Schedule & Topics: Understanding The Times 2016 
International, Live-Streamed 
Worldview Weekend


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Friday: 6pm Central Time to 11:00pm CT and Saturday: 9:30am Central Time to 6:00pm CT (Lunch Break At: 11:45am - 1:15pm)



2nd Annual Worldview Weekend International Live Streaming Event Friday Night, November 4th, 2016 
6pm Central Time to 11:00pm CT 


To sign up for this conference please go to 


6:00pm CT  Brannon welcomes everyone and introduces first speaker


6:05pm - 6:50pm Shahram Hadian speaks 


6:50pm - 7:05pm  Q&A with Shahram Hadian as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected]


7:05pm 10 minute break 


7:15pm Brannon introduces Gary Gilley 


7:20pm - 8:05pm Gary Gilley speaks


8:05pm - 8:20pm  Q&A with Gary Gilley as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected]


8:20pm 10 minute break


8:30pm Brannon introduces Ron Rhodes 


8:35pm - 9:20pm Ron Rhodes speaks


9:20pm - 9:35pm Q&A with Ron Rhodes as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected]


9:35pm 10 minute break


9:45pm Brannon introduces Chris Pinto


9:50pm - 10:35pm Chris Pinto speaks


10:35pm - 10:50pm Q&A with Chris Pinto as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected] 


10:50pm Brannon closes out evening


*all times listed are for Central Time Zone


2nd Annual Worldview Weekend International Live Streaming Event Saturday November 5th, 2016 

9:30am Central Time to 6:00pm CT 


9:30am Brannon introduces Gary Gilley


9:35am - 10:20am Gary Gilley speaks


10:20am - 10:35am Q&A with Gary Gilley as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected]


10:35am 10 minute break 


10:45am - 11:30am Brannon speaks 


11:30am - 11:45am Q&A with Brannon Howse as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected]


11:45am - 1:15pm Lunch Break


1:15pm Brannon introduces Shahram Hadian


1:20pm - 2:05pm Shahram Hadian speaks


2:05pm - 2:20pm Q&A with Shahram Hadian as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected] 


2:20pm 10 minute break


2:30pm CT Brannon introduces Chris Pinto 


2:35pm - 3:20pm Chris Pinto speaks


3:20pm - 3:35pm Q&A with Chris Pinto as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected]


3:35pm 10 minute break


3:45pm Brannon introduces Ron Rhodes 


3:45pm - 4:30pm Ron Rhodes speaks


4:30pm - 4:45pm Q&A with Ron Rhodes as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected]



4:45pm 10 minute break


4:55pm - 5:40pm Brannon speaks


5:40pm - 5:55pm Q&A with Brannon Howse as participants e-mail in questions to us at [email protected]


6:00pm Brannon closes out conference 


To sign up for this conference please go to 


*all times listed are for Central Time Zone



 “Is That Your Lord?” —By Gary Gilley

 Many today claim to receive regular appearances from the Lord, and/or hear His voice, both audibly and inwardly.  Much anxiety, confusion and even anguish have resulted from these claims.  What does the Bible really say about seeing the Lord and hearing from God?  This seminar will carefully examine these questions.

Short description:  A Power Point lecture based upon my book Is That You Lord?.  My position is that God communicates to us today through the Scriptures alone, not through any form of extra-biblical revelation, including visions, hunches and promptings.




“Modern Angelic Appearances” – By Gary Gilley 

People throughout the world are claiming visions of angels.  This is especially true among Muslims.  Are these genuine appearances or satanic counterfeits?  The Word of God gives important insight into these matters.



