Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: September 15, 2020

    America is Facing a Color Revolution (Part 2) Topic: What is a color revolution? How does a color revolution rely on political warfare or brainwashing and propaganda? Topic: Today Brannon begins to read from a report put out by the democrats that spells out exactly how they plan to steal the election from President Trump or at least negotiate a total transformation of our electoral college if they agree to accept that President Trump won. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: September 15, 2020

    The 2nd American Civil War - Part III: Chaos Comes to Mayberry. We are joined by Leo Hohmann (Investigative Reporter, Independent Freelance Journalist). Topics discussed include: Devastating Wildfires: Coordinated? The Woodward Papers: President Trump the Dynamite? Chaos Comes to Mayberry.
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 15, 2020

    People who watch lottery winners on TV often think their number will come up someday. So, they keep buying a few more tickets. However, gambling is a shortcut, bypassing honest labor. And for a Christian, it violates all God stands for.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: September 15, 2020

    Dave Dolan comes to Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table today on PTIB to give us his Middle East News Up-date. This weekly report up-dates us on recent events in that key region of our world, the Middle East, where the stage is being set for God's Prophetic scenario to be played out, in the near future. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the Arab Leagues' rejection of the Palestinian demand on the ME Peace Process; Israel making ready to "lock-down" the Temple Mount for all worshipers, Jews, Christians, and Muslims; and the Peace Treaty signing at the White House between Israel and the UAE.
  • Crosstalk: September 15, 2020

    Some Crosstalk listeners may be familiar with an old phrase that goes like this: ‘What in the World?’  It’s a phrase that someone might say after seeing or hearing something that’s surprising, angering or disgusting.

    Jim named this program after that phrase because of some recent news examples that simply defy common sense or perhaps better described as common moral sense.
  • Brannon Howse: September 14, 2020

    Is America Facing a Color Revolution? (Part 1) Topic: What is a color revolution? How does a color revolution rely on political warfare or brainwashing and propaganda? What propaganda is already being pumped into the minds of Americans to lay the narrative for a color revolution? Topic: How is an elected official that is the target for removal from office often described and is this how we see President Trump being labeled? Topic: How do strikes, violence with law enforcement, and a disruption of the economy and financial markets fit in with a color revolution? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: September 14, 2020

    The Pry Report finds that U.S. missile defense policy continues to be “business as usual” relying on strategic missile defenses to protect the American people from North Korea and rogue states, but relying on nuclear deterrence and Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) against Russia and China, just like the Obama, Bush, and Clinton administrations. Thus, the Deep State is contradicting the policy announced by President Trump on January 17, 2019 to “ensure that we can detect and destroy any missile launched against the United States anywhere, anytime, from any place.” China and Russia are trying to persuade the White House to give-up developing space-based missile defenses in exchange for a trilateral arms control agreement—which they will surely violate.
  • Brannon Howse: September 11, 2020

    Guest: Jeffry R. Nyquist and Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Jeff joins us to discuss why, after more than 5 decades, he is leaving California. Jeff talks about how China has infiltrated the state of California both economically and politically. Jeff also talks about the massive fires in California and the west and why some of the fires may have been started by anarchist. Topic: Dr. Jimmy Deyoung joins us to discuss these topics: Turkey military activity in the Middle East and to Revive Roman Empire is aimed at Egypt. Topic: Iran warns that American soil is now within range of the Iranian bombs. Topic: Hamas and Hezbollah form the Jihad brotherhood against Israel and the United States. Topic: Both Jews and Palestinians are upset that Israeli government may lock down the Temple Mount. 
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 14, 2020

    From lottery tickets to riverboats, gambling spells big trouble. It takes money from those who can least afford it, those hoping for a “big break.” Some say they would never gamble. Yet the lure of fast cash leads many Christians into serious trouble.
  • John Loeffler: September 14, 2020

    A recent article in the American Mind on the upcoming leftist coup has set the political world on fire.  The author of that article, Michael Anton, Lecturer in Politics at Hillsdale University, is with us to discuss his thoughts.  The Left will fight for this election no matter the outcome or the damage to the system and will blame whatever happens on President Trump.  If they achieve power they believe they may never relinquish it.  

    Next up, John and Producer Steve sit down to try and make sense of the tactical lying coming from the media.  Truth is being distorted and the recent article in The Atlantic trouncing the President for being disrespectful to our military is but one example.
  • John Whitcomb: September 14, 2020

    Who can argue with the fact that God must be obeyed above men? Yet, what do we do when suffering ensues for those who make the wiser choice? Welcome back to “Encounter God’s Truth,” a weekly radio and Internet broadcast outreach of Whitcomb Ministries. Dr. John Whitcomb went to be with the Lord in February of this year, but his classic Bible teaching is needed now more than ever, and we still have so much of it to share with you. So, this week we bring you more material that is brand new to our radio broadcast, as we’re opening Volume Two of our series called “Acts: Witness of the Early Church.”

    Dr. Whitcomb drew on the experience of the apostles in Acts 5 to teach us how we are to handle “Suffering for the Lord.” In the United States, we have not known much about persecution, but that may be changing in the days to come. We can learn much from this text, regardless of the type of suffering that any one of us might be facing today.
    With host Wayne Shepherd, we express our gratitude to the Middletown Bible Church in Middletown, Connecticut, where these messages were first preached at the Independent Fundamental Bible Conference. They show us clearly once again how God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end.

