Breaking News! Has Focus on the Family, its State Affiliates and other Pro-Family Groups Been Influenced by Romney Money?

Has Focus on the Family, its State Affiliates and Other Pro-Family Groups Been Influenced by Romney Money? The Public and Donors Have A Right To Know!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
In my article from yesterday, which you can read at this link,
I asked this question:
Has Romney money or Mormon money gone to any pro-family organizations over the past two years and thus compromised the discernment of some?
Since asking that question, I have sought to answer it with my own research. Thus far, here is what I have discovered.
According to an article at
"Mitt Romney had "made some strategic donations to a number of well-connected conservative groups in the pivotal early primary state of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />South Carolina." Romney, as I noted, has doled out money to at least half a dozen right-wing organizations, including the Palmetto Family Council, South Carolinians for Responsible Government, South Carolina Citizens for Life, and to an organization that sponsored a drive to ban same-sex marriage." 
 According to their own website, The Palmetto Family Council: ...was formed in association with Focus on the Family in 1994 and operates in association with Focus on the Family and Family Research Council. Palmetto Family Council has developed the reputation of a clear, credible voice on cultural and public policy issues affecting the family.
Very interesting. Are you starting to connect the dots?
Now read the complete article and ask yourself if this is why Romney has either received a free pass from pro-family groups or actually has pro-family leaders working for him and endorsing him:
Click here to read the full text of Article #1:
Article #2:

Romney buys support from conservative movement

  • $10,000 to National Review - which later endorsed him for president
  • $15,000 to Mass Citizens for Life - which later gave him an award
  • $10,000 to Massachusetts Family Institute - which now praises him across the country.

The Massachusetts Family Institute is, according to their website: "The group, which is associated with Focus on the Family, works to defend faith and family."
In this video the direct of the MFI states they are connected to Focus on the Family. You can see that by clicking here:
Focus on the Family lists the Massachusetts Family Institute as being "Fully Associated" on their website:

  • $25,000 to the Heritage Foundation - which praises his health plan
  • $35,000 to the Federalist Society - full of influencial conservatives

Click here to read the full text of article #2
We have more information along these lines we hope to post soon as we seek to continue connecting the dots.

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