Unmasking the Antichrist- By Ron Rhodes 


This session answers fifteen questions related to the coming Antichrist. For example: What are some of the different concepts people have about the Antichrist? What are the various meanings for the Greek term for  “Anti”? What is the distinction between the “spirit of antichrist,” “many antichrists,” & “THE Antichrist”? Who has been accused of being the Antichrist in the past? In what ways does the Antichrist mimic Christ? What are some dissimilarities between the Antichrist and Christ? Is the Antichrist a Muslim? Is the Antichrist a Jew or a Gentile? What do we know about the character of the Antichrist? What are some key titles of the Antichrist? What is the role of Satan in the Antichrist? Does the Antichrist die and then get resurrected? In what way does the Antichrist persecute the Jews in the tribulation? Is the Antichrist alive in the world today? Who presently restrains the Antichrist from appearing? This session will inform conference attendees of all they need to know about the coming Antichrist.




The Rising Apostasy in the End Times Church - By Ron Rhodes 


This session begins with a clear definition of apostasy. Then the session points to biblical warnings of apostasy, specific examples of apostasy in the church in our day, and statistics that reveal the severity of the current problem. Regarding the specific examples of apostasy, I focus on the undermining of the Bible by Bart Ehrman, the Jesus Seminar, and even some “evangelical” leaders; doctrinal deviations among Christians on God, Jesus, and the gospel of salvation; recently-founded organizations that exist for the sole purpose of helping unbelieving Christians find comfort in their new atheism; the Word-Faith movement; Christian Wicca; Chrislam; “Christian psychics;” mysticism in the modern church (including the use of mantras in “contemplative prayer”), the heresies of emerging church leaders like Brian McLaren, the “reimagining” of Christianity by certain leaders, and more. It is an eye-opening session. 






While it is certainly true that covert groups such as the Freemasons and Rosicrucians have been at work in our country from nearly the beginning, it is important to remember that the early colonists were largely Christian people, and that America was originally founded for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and as a haven for Christianity.  In two presentations, Chris will present powerful documentation showing that the building blocks of early American freedom were based on a Biblical worldview, and that while some of the revolutionary founders held to unorthodox beliefs, their political views were governed primarily by reformed Christian teaching.  





Chris discusses the principles of the Protestant Reformation and how they formed the foundation of what we know today as the free world.   The pages of true history reveal that core beliefs such as freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of the press and the right to bear arms were all the direct result of the great reform that can be traced back to the time of John Wycliffe in England.  Incredibly, even the doctrine of separation of church and state can be traced to both Luther and Calvin, but its original meaning differs dramatically from what is taught by the ACLU and secular groups today.  Yet whether pertaining to the Church or to the State, the Reformers taught that believers should obey God rather than men.





When Samuel Adams signed the Declaration of Independence, he gave a speech in which he proclaimed that God had been restored as the true Sovereign of the nation, and went on to say that “political Protestantism” would reign in America.   What did he mean by this term?  And why is it that when Christian historians discuss America’s history, they will almost never mention this quote?  Also discussed is the highly controversial Treaty of Tripoli, and the objections to it, raised by signer of the Constitution, James McHenry.  The treaty declared that the U.S. government was not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.  But McHenry denounced the claim, saying, What else was it founded on?  Also learn about the Christian Preamble to the Constitution and how it represents the true and complex history of an ongoing struggle for the soul of our great nation.  


Would you like to see what a Worldview Weekend Rally is like? Click here to watch a short video on our April 2016 Worldview Weekend Rallies:



The Global Rise of the Marxist & Muslim Coalition  in the Last Days & A Biblical Understanding and Response Part 1 & 2— By Brannon Howse


Over the past few months, America has seen social unrest in numerous American cities. Both in America and around the world, Communist/Marxist and Muslims groups are openly talking about how they are building a global coalition in hopes of a global revolution. These groups are united in their hatred of Biblical Christianity, free market capitalism, religious liberty, and their hatred of Israel.


