
  • Jimmy DeYoung: February 11, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table Itamar Marcus, the Team Leader at Palestinian Media Watch, to give us the details behind the Palestinian media reports, given to the Palestinian people. These reports are different from what the Palestinians are saying to the world. Recently, President Biden announced they will restart funding for the Palestinian Authority. Itamar will reveal how that funding which goes to the Education Department in the PA, is in reality funding for Palestinian terrorism. This is a revealing report that says this refunded support for the PA is funding for the "armed struggle", by the Palestinians to destroy the Jewish State, and replace it with a Palestinian State. This is a scenario found in the pages of Bible Prophecy.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: February 9, 2021

    On a weekly basis, Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave Dolan to his Broadcast Table so that he can give us his Middle East News Up-date. Today, here on PTIB, Dave will tell us of both American and Israeli political leaders who are making political decisions that will allow for the next Temple to be built in Jerusalem. Jimmy and Dave will also discuss that the Israeli Defense Force is ready to deal with Iran, and their Nuke WMD; Russia helping Syria to keep Israeli aircraft out of Syrian airspace; and the upcoming visit to Egypt by the Israeli Prime Minister, which will be based on Netanyahu's agreement on a "2-State solution" for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 29, 2021

    Many philosophers believe that good and evil naturally coexist in humans, fighting for ultimate control. The Bible paints a different picture, one of a basic depravity that can only be remedied by the grace of God in Christ. In this message, we will see a big picture view of who we are, and how we can be made good in the eyes of God.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 29, 2021

    On Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing, Jimmy DeYoung brings his Broadcast Partners to his Broadcast Table for the purpose of discussing issues in our world that may well be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. Today Jimmy's Broadcast Partner is Sam Rohrer, President of the American Pastors Network. Jimmy and Sam will discuss the in-coming Biden Administration and how it may affect our world. Jimmy will also ask Sam about the optic of over 20,000 National Guardsmen in Washington on Inauguration Day, and even today.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 26, 2021

    Control freaks are obsessed with themselves. By subjugating others, they seek to elevate their own importance. Such people become evil, as did King Saul of Israel. In this message, we’ll trace the life of a man who would not let go of his kingdom.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 22, 2021

    Addictive behavior always starts with small steps that lead to bigger steps. Soon, the addict is trapped. If you find yourself addicted to substances, or to destructive habits, there is a way to rejoin the race of life. In this message we’ll hear about the steps we can take to break free from addiction.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 20, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave Dolan to his Broadcast Table to give us his Middle East News Update. This report is key to those of us who are students of Bible Prophecy. Jimmy and Dave will discuss why the US and Israeli militaries are on "high alert", in case Iran exploits the Washington political mayhem; the Israeli airstrikes in Syria; the Israeli Government announcing the building of 1,000 homes in the Jewish Settlements; and a top Rabbi saying that since it seems that America could collapse, the State of Israel must step up and become a "World Power".
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 20, 2021

    When in danger, every child craves the security of a father’s embrace. What many Christians may not realize is the provision God has made for us as our heavenly Father. We can be sure of His care no matter what happens here on earth.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 19, 2021

    We may not realize the deep impact left by our fathers. Much of our inner pain can be traced to poor relationships with our dads. In this message we take a revealing look at why your father is so important in your life, even when he is no longer alive.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 19, 2021

    Each week Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table Ken Timmerman, here on PTIB, to discuss geopolitical events happening around the world. Ken is an international journalist and a best-selling author, and also a great friend to us here at Prophecy Today, and a Broadcast Partner. Ken gives us great insight into the world events that seem to be setting the stage for God's Prophetic Scenario to be fulfilled. Jimmy and Ken will discuss a number of issues, focused on Iran; the threat that China will be to the incoming Biden Administration; and the new partnership between Al Qaeda and Iran.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 18, 2021

    Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave James to the Broadcast Table today, here on PTIB, to answer a question from a Jewish man who just got saved and wants to know who will he be with in the Kingdom, to come. Then Jimmy and Dave will discuss how America seems to be descending into chaos and why this is the time that we all need to turn to the Bible, where we get the game plan as to how we must live in these the last days. This will be a very practical program that you do not want to miss.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 18, 2021

    Some people think you can get rid of anger by hitting something inanimate and “letting off steam.” The trouble is, it doesn’t work. Modern pop psychology is no match for the Bible in pinpointing the source of rage, or in helping us control the anger we all experience at one time or another. In this message we learn more about the causes of anger and how to handle it properly.
  • John Whitcomb: January 18, 2021

    How can God use the threat of persecution for the good of Christ’s church, and how should we as believers respond to such a threat when it occurs? For the answers to those questions, we welcome you back to “Encounter God’s Truth”—a weekly faith-building broadcast outreach of Whitcomb Ministries. Guided by host Wayne Shepherd, we offer the classic Bible teaching of author and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb. He went to be with the Lord almost a year ago, but we continue to multiply the effectiveness of his ministry via this radio program.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 14, 2021

    We’ve all experienced the painful emotion of shame—either because we’ve done wrong, or because wrong has been done to us. Sadly, some homes are even based on shame. In this message we explore shame’s consequences, and then look to the Bible to find God’s cure.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 14, 2021

    Jimmy DeYoung often will have on PTIB, two of his Broadcast Partners, both giving us very important reports on issues and/or regions of this world. That will be the case today as Jimmy brings John Rood, first with his report, an update on the European Union, its political events that are setting the stage for the prophetic to be fulfilled. Then Sam Rohrer comes to share his thoughts, as a former political leader, on the chaos surrounding the Capitol in Washington, on Jan 6. These are two very important reports that you must listen too, so that you can better understand current events, in light of Bible Prophecy.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 12, 2021

    It’s sad, but true: in our modern, “enlightened” culture, we no longer repent of our sins. Instead, we’ve learned to manage them. We do this, knowing full well that God is not fooled. Yet, we do it anyway. This deception produces bitter fruit.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 12, 2021

    Ken Timmerman comes to Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table today on PTIB to give us his analysis of the geopolitical events of this last week. Jimmy and Ken will discuss what happened last week in the Nations Capitol, as well as Iran's agenda for 2021, under a Biden Administration. They will also look at the danger that Red China is to America. This is a very important conversation, that you do not want to miss. Please listen to the report, and then pass it along to a family member and/or a friend.
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