Senate Democrats, the RINOs, and -- yes -- the President of the United States are ready to hand over our national sovereignty to the third-world-controlled United Nations

Center For Individual Freedom Works To Stop The Law of The Sea Treaty
Ronald Reagan said of the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST): "No national interest of the United States can justify handing sovereign control of two-thirds of the Earth's surface over to the Third World."
In fact, when President Reagan took office, he was so angry at the Carter Administration for promoting this treaty that he FIRED THE STATE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN NEGOTIATING IT. 
Yet today Senate Democrats, the RINOs, and -- yes -- the President of the United States are ready to hand over our national sovereignty to the third-world-controlled United Nations -- as if U.S. sovereignty were nothing more than an old coat you'd give to the Salvation Army.

The Constitution says this about treaties: "[The President] shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...."

When the Founders wrote those words, they never dreamed that elected officials of this great country would use the Constitution to surrender American sovereignty to a World Body controlled by our most envious and hateful enemies.
Here's what would happen if 67 United States Senators vote to ratify this poisonous treaty:
It would instantly become a permanent part of United States law, requiring the U.S. and our judicial system to defer to the decisions of an international court when disputes governed by the treaty arise.
America would immediately surrender control of the free oceans and seas to a newly-formed United Nations organization called the International Seabed Authority (ISA) -- and the United States might not even have a representative on that Authority. 
Approval of LOST would mean countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria could gang up with other nations to prevent the US from ending its dependency on foreign oil.
The ISA would have the power to tax American citizens and American companies.
The Seabed Authority would be organized like the General Assembly: one nation, one vote.  And no U.S. veto.  That means that third-world countries that hate America would have as much power over the oceans and seas as the United States -- assuming we'd have any power at all.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and all 49 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Two weeks ago, Majority Leader Harry Reid wanted to sneak LOST past the Senate and the American people under the cover of darkness but because you spoke out, we were able to put the brakes on that plan.
 We know Harry Reid plans to bring it up one more time; so let's send the message once again, in no uncertain terms, that the American people will not tolerate this surrender of our nation's sovereignty.  Tell the 49 GOP senators that we expect each and every one of them to vote NO on LOST.  We want this treaty to writhe and flail and die.  The GOP can make that happen and once again become the party of Ronald Reagan.
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You Are Having An Impact!
Like President Reagan, concerned Americans across the country -- especially CFIF activists -- know better than to hand over any of our nation's sovereignty to the United Nations.

And your willingness to make your voice heard against LOST during the last several weeks is having an impact.  But we must keep the pressure on our elected leaders in Washington. 

A recent history of LOST is the source of good news and bad news.
First the bad news:
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee recently voted 17-4 to approve this treaty and send it on to the full Senate.  And Majority Leader Harry Reid and other LOST supporters are working overtime, BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, to ensure they have 67 votes in the Senate to ratify the treaty.
Now the good news:
In recent weeks, you and your fellow CFIF activists have flooded Congressional telephone switchboards and have sent tens of thousands of Blast Faxes to elected officials in Washington in opposition to LOST.
And your hard-fought efforts thus far are paying off. 
It appeared all but certain just a few short weeks ago that the Senate had the necessary votes to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty. 

But thanks to your efforts, our conservative leaders in the Senate are starting to pay attention to the American peoples' opposition.

In fact, following the Committee's vote -- and the flood of opposition to LOST that resulted -- six Members of the Senate Leadership (Mitch McConnell, Trent Lott, John Kyl, John Cornyn, Kay Bailey-Hutchison and John Ensign) wrote Majority Leader Harry Reid and told him to hold his horses on LOST.

But make no mistake, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and even the White House are waiting for you to let your guard down so they can ram LOST through the Senate.
Let's make sure that doesn't happen.  We need to continue to pick off votes in opposition to LOST.  Let's turn up the heat!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and all 49 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Two weeks ago, Majority Leader Harry Reid wanted to sneak LOST past the Senate and the American people under the cover of darkness but because you spoke out, we were able to put the brakes on that plan.
 We know Harry Reid plans to bring it up one more time; so let's send the message once again, in no uncertain terms, that the American people will not tolerate this surrender of our nation's sovereignty.  Tell the 49 GOP senators that we expect each and every one of them to vote NO on LOST.  We want this treaty to writhe and flail and die.  The GOP can make that happen and once again become the party of Ronald Reagan.
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Is LOST Just Another Step Towards One-World Government?
Let's contrast the attitude of Ronald Reagan's people with the people who have the audacity to call themselves conservatives today.

