
  • Jimmy DeYoung: April 5, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave James to the Broadcast Table to share a story about a plaque taken down because the plaque had the word "savages", on it, referring to the people group who killed six Christian missionaries who were trying to lead these people to Jesus Christ. This report brings attention to the major mission of the Church, worldwide evangelism, winning people around the world to Jesus, as their Saviour. As Jimmy and Dave discuss this issue, it will be revealed why the Rapture has not happened, yet.
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 30, 2021

    Religion can prevent people from understanding the truth about themselves. Religion can breed the pride that says, “I’m okay.” In Romans chapter two, Paul addresses the religious elite of his day, and shows how ceremony and ritual had insulated them from God’s analysis of their hearts. Self-deception is especially deep when expressed in religious terms. Let’s discover why we need rescuing so badly.
  • Crosstalk: March 30, 2021

    If you feel you’re living in the most turbulent period of your lifetime, you’re not alone. Today, forces are at work to strip the principles and precepts of the Christian faith from public venues and minimize their significance. But even though these times seem frightening, there is hope. Troubled times give us an opportunity to know Christ more fully and to make Him known to people around us. That’s an excerpt from the book, Hope for This Present Crisis: The Seven Step Path to Restoring a World Gone Mad by Dr. Michael Youssef.

    Dr. Youssef is the founder and president of Leading the Way and founding pastor of The Church of the Apostles based in Atlanta. He’s authored numerous books including the one discussed today on this edition of Crosstalk.

    COVID-19, the economic shutdown, civil unrest, riots, fires, looting, destruction of the signs of our nation’s heritage…all these and more are frightening enough, but according to Dr. Youssef, there’s a greater crisis confronting our nation.

    According to Dr. Youssef, the factors just mentioned are only symptoms signaling a a crisis of truth. He believes that once truth has been undermined, there’s no longer a basis for humanity to operate in relationships. That’s the foundational breakdown he sees today.

    At the same time he sees the decline of the Christian church as well. He puts the full blame on pastors in the pulpits because that’s where he believes the undermining of the truth began. Instead of pastors being a guide for a lost culture, they are now following the culture. Such friendship with the world establishes enmity with God. He described it this way, ‘…because as goes the pulpit, so goes the pew, and as goes the pew, so goes the culture.’

    Dr. Youssef believes it’s time to get back to the truth. Once it begins to be established, there will be an awakening. This is the hope he describes in the 7-steps portion of his book, which you can obtain via the information listed below.

  • Erwin Lutzer: March 23, 2021

    Jesus once spoke of a coming judgment of the nations designed to separate the sheep from the goats. When He spoke of this in Matthew 25, He made it clear that there are only two destinies for any of us. Let’s think carefully about the future, and why today is the day to believe on Christ.
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 18, 2021

    Many of us have the idea that God owes us His favor. After all, we’re Americans. But as we run the race of life, let’s ask ourselves if God owes us anything. After examining the evidence, we might conclude that what He owes us is judgment. Let’s consider what God thinks of the USA.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 18, 2021

    Winkie Medad has an amazing report for Jimmy DeYoung today on PTIB. Jimmy will bring Winkie to his Broadcast Table to explain why Saudi Arabia rejects any claim to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, for the Islamic world. Winkie will tell us how the Jordanian Crown Prince was not allowed to visit the Temple Mount recently, and how this is good news for the Jews who want to re-build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Jews can now move forward on this project, as the Prophetic Scenario in God's Word calls for, to happen very soon.

