Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: December 10, 2020

    Guest: Jeffrey R. Nyquist. Topic: Understanding Russia’s Gray Terror, Their Islamic Block, and the Military Alliance of Russia and China for Global Dominance. Topic: China’s infiltration at the highest levels of American government. Topic: How China and Russia have set up companies in America through which to cover their infiltration of America. Topic: China has infiltrated America’s educational system. Topic: After decades of warning from authors and researchers such as Jeffery Nyquist and Brannon Howse, Americans are finally waking up to the dangers of global Communism. However, many see China as the great threat when in reality, it is Russia which has far more weapons than China. However, China and Russia are in a military alliance and thus are a combined threat. Topic: The role that Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia played in 9-11. Topic: How the CIA was infiltrated by the Communists since virtually their creation. Topic: The story of Tom Fife, an American with a security clearance that travels to Moscow in 1992 and was told over dinner by a smug Communist that America would have a black President named Barack in the very near future. Jeff reports this story that you have heard, but forgot. Jeff explains the importance to where America finds itself today.
  • Brannon Howse: December 9, 2020

    Guests: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones. Topic: The Communists network that surrounds Barack Obama and who in his network of friends and “family” can be traced to the Soviet Silvermaster Spy Ring? Topic: How Communists have used the birth certificate of dead babies to create identities of Communist agents in America. Topic: What was the connection between the Indonesian cult known as SUBUD and Barack Obama and his mother? Topic: Who was former Communist Elizabeth Bentley?
  • Sam Rohrer: December 09, 2020

    Battle for the State of Pennsylvania. We are joined by Cris Dush (PA State Representative) and Dawn Keefer (PA State Representative). Topics discussed include: Two Different Legislative Tracks Pursued in PA Concerning Election 2020. TX Files Lawsuit Against Four Battleground States Challenging Election Procedures. Is This an Extremely Critical Time in American History?
  • Crosstalk: December 9, 2020

    We’re 5 weeks past election day and the outcome is still uncertain with numerous challenges taking place at various court levels in a number of states.  In spite of this, many mainstream media sources continue to describe Joe Biden as president-elect. This should surprise no one as the guest on this Crosstalk contends that the media stole this election before a single vote was cast.  How did they do it?
  • Brannon Howse: December 8, 2020

    Guest: Col. Mike McCailster. Is China Preparing For War with America While Sabotaging Our Food Supply? Guest: Col. Mike McCalister. Is China Preparing For War with America While Sabotaging Our Food Supply? Col. McCalister worked for five years in the military special operations center in Florida and thus brings his years of expertise to the table to talk about China and their preparations for war. Mike also ran for Secretary of Agriculture in Florida and thus brings his experience to our conversation in regards to China and other national enemies attacking our food supply.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 8, 2020

    Today on PTIB we will take a closer look at the geopolitical events happening in our world that seem to be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Ken Timmerman to give us the details on these events. Jimmy and Ken will discuss a possible pre-emptive strike on Iran; the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran; and the NATO warning, focused on Red China, and the threat that China is to America and the entire world.
  • Sam Rohrer: December 08, 2020

    Beyond the Dialectic: The Empowerment of Words. We are joined by Dr. Marlene McMillan (Author, Speaker). Topics discussed include: Destroying Dialectic vs Empowering Words. Redefining “Safety” and “Compassion”. Practical Solutions: Talking and Thinking Biblically.
  • Crosstalk: December 8, 2020

    A political action committee known as the Secular Democrats of America are responsible for a document urging the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris administration (if they take office) to pounce on U.S. Christianity.  The report urges Joe Biden to reverse many of the advances of the Trump administration, particularly in regard to religious liberty, and replace them with what they refer to as ‘constitutional secularism.’
  • Brannon Howse: December 7, 2020

    Guests: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones. Topic: For seven years, did FOX News and Rupert Murdoch hide from the American people information the cable news network possessed about cyberwarfare weapons THE HAMMER and SCORECARD? Topic: The network’s star reporter Carl Cameron, known by his nickname “Campaign Carl,” interviewed and videotaped Dennis Montgomery in 2013 demonstrating the use of SCORECARD and HAMMER to steal  U.S. elections, according to Montgomery. So why did they not only sit on this story but apparently went along with the election night fraud when the networks all in concert reported the same propaganda about the election results and halting of the counting votes? Topic: Why has the owner of Fox News been called Red-Rupert and is it documented that he has praised Communist Cuba? Topic: Did Rupert speak for a Fabian Socialists group and if so what does that tell us? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: December 7, 2020

