Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: December 3, 2020

    Wars & Rumors of War Continue Despite Pandemic Lockdowns. We are joined by Scott Uehlinger (Retired CIA Station Chief, National Security Expert, Newsmax Contributor). Topics addressed include: The Iranian Assassination. Turkey Vs. Russia — Azerbaijan (Turkey) Wins Against Armenia (Russia)
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 3, 2020

    Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Paul Blair, so that he can rehearse how God used the Pilgrims, from Europe, who traveled to America, some 400 years ago. They came for the purpose of evangelizing the "native Americans", and also to establish a "human government", a government of "self-rule. As they landed in America, it is in the record, that they would apply Biblical principles and set up a God-ordained government. This is the kind of governmental operation that the Lord wants for the whole world today. This is a "civics 101" lesson. Please listen and learn. Paul will also share how the first Thanksgiving came to the world in 1621.
  • Crosstalk: December 3, 2020

    Amazing testimony was delivered yesterday before the Michigan state Senate Oversight Committee by Melissa Carone, an IT worker trained and contracted by Dominion Voting Systems. She worked at the tabulating center in Detroit on November 3rd with claims she saw election workers illegally rescanning batches of 50 ballots for Joe Biden over and over to create more votes. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg —
  • Brannon Howse: December 2, 2020

    Guest: General McInerney and Senator Patrick Colbeck. Topic: Senator Colbeck joins us to discuss some of the audio we play from testimony in Michigan concerning voter fraud. Listen as one poll watcher describes military ballots that were copied over and over and only had a vote for Joe Biden and no down ballot voting. Topic: General McInerney joins us to give us an update and respond to President Trump’s comments about a 2024 presidential run. Topic: General McInerney discuses the threat to America from Venezuela and the presence of Russia, Iran, China and Hezbollah in the Venezuela. Topic: General McInerney flew missions during the Cuban missile crisis. Brannon asks the General if America could see a Venezuelan missile crisis if things continue as they are now? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 2, 2020

    The Middle East News Up-date that Dave Dolan gives us on a weekly basis is Dave's reports on current events in that key region of the world, the Middle East. These reports reveal the times in which we are living today, the time of the Rapture of the Church, when Jesus will come to take us to be with Him, forevermore. Please join Dave and Jimmy DeYoung here on PTIB today as Dave shares the stories he's been covering and reporting, as a journalist in that key region of the world, the Middle East.
  • Sam Rohrer: December 2, 2020

    Getting this Right for the Future of the Republic. Topics discussed include: Getting This Election Fiasco Fixed Right Now! The Latest on Battleground State Legal Challenges. Voting Machines & Georgia.

  • Brannon Howse: December 1, 2020

    Guest: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones. Topic: Brannon plays a clip from his exclusive interview with General Flynn in which he spoke of China’s involvement in the thief of the 2020 Presidential election. Topic: The involvement of Iran, Russia and China in the cyberwar on America’s election of 2020.
  • Chris Pinto: December 2, 2020

    Chris discusses an update on the voter fraud controversy, with the powerful testimony of Lt. General Thomas McInerney, who argues that what is happening with the election tampering should not be seen as mere fraud, but rather, an act of treason against the United States of America. We listen to his testimony as he calls for executive action from the President, including the establishment of military tribunals. Also discussed is the development of the vaccine they are planning to impose on the American people, that is being developed using an enzyme called “Luciferase.” The enzyme is specifically named for “Lucifer” meaning light-bearer. We hear part of the testimony of Dr. Christiane Northrop of Dartmouth Medical School, as she describes the terrifying nature of the new vaccine, that she claims will alter a person’s DNA.
  • Crosstalk: December 2, 2020

    According to major media sources, the 2020 election is over and Joe Biden is president-elect.  Actually, it was the media that granted the title of ‘president-elect’ to Biden.  That’s despite the fact that there are numerous lawsuits occurring in multiple states where voter fraud has been indicated including activities like vote data dumps, missing USB cards, state legislatures introducing resolutions to dispute election results and Dominion software reportedly accessed by foreign governments.
  • Sam Rohrer: December 1, 2020

    If We Don’t Get This Right, Our Nation Is Done. We are joined by Leo Hohmann (Investigative Reporter, Independent Freelance Journalist). Topics discussed include: We Must Get This Right. The Chinese Communist Party Involvement and What It Means. The Unfolding Coup: It’s Real. Donald Trump Will Win….We’re Not in This to Lose.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 1, 2020

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will have a very interesting conversation with Ken Timmerman, a Prophecy Today Broadcast Partner, and the author of a very intriguing fictional novel, "The Election Heist". Ken will be at Jimmy's Broadcast Table to explain how he came up with the plot for this novel, and how he came to write this most recent of many books he has written. Ken's own political experience helped him in putting this novel together. You will be amazed at how close fiction can be, to the truth.
  • Crosstalk: December 1, 2020