  • Erwin Lutzer: March 17, 2021

    The blessings of God are bestowed on people and nations that follow His commands. His judgment takes many forms, like natural disasters and the deprivation of personal freedoms. Let’s take a look at more forms of judgment that are very evident in America now.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 17, 2021

    Today on PTIB Dave Dolan will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table to discuss Dave's MENU. Jimmy and Dave will discuss several issues, including Iran's Minister of Defense saying if Israel does a "pre-emptive" strike on Iran's Nuke program, the Iranian military will wipe out Tel Aviv and Haifa; Israeli jets escorting an American B-52 bomber over the Persian Gulf, as a show of force to Iran; and the Israeli PM was stopped from flying through Jordanian airspace to travel to the UAE, all because the Jordanian Crown Prince was stopped at the border and not allowed to visit the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as the Crown Prince wanted to show a forceful control of the Temple Mount.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 12, 2021

    Many of the listeners of PTIB come to hear Dave Dolan's Middle East News Update on a weekly basis. Therefore, today Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave to the Broadcast Table to give us that MENU. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the PLO and Hamas, both signing on to the "Two-State Solution"; the Jordanian Foreign Minister urging the Israeli FM to re-ignite the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process; Israeli airstrikes on Iran, in Syria, are testing the patience of Russia; and Israeli leaders are concerned about whether Israel is able to defend the Jewish State from an attack from Iran.
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 12, 2021

    Sometimes it seems that the bad guys keep winning. Terrorism and mayhem are everywhere. Some ask: “Is God still in control?” But we must remember that justice delayed is not justice denied. There will be a day of reckoning for both men and nations. God doesn’t ignore national sins and will hold a country accountable for its actions and attitudes.
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 9, 2021

    The American ideal of free speech is in tatters. Now, it's only free if you agree with the mainstream media. Freedom is in mortal danger even when we worship, as police knock on church doors like they did in Nazi Germany.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 9, 2021

    There is a major debate in Christian circles, here in America, about the location of Herod's Temple in Jerusalem, some 2,000 years ago. That debate has extended into a discussion on the location for the next Temple, the Tribulation Temple. Some propagate that these Temples were, and will be, in the City of David, in Jerusalem. Today, Jimmy DeYoung will bring Winkie Medad to his Broadcast Table to discuss this issue. Winkie has a 50-year history of study and research on this subject. That should make for a very informative and interesting conversation.
  • Crosstalk: March 9, 2021

    If you feel you’re living in the most turbulent period of your lifetime, you’re not alone. Today, forces are at work to strip the principles and precepts of the Christian faith from public venues and minimize their significance. But even though these times seem frightening, there is hope. Troubled times give us an opportunity to know Christ more fully and to make Him known to people around us. That’s an excerpt from the book, Hope for This Present Crisis: The Seven Step Path to Restoring a World Gone Mad by Dr. Michael Youssef.

  • Erwin Lutzer: March 8, 2021

    Terrorism. Famines. Assassinations. What does God have to do with the events we read about in our newspaper? When things seem to slip out of control, don't forget this: The God who made the nations is moving them into position for the climax of this present age.
  • The Source of All the Problems in the World And The Solution

    In these difficult times and perilous times this is a liberating passage of scripture. In Chapter 5 of Romans, the Apostle Paul tells us that “by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Romans 5:12)
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 5, 2021

    Pope Francis is on a trip to the Middle East, into Iraq. The Pope will visit both Ur of the Chaldees, the birthplace of Abraham, and then a stop at the ancient city of Babylon, a City mentioned over 200 times in the Bible. Babylon is a City with great prophetic significance. The Pope will also hold, in these locations, "interfaith prayer meetings" in an effort to unite the religions of the world into a "one-world church", as defined in Revelation 17. This will be a very important conversation with Mike Gendron as Jimmy DeYoung brings him to his Broadcast Table.
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 5, 2021

    As radical Islam partners with the radical left in America, the net effect is the ultimate destruction of all we hold dear. These are perilous times, and we must be determined to not be silenced. Will we compromise or confront this problem?
  • Crosstalk: March 3, 2021

    Have you ever shied away from studying Bible prophecy because you thought it was too controversial? Too many conflicting views? Just too hard to understand? One of the things we appreciate about the guest for this broadcast is that he’s able to take difficult concepts and make them easier to understand. He’s done that through many books dealing with the topic of apologetics and he’s also done it in the area of Bible prophecy, such as we see in his recently released, Basic Bible Prophecy: Essential Facts Every Christian Should Know. He explores the who, what, when, where and why of Bible prophecy. Banner