Financial Headlines for September 11, 2012

Financial Headlines for September 11, 2012<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Moody's expects to cut US rating without deal to lower debt/GDP ratio
John Williams: US Facing National Bankruptcy As The Dollar Becomes WorthlessJim welcomes back John Williams, Executive Editor of Shadow Government Statistics. John states his case that the US government can't keep its commitments and remain solvent. According to a US Treasury report, the real national debt is not $16 trillion, but more like $86 trillion on a present value basis. John also points out that this year's US budget deficit isn't $1.3 trillion, but $5 trillion when calculated on a GAAP basis. John believes the Federal Reserve is getting ready to announce an open-ended money-printing program. Lastly, John still sees the 2014 hyperinflation scenario as intact, unless the Republicans win in November and make significant and lasting changes to spending and taxation.
If you've been on the sidelines watching and aren't sure what to do you should contact Swiss America and use their 32 years of experience to create a plan to diversify some of your retirement and savings into physical gold and silver. Call Wes Peters at 877-864-1072 to schedule a free consultation and get your questions answered while there is still time. As you know, we do not offer financial advice but financial commentary and opinion. You need to do your own research and come to your own conclusions and a plan of action based on that research. I believe Swiss America has some resources for you to assist you in that research. I also think a visit with Wes Peters could help you gain some much needed information in order to make a sound financial decision.  You can also click here to request your free packet of information.
Gold Glitters Again As Investors Await Fed's QE3 Over the course of the last few weeks gold has begun to shine more brightly than it has in many months. The price of the precious metal has once again soared above $1,700 an ounce, driven by increasingly intense hints from the Federal Reserve that a third quantitative easing program is not only possible but imminent. Whenever the prospect of cheap money looms large on the horizon, this is how gold tends to behave, so being a gold bull is probably one of the safest bets in today's uneasy and uncertain financial markets.
Reflationary Train Leaving the StationWhile most of the central banks across the globe were raising rates since 2010 after the big global reflationary boom of 2009, they have now switched gears and been slashing rates over the past year to spur economic growth. As seen below, central banks across the globe have slashed interest rates with Brazil leading the pack with its 3% (300 basis points) cut in the last six months alone.
Call Wes Peters at 877-864-1072 to schedule a free consultation and get your questions answered while there is still time. You can also click here to request your free packet of information.


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