    Dec. 7 marks the 79th anniversary of Imperial Japan’s 1941 surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, beginning America’s desperate struggle to survive and win World War II. A nuclear “Pearl Harbor” may begin, and end, World War III. Like the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor in 1941, most U.S. nuclear forces today are “sitting ducks.” Bombers are not nuclear-armed or maintained on strip alert, and most missile submarines (SSBNs) typically are in port.
  • John Whitcomb: December 7, 2020

    Listen now as we continue a classic series for Advent here on "Encounter God's Truth," featuring the Bible teaching of Dr. John Whitcomb. His theme is "The Eternal Son—Our Savior." Along with host Wayne Shepherd, Whitcomb Ministries reminds you in this Advent season that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end. Our Lord Jesus came to earth at Bethlehem—but the details of his ministry to men and women begin long before that. Please share with your friends the fact that His outreach to human beings goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. These messages were first shared at Bayside Community Church in Tampa, Fla., on Christmas Eve several years ago. We are grateful to bring them to you here, and trust that they will enlighten your preparations for Christmas.
  • Erwin Lutzer: December 7, 2020

    Most of us really like to eat. But there are times in a Christian’s life when eating should be the last thing on the agenda. In this message we set aside a big meal and remind ourselves about Christ’s teaching on the benefits of fasting.
  • Sam Rohrer: December 7, 2020

    The Battle Is Now Joined. We are joined by John Guandolo (Understanding the Threat). Topics discussed include: The War is Real. The 2020 U.S. Election is the Key Battle. The Command Structure of the Battle. The Citizen’s Response.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 7, 2020

    On a recent National Holiday, Thanksgiving Day, our attention was drawn to being "thankful". Thanksgiving Day is indeed a day of giving thanks for our many blessings. The exhortation from the Bible, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, is that we all need to have an "attitude of gratitude". Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will have Dave James come to his Broadcast Table to discuss Thanksgiving and also look at the Biblical warning that "unthankfulness" is a sign of the end of times.
  • Crosstalk: December 7, 2020

    Here’s a sample from the stack of news stories that Jim presented to listeners:

    –The House of Representatives voted 228-164 to pass the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act.
    –Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney doesn’t believe the courts are likely to come through for the president and recommends Trump use emergency powers to put down the coup d’etat.
    –General Michael Flynn is promoting a position that calls on President Trump to temporarily suspend the U.S. Constitution.
    –A prominent witness has reportedly joined the team of Attorney Sidney Powell and has stated under oath that there was a massive computer fraud in the 2020 election intended to secure victory for Joe Biden.
  • Andy Woods: December 7, 2020

    Today Dr. Woods, a trained attorney and pastor continues the discussion of “ by bringing to you the latest concerning the things that are happening in our country and the entire world and how to understand it all through the lens of Bible prophecy.
  • Understanding The Threat: December 5, 2020

    "The democrat party in America is the leaders - the ambassadors - for the Islamic and Communist Counter-States which seek to destroy the American Constitutional Republic. The time is now to draw the line and say "No more." It is time to engage and destroy these enemies of liberty."
  • Brannon Howse: December 4, 2020

    The Tipping Point for America Has Arrived and We Must Honor and Model The Sacrifice of America's Fallen. Guest: Alex Newman. Topic: Brannon begins the program by calling on Americans to remember the sacrifice of past Americans to found and preserve our freedoms and liberties. Brannon calls on Americans to honor the thousands of white tombstone markers that dot the green, rolling hills of Arlington National Cemetery. These men fought the “ISMS” of tyranny overseas so we would not have to fight it here. Yet, today the battle is here and we must honor their service and sacrifice by standing up, speaking out, and resisting.
  • Brannon Howse: December 3, 2020

    Guest: Eric Early who ran for U.S. Congress against Adam Schiff. Topic: Attorney, talk show host and former Congressional Candidate, Eric Early, joins us to discuss voter fraud, the Marxist Democrats, and what he calls the second American revolution. Topic: Hear the shocking audio of Dominion worker Mellissa Carone taking on the liberal Democrats in her testimony and explaining not only the proof of voter fraud, but how the Democrats have destroyed her life. Mellissa is a patriot and is one of countless Americans who are not afraid of the Marxist Democrats. Banner