
  • Crosstalk: October 12, 2020

    Have you ever wondered how church leaders, even those who seemed so solid in their own teaching, can become so blind to error that they could permit a widespread invasion of false teachings into the church? When leaders are drawn to such teachings, it’s no surprise that many individual Christians fail too see how these occult and New Age teachings are far removed from the faith once for all delivered to the saints.

    Joining Jim to discuss one such invasion was Don Veinot. Don is the co-founder and president of Midwest Christian Outreach, a national apologetics ministry and mission to new religious movements. He’s been involved in apologetics ministry for over 3 decades and is a charter member of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. He is also a staff researcher and writer for the Midwest Outreach Journal.

    Joining Don was Marcia Montenegro. Before becoming a Christian, Marcia was involved for many years in Eastern spiritual beliefs (Hindu and Buddhist), New Age, and occult practices. She was a certified, professional astrologer who taught Astrology for several years. She served as chairperson of the Astrology Board of Examiners and President of the Astrological Society in Atlanta. She came to Christ and now is engaged with her full-time ministry, Christian Answers for the New Age. She’s the author of ‘Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids.’

    Don is releasing a book called, ‘Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret.’ Don kicked off the discussion by defining the term, ‘enneagram.’ This is a geometric design. Basically it’s a circle with three shapes inside of it that touch the outer circle at 9 different points. This nine pointed symbol originated with an early 20th century Russian mystic.

    While Marcia noted that the enneagram symbol is a neutral geometric design and that there is no inherent evil in the design, some people are reading various paths to God into it and it’s this concept that’s infiltrating segments of the evangelical church.

    On this edition of Crosstalk, Don and Marcia detail the remaining history/evolution of this symbol, it’s connection to the Jesuits, how it came to the attention of Richard Rohr and went on to become embraced by elements of the evangelical publishing world.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 9, 2020

    To an outsider, hearing people speaking in unknown languages no doubt raises more questions than it does answers. So Paul argued for clear teaching in known dialects. In this message we receive more teaching on a controversial gift.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 9, 2020

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung has a very important conversation with an Iranian-born Broadcast Partner, Shahram Hadian. Shahram, born Muslim, born-again a Christian now with a ministry of winning Muslims to Jesus Christ and revealing to the Church how Muslims are very dangerous to this world. Shahram will report on how Muslims are becoming very involved in the political arena with the purpose of setting up a "caliphate", a world-wide Islamic Kingdom.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 8, 2020

    Some feel that the gift of tongues is crucial evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Others say that modern tongues do not form words in any known language. In this message, Erwin Lutzer begins a careful study in First Corinthians 14, a study you won’t want to miss.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 8, 2020

    On a weekly basis, Jimmy DeYoung brings Ken Timmerman to his Broadcast Table to discuss geopolitical events happening around the world, events that may be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. Ken will join Jimmy to discuss Iran's threats to Israel and the United States; PM Netanyahu at the UNGA, revealing another possible massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon; and the future of Syria, and it's President Basher Assad, that could well be dependent on the outcome of the US Presidential election.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 7, 2020

    Our motivation for service in the body of Christ, and for serving our marriage partners, must be found in what the Bible calls love—a love that comes from God. Only then can we endure life’s tough times, and remain faithful to our commitments to the people in our lives.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 7, 2020

    Today on PTIB we have the privilege of having our Orthodox Jewish Broadcast Partner Winkie Medad come to Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table to explain the last of the seven Jewish Feast Days, the Feast of Tabernacles. Jimmy and Winkie will discuss what is the "Feast of Tabernacles"; why the Jews will live in a "thatched hut" for seven days; and why the Earth's entire population will all come to Jerusalem, in the future during the Kingdom Period, and into eternity future, to join the Jews in their celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles.
  • Baptists Cast Vision with Partners That Wish to Make Your Children into Global Citizens & Who Accept Agenda 2030 UN Goals

    Please do NOT join IMB and do not let your children to be taken in to a vision casting effort that would include partners who wish to make your children into global citizens and who accept the Global Sustainability Goals/ Agenda 2030 as Gospel mission. Please teach your children and grandchildren the Word of God and to discern the times BECAUSE clearly International Missions Board leaders are not discerning the difference between global goals and the Gospel.
  • John Whitcomb: October 5, 2020

    How are local church leaders—and the whole church congregation—to function in Satan’s world? We all have a sin nature, and none of us are perfect, yet God sets high standards in His Word for the qualifications of church leaders.

