Radio Broadcast

Radio show broadcast

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: August 28, 2020

    Have you noticed the spirit of fear that has a grip on many in our nation right now?  Have you noticed how we rarely hear about how many people tested negative or survived the virus?  Instead, newscasts continue to report growing totals of those who test positive for coronavirus along with the total death count.  There’s the fear caused by news reports of possible mandatory vaccinations, even before the vaccine is available.  Adding fuel to the fear is the mobs, the riots, the fires as well as the destruction of property.  All of this is causing some people to be so fearful that they’re afraid to leave their homes.  
  • Brannon Howse: August 27, 2020

    Guest: Tom Littleton. From the Moonies, to the Mormons, to the Marxists: Understanding the Total Collapse and Co-opting of American Evangelicalism by America’s Enemies. Topic: Brannon reads a section from his 2015 book, The Coming Religious Reich, in which he warned that the President of Liberty University, Jerry Falwell Jr., was compromised theologically. Brannon explains how this theological compromise has been at the root of the collapse and co-opting of American evangelicalism for many years. Topic: Tom and Brannon discuss how neo-Calvinists and neo-evangelical leaders have prepared the way for the Marxist Black Lives Matter Movement and the Marxist Democrats. Topic: Why the persecution of true conservatives, Christians, and Jews will grow and come from a growing false church that is united with corrupt government leaders, Marxists, and Islamists. Topic: Americans will be further shocked if or when the true corruption of so many of our evangelical leaders is revealed. Many of these compromised evangelical leaders have aided in the growth of the false church either politically and/or theologically. Topic: Many people are now realizing why Tom and Brannon have been so blunt over the years in their warning to Americans about the state of evangelicalism that has now become a direct threat to America’s liberties and freedoms and thus a national security and spiritual threat. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 27, 2020

    The Palestinian people believe that the United Arab Emirates stabbed them in the back when the UAE normalized relations with the Jewish State of Israel. Jimmy DeYoung will bring Itamar Marcus to the Broadcast Table, here on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing, to explain this issue and also to report that the Palestinian Media is calling for the assassination of the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates because of the Peace Accord which he made with the Jewish State.
  • Crosstalk: August 27, 2020

    Chaos has broken out in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and it’s making national headlines. A brief video clip has gone viral showing a Kenosha police officer shooting Jacob Blake in the back. Jacob is in the hospital and as of broadcast time was listed in stable condition with some reports of paralysis.

    In the aftermath, there has been 3 evenings of extreme violent protests in the city. Businesses have been destroyed by arsonists and now 2 individuals have been shot and killed. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel has reported that a teenager from Illinois has been arrested and is now jailed as a suspect in the killing.

    Joining Jim to discuss this issue was Pastor Curtis McMiller. He’s the pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in Kenosha, WI. He was ordained to the ministry in 1997 and started Heritage Baptist in 2001. He’s passionately involved in soul winning and calls up the body of Christ today to be the church. In addition to serving the Lord, he also served his country having served honorably in the United States Navy.

    Under the rubric of Romans 13, Pastor McMiller and Jim looked at the details surrounding both sides of the Kenosha incident, the response of Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, the concern regarding outside agitators coming in to ‘fuel the flames,’ and in general, what the consequences can be when one resists the ordinance of God.
  • Brannon Howse: August 26, 2020