  • Chris Pinto: September 14, 2020

    Chris discusses the recent story of a Jesuit priest who has openly asked his parishioners to recite a “pledge” affirming that “the culture of white supremacy must be dismantled.” Once again, the Jesuits demonstrate their ongoing historic connection to Marxism, from the declaration of the term “Social Justice” (by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in 1843) to their work with Karl Marx, in the 1850’s — to the warning of J.A. Wylie about their use of Communism in 1881, to the modern day “White Privilege” movement, that threatens to overthrow America and Western Civilization. We also hear testimony from a former KGB agent about the destabilization methods being employed in the United States.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: September 14, 2020

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will have his weekly conversation with Dave James on an issue important to the Christian Community. Jimmy and Dave will look at the issue from a Biblical prospective. Jimmy and Dave will focus on the subject of "Hate Speech", an issue in the European community. In Scotland they are trying to enact legislation that would make the Bible and Preaching from the Bible, "hate speech". This type of government control could come to America, and then as Christians, how would we deal with this government mandate. One of several questions that Jimmy and Dave will discuss in their conversation today on PTIB.
  • Crosstalk: September 14, 2020

    Many of us today will never forget September 11, 2001. Islamic terrorists commandeered passenger jetliners (American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175) crashing them with menacing terror and purpose into the twin towers, the World Trade Center in New York.  Yet another plane, American Airlines Flight 77 was flown into the Pentagon and another plane, United Airlines Flight 93 (which at the time we did not know with certainty where it was headed) we learned held courageous passengers who used the words “Let’s roll” and overcame the Islamic hijackers aboard; taking the airliner down in a Pennsylvania field.  A total of 2,977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC and outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  The loss however, impacted millions.  
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 11, 2020

    Most of us have too much stuff. In our greed we look at our neighbors, note their possessions, and say, “I need everything they have.” Greed is insidious, and unless it’s put to death, it will choke the life out of a Christian.
  • Crosstalk: September 11, 2020

    The ‘Round-Up’ came one day early this week but that did not mean a shortage of stories. Here’s a sample of what Jim presented to listeners:

    –President Trump announced that Serbia and Kosovo have normalized economic ties as part of a U.S.-brokered talk that include Belgrade moving its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.

    –President Trump publicly added some 20 names to his list of candidates for the Supreme Court.

    –The Atlantic editor has conceded that the central claim of his Trump hit-piece could be wrong.

    –Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer said that the former vice president’s public speaking ability has deteriorated significantly since leaving office to the point where he’s not the same Joe Biden.

    –During a meeting with Kenosha, Wisconsin, community leaders, Joe Biden said that a black man rather than Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

    –Minnesota Republican nominee Jason Lewis said that even a state with as liberal a track record as Minnesota is shifting ground.

    –Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan set up his own secret task force to investigate Donald Trump before the FBI began its Russian collusion probe according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry.

    –Mark Meadows said additional documents spell real trouble for the top FBI officials from the Obama administration probe of Trump-Russian collusion.

    –Adam Schiff says he has yet another ‘whistle-blower’ complaint, alleging that officials at the White House and the Department of Homeland Security suppressed intelligence reports of Russian election interference.

    –Liberal billionaire George Soros funding a multi-million dollar effort to turn out women voters for Democrats in battleground states.

    –The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons is contending that the FDA cares more about its power over drug stockpiles than the lives of Americans.

    –Sandra Whittington was a resident of Shelby County, Tennessee, and their local health department reported that she tested positive for COVID-19 after taking the test June 20th. The problem is that she passed away during hospice care on February 16th after a battle with COPD. Her death certificate said she died from COPD but she received a letter dated August 20th that she died from coronavirus.

    –A rash of false positive coronavirus tests has led the University of Arizona to issue an apology to student athletes who claimed to have COVID-19 but did not.

    –A new study concerning the Sturgis motorcycle rally alleges that the event resulted in hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 cases. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has labeled the report as science fiction.

    –Joe Biden admitted his own COVID-19 national mask mandate proposal is not constitutional.
  • Brannon Howse: September 10, 2020

    Guest: Bill Federer. Topic: Was the civil war and Confederacy about slavery as Black Lives Matter claims in order to justify taking down statues and memorials?  Was the real reason for the civil war one of economics, taxation, or states rights? Black Lives Matter showed up in Collierville, Tennessee this week, as they have in many southern states, to declare that their memorials to their confederate heroes or even confederate dead are symbols of racism simply because they represent the confederacy. Today historical expert and author Bill Federer joins us to discuss the truth about the civil war, the confederacy and why it is important to not erase history or deconstruct history. 
  • Sam Rohrer: September 10, 2020

    The Great Suppression: Response to Pennsylvania’s Shutdown. We are joined by Debbie Wright (President, Do What's Wright Production Company, LLC). Topics discussed include: The Great Suppression Film. Government Infringement on People’s Rights. Impact of Governmental Mandates. The Shutdown’s Effect on Churches.
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 10, 2020

    Greed says, “I want more.” Greed is the first of the seven secret snares that Pastor Lutzer is exposing. It lies like a serpent within our souls, and it wants to destroy us. In this message we learn how to break the power of greed in our life.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: September 10, 2020

    The European Union is a key region of our world. On a weekly basis, we go to John Rood for his EU Update. John looks at the political events in the EU and Jimmy DeYoung gives us a prophetic prospective on John's report. Today here on PTIB Jimmy and John will cover the French President traveling to Iraq; The Russians holding live-fire exercises in the Eastern Mediterranean; and how China is calling for the EU to join them in their conflict with the United States. Banner