    Joining Jim to separate truth from fiction concerning Jefferson was Dr. Catherine Millard.  Dr. Millard is president of Christian Heritage Ministries.  She has a Doctor of Ministry degree in the area of Christian Education.  She’s the recipient of the George Washington Honor Medal sponsored by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for excellence in patriotic and individual achievement and the Faith and Freedom Religious Heritage of America Award for significant contributions in affirming and strengthening the biblical principles in American life.  She’s the author of numerous books and has taught extensively on the subject in college, universities and schools throughout the nation and abroad. She’s author of Thomas Jefferson: Accuracy vs. Revisionism–An Expose.
  • Brannon Howse: November 30, 2020

    Exclusive: 3-Star General McInerney calls for martial law, tribunals, suspending of the certification of the electoral college, arrests of those that have committed treason and a full investigation in the cyberwar far by enemies both foreign and domestic. Topic: Hear part of the first interview that General Michael Flynn gave exclusively to Brannon and WVW Broadcast Network after his Presidential pardon from President Trump. Topic: Mary Fanning brings us up to date on some of the latest news around the voter fraud, on-going coup and cyberwarfare. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: November 25, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: China is pushing for a global, digital currency. The Federal Reserve is now openly talking about their own digital currency. What will this mean for a global reset, inflation, and control of Americans? Topic: Attorney and Pastor Dr. Andy Woods joins us to talk about Georgia Democrat Senatorial candidate Raphael Warnock and his liberation theology. What is liberation theology? Is Warnock really a neo-Marxist? What will happen to the republic if the Marxist democrats take over the U.S. Senate? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: November 25, 2020

    Today on PTIB Dave Dolan will come to Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table to give us his Middle East News Update. This is a key report for those of us who are students of Bible Prophecy. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the recent visit by Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, to Israel; the Secretary, PM Netanyahu and the political leaders of Bahrain meeting to confirm the Abraham Accords between Israel and Bahrain; and Pompeo's historic visit to the Jewish Settlements in Judea and Samaria, and then into the Golan Heights.
  • Sam Rohrer: November 25, 2020

    The Dangers of the Equality Act and Human Rights Campaign. We are joined by Dr. Randy Short (Commentator, Journalist, Missionary). Topics discussed include: What is the Equality Act? The Dangers of Black Lives Matter Curriculum in Public Schools. The Dangers of the Equality Act. The Human Rights Campaign.
  • Crosstalk: November 25, 2020

    Have you given any thought recently that with all the turmoil in our nation how we’ve come to this point? Are you aware of the fact that the lack of expressing thanks (being unthankful) is characteristic of a society that is in a moral free-fall? Biblically speaking, this can be proven as Jim noted by reading from Romans chapter 1, 2 Timothy 3:1, Joshua chapter 24 and Judges 2:10. It’s from that foundation that Jim presented this edition of Crosstalk to allow listeners an opportunity to give thanks to God. Find out what your fellow Crosstalk listeners are thankful for when you review this special holiday broadcast!
  • Peter Pry: November 24, 2020

    President Trump will deserve to be remembered as one of the greatest President’s in American history, if he can prove Democrats stole the 2020 elections and he returns to the White House, as he will have saved us from totalitarianism, at least temporarily. But if President Trump fails to prove his case, he will be remembered as one of the worst Presidents in American history, as there will never again be free and fair elections, and the U.S. will become a totalitarian one-party system. On another important matter, for the first time in history, an unmanned air force of “flying killer robots” has defeated a regular army in the Nargono-Karabakh War, signifying a major military-technological revolution with profound national security implications for the United States. On Thanksgiving, regardless of how the disputed elections turn out, as long as America and her people remain alive, there is hope for freedom, which is God-given in the heart of Everyman, and only needs free soil to blossom, as it did for the New England Pilgrims, the Virginia planters, and Maryland Catholics who first settled this free land.
  • Brannon Howse: November 24, 2020

    Guest: Jacob Hornberger. Topic: On yesterday’s broadcast our guest was 3-Star General McInerney, and we heard him speak about the CIA involvement in the attempt to steal the 2020 Presidential election and carry out a coup in America. Just two days ago was the 57th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy and what some believed was a coup d'état by some within the intelligence community in 1963. Today, we hear from author and attorney, Jacob Hornberger, on how his research has led him to believe that some within the intelligence community, including some within the military intelligence, assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Learn about the reported two autopsies on President Kennedy, what role was played by Vice-President Johnson in the coup, and why Johnson demanded to stay on the ground in Dallas instead of immediately getting in the air for protection. Learn about the fight over the body of the dead president and why it was critical for the cover-up to be successful that Kennedy’s body be returned to D.C. instead of processed by the Dallas medical examiner. Topic: We take your calls. Banner