The authors of a radical new book, entitled "After the World Crisis", claim that while America continues to accumulate debt, China is growing ever more powerful, which could trigger a global collapse.

24 March, 2010, 10:31
The world may have been brought crashing to its knees by the economic crisis, but some say we have not seen anything yet.
The authors of a radical new book, entitled "After the World Crisis", claim that while America continues to accumulate debt, China is growing ever more powerful, which could trigger a global collapse.

RT: Sergey Sychev, Valentin Bianki, authors of the book "After the World Crisis", thank you very much for meeting us today. Valentin, in your book "After the World Crisis" you give advice on how Russia should be acting in times of the global economic crisis. What inspired you for such a global project?

Valentin Bianki: We believe that our viewpoint on what is happening and why it is happening has something to add to the purely economic interpretations, that's why we had the courage to make statements about this global phenomenon.
RT: Former US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson in his memoirs says that Russia and China have conspired together to bring down the US dollar. Russia, naturally, refuses to accept such charges, but what's interesting is that your book actually repeats the idea. Is this a coincidence?
Sergey Sychev: We finished the book at the beginning of 2009. After it was published, we presented it in May, and I personally delivered a copy with an invitation to the US Consulate in St. Petersburg. As far as I know, the CIA works very efficiently. And I have no doubt that the report on our writing traveled up many levels of authority. It might have reached Paulson. Since the book was written as a piece of advice to the Russian government, it might have been interpreted as a non-fictional piece of writing.
RT: Your book also talks about the dollar playing two roles – first, that of the US national currency, and second, that of the world's global reserve currency. And it goes on to discuss the necessity to have a different reserve currency. How realistic is this and what real prospects does the US dollar face?
VB: To put the book's idea in a nutshell, it argues that the dollar's value is bound to drop dramatically and it's inevitable. The parties to win will depend on how technically this happens and who starts to get rid of the dollars first. The USA might implement the scenario we call the basic one, which consists of staging a series of US-controlled crises across regional markets. When you possess a large mass of money it is easy to saturate a local market with it, thus warming it up. After that, the local market players – for example in Russia – will also start playing on the rising market.
When the initial mass of money cracks down, the market will collapse.
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