Christian Survives Horror of North Korean Prison

Christian Survives Horror of North Korean Prison<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
        A Christian missionary jailed in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />North Korea has done what many prisoners in the communist state never do – he has emerged alive to tell about his horrific experience.  The testimony of a Korean-Chinese man referred to only as "Lee" to protect his identity recently was obtained by the Voice of the Martyrs.
       The missionary says a woman in his Chinese church gave him an ID number to use in traveling to North Korea, saying it belonged to her cousin. When authorities saw the ID number, they immediately arrested Lee, who later discovered the woman was a North Korean spy. He had been set up.
       Wrote Lee of his prison experience: "Between March 5 and 19, I was interrogated daily. Because of the beatings I began to have severe pains in my liver and kidney. My whole body shook uncontrollably. When I tried to stand, I collapsed on the floor.
               Why torture a man for weeks on end? Stated Lee: "My No. 1 crime against the People's Republic of Korea is that for the past eight years I have been spreading the gospel in North Korea and bringing people to Christ." Lee said he also was accused of partnering with American spies.
       Lee says his heroes are those Christians who have endured hardship, torture and the loss of their lives – but who never denounced their faith: "They truly live and die for the Gospel, and they are my heroes. Though their lives were short, what they've done will forever shine with Christ."
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