America's Coming Financial Vortex: 6 predictions for 2009-2012

6 predictions for 2009-2012

by Paul Mladjenovic | November 26, 2008

It has been an incredible year loaded with surprises but I think that the next few years will surprise even more. Whenever I feel certain about something coming, I 'm glad to put it in print. In 2004, I had successfully forecast many economic events such as the housing bubble popping and the credit crisis among other events. Current economic conditions and political outcomes have laid the groundwork for more events that we should be prepared for. All of these events combine to create a "Financial Vortex" that will hit us in the coming years.
Think about it for a moment. The past few months have shown us what a few trillion in bad debt and derivatives can do to the market. The Dow is down several thousand points in the past few months and is down nearly 40% since hitting its all-time high in October 2007 of 14,164.53. What will happen to the stock market when many multi-trillions of debt, derivatives and unfunded liabilities start hitting us like a powerful vortex in the coming years? The economy is extraordinarily weak right now and it would not take much to see millions of hard-working folks get devastated. It is time to prepare. America needs to know what is coming. Some of these events are now unavoidable so being fore-warned and getting prepared is crucial.
Here are my forecasts for what I believe is coming during the next few years:Click here for full article:


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