    Guest: Kevin Mathewson. Topic: Former two-time elected Kenosha, Wisconsin Alderman Kevin Mathewson joins us around the 39 minute mark to discuss the riots, burning and killings in Kenosha. Are the anarchists from outside of Kenosha and how fast did they arrive from the time of the police shooting? Topic: The anarchist were calling for death to America and were targeting the homes of Kenoshas residents and now apparently police officers are being doxxed. Topic: Kenosha is anywhere U.S.A. and what happened in Kenosha could happen in your community. Are you prepared since apparently many police departments are standing down? Topic: Hear the audio of one Florida Sheriff telling the anarchists that the people in his county are armed and will blow you out the door with their guns if you try to enter their homes. Topic: Hillary Clinton reportedly tells Biden to not concede under any situation. How are the Marxist democrats setting up for a conflict before and after the election? Topic: How have these anarchists on the street been brainwashed for decades? The father of a 7 year-old is making Americans aware of a book that brainwashes 7 years into believing that America is an inherently racist nation. Topic: Americans have been emotionally manipulated by the pictures of fire hoses and dogs turned on black Americans during the 1960s. However, do we know the context of each of these situations? Were each of these instances an abuse of power by the police and fire departments and racism? Were they necessary actions to break up riots, civil unrest and threat to private property and business? If thirty or forty years from now the pictures of police opposing the street riots and anarchists in 2020 are portrayed as racists will someone be around to explain this false narrative? Topic: America is seeing a convergence of many things including an economic war, financial threats from the Covid-19 response, threats from China, Iran, North Korea, terror cells in the U.S., a border crisis, a drug war, and the collapse of evangelicalism as evident by the behavior of Jerry Falwell Jr. What does all this mean prophetically? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 26, 2020

    Have you ever considered that God is observing our giving? He sees every area of our lives. Jesus was in the Temple courtyard, watching as the rich made sure the crowds saw them give. Then, He looked intently at a poor widow who dropped her last two mites in the treasury.
  • Sam Rohrer: August 26, 2020

    Good News - Bad News: The Wall - Voter Fraud. We are joined by Julie Frye-Mueller (SD Representative) and Tomi Collins (Executive Director, America Restored). Topics discussed include: South Dakota – House Bill 1156 Update. Eyewitness Report - The Wall’s Going Up. Voter Fraud Update - Mail in Ballots. Where do we go from here?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 26, 2020

    It's that time of the week for Dave Dolan's Middle East News Up-date on PTIB. This is a key report for all of us who are students of Bible Prophecy. Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave to his Broadcast Table to give us that MENU, which will cover Hamas being warned by Israel of a possible war; the Jewish Settlers angry because the PM of Israel has postponed "annexation"; and Israel is considering giving Saudi Arabia custodial responsibility over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in exchange for a peace accord with the Jewish State.
  • Crosstalk: August 26, 2020

    The COVID-19/worship controversy continues to heat up with the State of California as a ‘hot-spot.’  Mat brought listeners details regarding the following related cases: 

    –A Baptist church in Santa Clara, California, was warned that they’ll be fined $5,000 every time they meet for worship.  

    –Last Friday, Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks, California, was held in contempt of court for continuing to have his church meet and he’s being fined $500 for every occurrence.  
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 25, 2020

    It’s always big news when a wealthy benefactor gives a few million dollars to a college or pays for a new hospital wing. But no one seems to notice a poor person giving a quarter to someone else in need. No one, that is, but Jesus, whose keen eye watched a lady entering the temple courts one day in Jerusalem.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 25, 2020

    Ken Timmerman comes to Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table today, here on PTIB, to discuss geopolitical events happening around the world. As we hear Ken's analysis of these events you will see how these events may well be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled, in the near future. Ken and Jimmy will discuss the latest report on the Beirut bombing; Iran's new long-range missile, ready for military action, China holding a "live-fire drill"; and how the Israeli-UAE Peace Accord may bring about another "Arab Spring".
  • Crosstalk: August 25, 2020

    This edition of Crosstalk began with news of tragedy that unfolded in Kenosha, Wisconsin, yesterday as police officers sent to address a domestic disturbance shot and injured a black man.  Rioters reacted by burning businesses, throwing bricks and smashing windows.
  • Brannon Howse: August 24, 2020

