar. They report the evidence has been delivered to the President and that he needs to declassify the data so the American people can see which deep state actors have been involved in treason. Topic: They also report that there is another HAMMER running in the United Kingdom and in China.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 4, 2021

    If you were near death in a hospital, you’d want the truth about your condition. Mere opinions wouldn’t cut it. Finding out the truth about our spiritual condition and its remedy has to be our number one priority. In this message we learn more about why Jesus is the only road that leads to God.
  • Crosstalk: January 4, 2021

    With a new week brings another stack of noteworthy news stories. Here is an overview of today’s News Roundup:

    Trump urges Americans to stop the theft of the Presidential election
    Trump denied due process in Supreme Court and Lower Courts
    Dominion lawyers send blistering cease and desist letter to Trump campaign
    Dominion voting machines hacked during Georgia Senate hearing
    Giuliani says election counted 10,315 people in obituaries
    Congress braces for dramatic end to disputed 2020 election
    Law prohibits Pence from accepting electoral votes from fraudulently certified states Banner