
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 15, 2021

    God went to extreme lengths to force Egypt’s Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go. Would He do the same to you and to me? God wants our full attention, and no idols are to take His place. But many people today harden their hearts, and they won’t let go of their idols.
  • The Degree of God’s Love  

    This verse in the Gospel of John is perhaps the most well known verse in all Christendom.  It is the fact of God’s love for His creatures.  We see in this verse that his creatures were doomed, damned, and dead.  We also see that God acted.  He did not leave His creation doomed and damned and dead.  We see how God acted in that God gave.  The gift that He gave was magnificent, superlative, and,  indeed was effectual and satisfactory in and of itself. The gift is the only begotten Son of God.   Forevermore, God’s creation who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ could be forgiven.  While belief in the Lord Jesus Christ in effect restored God’s people to the position that they were in in the Garden of Eden, they actually received more blessings than their ancestor, Adam, lost.  Because, in the garden, Adam had his own righteousness before he sinned. However, as a result of God’s magnificent gift, God’s unparalleled, effectual gift in Christ Jesus, God’s creation received in the Lord Jesus Christ more blessings than their father, Adam, lost.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 8, 2021

    When believers know what God wants them to do, but refuse to do it, they often find creative excuses for their refusal. That’s what Moses did, until God graciously overcame his objections and lame excuses. In this message we learn about the importance of obeying God.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 6, 2021

    If life were a bed of roses, we might never appreciate how good roses smell. For 40 years of Moses' life, herding sheep was his job. But during this season, God prepared him for leadership beyond his wildest dreams.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 6, 2021

    "Today on PTIB there will be a focus on "the abortion issue". Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave James to the Broadcast Table to discuss "abortion", an issue so close to the heart and person of God. Jimmy and Dave will discuss why abortion is wrong, from a medical, logical, and Biblical perspective. Please don't miss this conversation, today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing."
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 24, 2021

    Many people watch the stock market like a hawk. Some get nervous when the price of gold drops. We all need money. But one day the money we crave will be no more. One day, all that gives us security will vanish, and that is the day of final judgment. Then, who we are before God will be all that matters.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 18, 2021

    It’s been said that if all the tears people ever cried could be gathered up, they’d fill an ocean. Sorrow comes to all of us. Life does have joys, and some people think that’s all it should have. But God also allows tears, because through tears we learn to depend on God for every breath, every bite of food, and every dollar in our wallets. In this message we hear a story of God’s provision.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 17, 2021

    When tough times come—and they are coming—God shakes us up to make sure we remember who our real provider is. He can sustain us through adversity. Downsizing might not be fun, especially when it may be necessary. But even through trials God is working to develop our character. This message contains some key principles to hang onto when your crisis comes.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 16, 2021

    When God wants to deepen our spiritual maturity, He sometimes takes away all the comforts we’re used to. Some of us move out of state, where a new job falls apart. Some of us are told that we have only weeks or months to live. It’s possible for God to lead His people into the wilderness for their greater good and His greater glory.
  • Crosstalk: June 16, 2021

    The Apostle John gave a warning in 1 John 4:1: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
    Other verses could be cited as well, but the warning is clear to cling to sound, biblical doctrine and to be alert to those who will corrupt it. Some do it in the open while others use deceit.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 15, 2021

    When God chooses to judge a nation, He has several methods at His disposal. One of them is economic collapse. When the house of cards called “Debt” comes crashing down, everybody loses. Society may well break down if hyperinflation ruins our currencies. God can allow human greed to cause massive suffering. In this message we learn how God can exact judgment on nations.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 9, 2021

    When it comes to replacing bad habits with good ones, it's important to have the mindset of “out with the old, in with the new.” Running life’s race at top speed means having a mind filled with the word of God. In this message we discover how scripture meditation is the key to overcoming bad habits.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 8, 2021

    It’s one thing to resolve to break a bad habit. But what works a lot better is to resolve to develop a good habit. We can jump off the starting blocks into a whole new life with positive habits that can fill the vacuum of our former bondage to bad habits. In this message we learn how.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 7, 2021

    It takes time to develop bad habits. And it also takes time to get rid of them. But first, we have to believe some key principles. And when we do, we're on the way to freedom. In this message we learn about more prerequisites for real change.
  • Erwin Lutzer: June 2, 2021

    Many of us are stuck in a rut of bad habits. But we should think of today as the starting line for a new race, and we should learn how to turn our backs on behavior that slows us down. In this message we learn that freedom is possible, even for those trapped in deep darkness.
  • Erwin Lutzer: May 27, 2021

    Real worship is not about how it makes us feel. Genuine worship is ascribing worth to God—whether we feel like it or not. We need some straight talk about what worship really is, and why it takes discipline to worship God properly.
  • Erwin Lutzer: May 25, 2021

    “They that wait upon the Lord shall run, and not be weary…” We gain strength for life’s race by waiting on God through prayer, but only if we make prayer a priority. What does it look like to have a consistent, meaningful prayer life? Banner