    This week on “Encounter God’s Truth” from Whitcomb Ministries, we hear the conclusion of Dr. John Whitcomb’s teaching through Acts 6, in a message titled “The Church: Organized and Empowered.” It is from Volume Two of our series on “Acts: Witness of the Early Church.”
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 5, 2020

    The local church you attend is but one small part of an enormous worldwide assembly that will be fully gathered in eternity. Until then, we live and serve others where we are, knowing that our life now only foreshadows what lies ahead.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 2, 2020

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung has two of his Broadcast Partners who will join him at his Broadcast Table with two very different, but very important reports. First, Maurice Hirsch will come to discuss the site of the Dome of the Rock, located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and to whom this spot is sacred, the Jews, or the Muslims. Then John Rood will give us his European Union Up-date, reporting on the EU political activities that are setting the stage for the prophetic scenario of the Bible to be fulfilled.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 2, 2020

    The body of Christ involves being part of a local fellowship. In this message we’ll turn to First Corinthians chapter 12 to learn what the local church is all about, and how to find out where we fit.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 1, 2020

    In the body of Christ, everyone has a gift with which to serve others. Knowing what that gift is, and putting it to work, are keys to satisfaction and joy. As each believer does his or her part, the result is a marvelous harmony. In this message we learn to unwrap and use our spiritual gift.
  • Sam Rohrer: October 1, 2020

    Israel Update: Palestinians, Problems, and Fall Feasts. We are joined by Jimmy DeYoung (Prophecy Today). Topics discussed include: Trump Biden Debate Review. The Palestinians and the Arab Problem. The Saudis and the Nuke Problem. The Fall Feasts and the 2nd Coming.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 1, 2020

    On a weekly basis, Dave Dolan comes to the Broadcast Table here on PTIB to give us his Middle East News Up-date. Jimmy DeYoung will have Dave join him for a very important report on the current events unfolding in a key region of the world, the Middle East. Jimmy and Dave will discuss Israel's concern over Saudi Arabia developing a Nuke WMD, with the help of China; Turkey's Erdogan, who has a "soft spot" for the Palestinian Terror Group, Hamas; and the Palestinians accusing Israel of using the Abraham Accords to set up Israel's Biblical Borders, today.
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 30, 2020

    Many Christians miss out on the great adventure of finding their place in the body of Christ and learning how to serve in the power of the Holy Spirit. In this message we want to ignite in you a passion for the church you attend and renew your excitement in being used by God.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: September 30, 2020

    Geo-political events happening in our world today are actually setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. To back up that statement, Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Ken Timmerman to give our listeners insight on these current events. Jimmy and Ken will discuss Russia and China, and they're newly formed partnership; Iran's ability to acquire a nuclear "Weapon of Mass Destruction", within the month; and President Trump's address to the United Nations, a speech that revealed the prophetic scenario found in Bible Prophecy.
  • Erwin Lutzer: August 29, 2020

    In the Garden of Eden, the serpent beguiled Eve. Likewise, satanic substitutes for God often look very good. Although popular, the teachings of the occult are the doctrines of demons. As believers, it’s vital for us to understand what the Bible calls “sound doctrine.”
  • Dr. Jimmy DeYoung: September 29, 2020

    The recent appointment of a lady to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States has caused an uproar among the opposition political party. That opposition party claims it is an abuse of power. Because of that uproar, Jimmy DeYoung brings the Honorable Sam Rohrer to his Broadcast Table to give us a "Civics 101" course. Sam will give the PTIB listener what the three branches of government are in America and how, and why, the President had to quickly move to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court.
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 28, 2020

    Our culture is into occult phenomena like never before. Whether by internet, TV, movies, or music, the occult is underscoring more and more of our culture’s values. In this message we learn what this should mean to the committed Christian. Banner