A few headlines from well known news sources include the following:


      • Communist Group Members go to Milwaukee to Help ‘Revolution’


      • Chicago Teachers Strategize on How to Indoctrinate Kids with


      • Pope Francis Emerges as Marxist While the Christian World Burns


      • Former FBI Counter-Terrorism Agent: ‘Vast Majority’ of U.S. Mosques/
        Islamic Centers Part of ‘Jihadi Network’ 


      • Illegal Migrants from Terror-Linked Countries Surging at Southern 


      • U.S. Marxists Conspiring with Muslim Brotherhood to Collapse the
        Middle East


      • Islam to Become Russia’s Predominant Religion by 2050


      • France to Shut Down 160 Mosques Used as Terror Centers


While these headlines may cause fear in the hearts of many, Christians that know their Bible will understand that a global rise of a Marxist and Muslim coalition is exactly what is laid out in Ezekiel 38 & 39. Do not miss the opportunity to hear this compelling presentation that will bring understanding, clarity, and peace and comfort through an assurance that God’s Word is a supernatural book, written by a supernatural God. This presentation will reveal that perhaps current global activities are indeed setting the stage for Biblical events to be fulfilled.


As the author of thirteen books, Brannon has been a guest on more than 2,000 radio and television programs and has been featured in such publications as the Washington Times and appeared on such television programs as The O'Reilly Factor with Bill O'Reilly on Fox News.


Brannon is the host of a national radio program that is broadcast nation-wide each day from 1-2pm CT on numerous Christian radio stations, and is the host of The Worldview Weekend Hour, a weekly television program that is viewed in 120 nations around the world.


For many years, Brannon was the education reporter and frequent guest host of The Michael Reagan Program. Michael Reagan is the eldest son of President Reagan and Brannon was honored to host Michael's program the week of President Reagan's funeral. Brannon was the literary agent for Michael Reagan's book Twice Adopted. 


Due to his area of expertise, Brannon was featured for many years as a frequent guest on the radio program of Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy, Ken Hamblin, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Phyllis Schlafly, & Beverly LaHaye's Concerned Women for America, among others. 


Brannon is the founder of Worldview Weekend which has organized Worldview Weekend Conferences in more than 300 cities. Brannon is the President of Worldview Radio and WVW-TV which distributes the Biblical radio and television programs of nearly 20 different hosts world-wide. Many of these 20 programs are produced from the Memphis, Tennessee TV and radio studios of Worldview Weekend. 


Brannon's understanding of worldviews, trends, and global events has resulted in people attending his two-day training session that work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, The National Security Agency, an Assistant District attorney of one of the largest cities in America, military officers, police and sheriff officers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, pastors, and successful business owners. Brannon's reputation as a compelling and credible speaker resulted in his being honored as the keynote speaker for the 50th Annual Governor's Prayer Breakfast in Iowa a few years ago. 


Brannon has built his reputation and credibility by being known for his in-depth research and meticulous documentation as well as for taking complex issues and breaking them down in a way anyone from students to adults can understand and apply to their worldview.



Chrislam Exposed: The Interfaith, Ecumenical Heresy By Shahram Hadian



In this timely presentation, Christian pastor and former Muslim Shahram Hadian will: 


1) Expose the growing deception of Chrislam & its promotion of a ‘one world religion’ 


2) Reveal the unholy alliance between interfaith groups, the Muslim Brotherhood, & Black Lives Matter


3) Bring to light & correct the social gospel that is corrupting evangelism and missional practices 


4) Prove there is NO common ground between Christianity & Islam



“Chrislam is an absolute perversion of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and must be eradicated from the implementation of the Great Commission." 



Islam vs The US Constitution: Mixing Oil and Water By Shahram Hadian



Pastor Shahram Hadian shares a presentation that will fly in the face of political correctness and charges of "Islamophobia."  Can Islam and our Constitution co-exist, or are they indeed polar opposites? In this presentation, Shahram will:



1) Define Islamic law (Shari'ah)


2) Reveal how the Shariah violates all five sections of the 1st Amendment


3) Expose Islam's barbaric teachings on apostasy, women's rights, slavery, homosexuality, slander, anti-Semitism and many other areas that violate protections under our Constitution


4) Detail the disturbing trend of US Muslims and the Muslim Brotherhood demanding Shari'ah over our Constitution


5) Outline practical ways to protect our Constitutional foundation from Islam's growing invasion


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