    Guest: Alex Newman. Topic: Are the globalist wanting President Trump to win so they can collapse the American dollar on his watch and go to the global reset they are openly talking about and holding conferences discussing? Topic: Virginia to mandate Covid-19 vaccine. Will other states follow and will this be one of many issues that brings massive civil unrest? Topic: Evangelical leaders working with Bio-Logos are calling on Christians to wear a face mask and take a vaccine when it becomes available. Brannon believes a false church is rising that will be used to approve of and encourage the persecution of real Christians. Topic: Is voter fraud setting the stage for the results of the election to be Topic: The Sunrise Movement and trigger events to bring rioting students on to the streets. Topic: What will America look like over the next few months and will we see massive violence in the streets? How should we prepare for what may be coming?
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 25, 2020

    It’s always big news when a wealthy benefactor gives a few million dollars to a college or pays for a new hospital wing. But no one seems to notice a poor person giving a quarter to someone else in need. No one, that is, but Jesus, whose keen eye watched a lady entering the temple courts one day in Jerusalem.
  • Understanding The Threat Radio: August 24, 2020

    "This week's UTT radio show discusses the current situation from a strategic and ground level perspective. John Bennett continues his discussion on the Ten Commandments and their impact on our nation today. Stephanie Ameiss looks at a number of real world issues and their ties to understanding the threat. On Peggy's Corner, the former state legislator looks at the Biden camp and what is really going on. All this and more!"
  • John Loeffler: August 24, 2020

    Whirlwind of important topics on this week’s show. First up, we welcome back defense and aerospace veteran Reuben Johnson who examines the geopolitics of Belarus, with their growing uprisings; Russia and its future; and China’s inroads into Eastern Europe with their Belt and Road Initiative.

    Back here in America, the far leftist crowd is determined to rid our country of the Electoral College. Trent England, Founder and Executive Director of Save Our States, discusses the effort to convert us from a representative government for everyone to, what he dubs, the “United Big Cities of America.”

    Science and medicine are supposed to be free of politics but it’s an election year so all the rules are out the window. Research writer Dennis Behreandt ( is back with us to look at the science behind hydroxychloroquine as well as the bad publicity it has received simply because President Trump lauded its use. It’s supposed to be scientifically – not politically – correct in the world of science.

    Next we travel to the Middle East with David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, who joins us from his home there. He looks at both the strategic and economic implications of the Israel-United Arab Emirates agreement, focusing on the constant threat from Iran and the financial benefits to the UAE of partnering with the Middle East’s only democracy.

    We wrap up this week with John’s analysis of the government criteria for future vaccine use and the ethical and legal implications in vaccine development and implementation.

    Follow us on Twitter @steelonsteelpro as well as the Steel on Steel Facebook page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians for the latest information concerning persecuted Christians around the world. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel as well for our latest videos.

  • John Whitcomb: August 24, 2020

    In this replay of a classic broadcast from “Encounter God’s Truth,” we hear Dr. John Whitcomb explain that the greatest catastrophes in the history of the world are yet to come.
    Just as the Genesis Flood shaped history in the past, so a flood of fire and other major events of God’s judgment will be the definitive issues in this world’s future. Are you prepared to survive these judgments? Dr. Whitcomb shared how you can be—in Christ.
    Host Wayne Shepherd also posed a question to Dr. Whitcomb, asking him to explain further how the last days will be similar to pre-flood times. Thank you for listening today to “Encounter God’s Truth” from Whitcomb Ministries. We bring you this program weekly because God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end!
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 24, 2020

    Today Dave James and Jimmy DeYoung will continue their discussion from last week about how the Church should respond to the dictates of both the National and State governments, as it relates to the coronavirus pandemic. Your e-mail responses encouraged us to return to this discussion. Thank you for your response to this very important conversation. Please stay tuned as we continue our discussion.
  • Crosstalk: August 24, 2020

    Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary General, indicated that the coronavirus pandemic has laid bare severe and systemic inequalities around the world.  He’s also mentioned a climate crisis, the threat of nuclear war, lawlessness in cyberspace, etc.  It should then come as no surprise to find that he’s also called for a multi-lateral level of global governance with ‘teeth’ to function where it’s needed. Banner