Today we see so-called conservative leaders who want to open up our borders, grant amnesty to 12-20 million illegal aliens and give them residency, taxpayer-funded benefits and even citizenship.

And the same people are pushing hard to see the Law of the Sea Treaty ratified.         
Check out the contrast.
Ed Meese, Reagan's Attorney General, and William Clark, his National Security Adviser, recently called the current version of LOST "a dramatic step toward world government" and warned against "the increasingly brazen hostility of the United Nations and other multilateral institutions to the United States and its interests."
During Condoleezza Rice's confirmation hearing, Senator Lugar asked her about this traitorous treaty, to which she replies that President Bush, "certainly would like to see it pass as soon as possible."  Incredibly, shockingly, she added: "[It] serves our national security interests, serves our economic interests. We very much want to see it go into force."
James Malone -- President Reagan's Special Representative for the Law of the Sea Conference and Chief of the Delegation -- said this about LOST: "The Treaty's provisions were intentionally designed to promote a new world order--a form of global collectivism known as the New International Economic Order (NIEO)--that seeks ultimately the redistribution of the world's wealth through a complex system of manipulative central economic planning and bureaucratic coercion."
That thought apparently didn't bother Senator Richard Lugar.  His spokesman, Andy Fisher said "This is a breakthrough, an indication that they are prepared now to move ahead... on the treaty and will make it clear, I think... that they want to have the vote now on the treaty sooner rather than later."
But Phyllis Schlafly put it as plainly and as truly as anybody when she said: "It is global socialism.  It is world government... It is a trap!"
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and all 49 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Two weeks ago, Majority Leader Harry Reid wanted to sneak LOST past the Senate and the American people under the cover of darkness but because you spoke out, we were able to put the brakes on that plan.
 We know Harry Reid plans to bring it up one more time; so let's send the message once again, in no uncertain terms, that the American people will not tolerate this surrender of our nation's sovereignty.  Tell the 49 GOP senators that we expect each and every one of them to vote NO on LOST.  We want this treaty to writhe and flail and die.  The GOP can make that happen and once again become the party of Ronald Reagan.
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.LOST Is A Threat To Our National Security.
We've already told you some of the egregious aspects of the Law of the Sea Treaty -- including the U.N.-led Authority's ability to tax American citizens and companies.  But LOST would also imperil U.S. security. 
LOST would empower the Seabed Authority to cripple the UNITED STATES NAVY -- one of the most powerful forces for good in the world today -- and leave us vulnerable to ship-based Cruise missiles.
It would forbid our Navy from gathering intelligence in waters proximate to our nation's enemies. 
U.S. submarines would have to travel ON THE SURFACE in those same waters.
And we would have to share our intelligence with the International Seabed Authority, where it could be funneled to Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, and others -- all of whom have vowed to destroy the "Great Satan."
Today the United States Navy can go anywhere in the world -- not because it is the most powerful force afloat (It is!), but because it enjoys the respect of virtually every nation.
Why surrender this power and freedom to the nations that have signed this treaty, most of which have no navy, no major oil companies, and nothing to lose? 
We live in a dangerous world, where tiny nations like Iran and North Korea have nuclear weapons programs and would have no qualms about incinerating one of our cities to please whatever brutal gods they worship!
If the United States joins with 155 other nations in approving this treaty, we might well be signing a suicide note.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and all 49 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Two weeks ago, Majority Leader Harry Reid wanted to sneak LOST past the Senate and the American people under the cover of darkness but because you spoke out, we were able to put the brakes on that plan.
We know Harry Reid plans to bring it up one more time; so let's send the message once again, in no uncertain terms, that the American people will not tolerate this surrender of our nation's sovereignty.  Tell the 49 GOP senators that we expect each and every one of them to vote NO on LOST.  We want this treaty to writhe and flail and die.  The GOP can make that happen and once again become the party of Ronald Reagan.
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Wait, There's More...
It should be obvious that this treaty was designed with one purpose is mind: to cripple and rob the United States of America.
As Oliver North put it:
"LOST also opens the door to a long-sought U.N. goal: the redistribution of wealth by taxing Americans.  The International Seabed Authority (ISA), a bloated, multi-national bureaucracy headquartered in Jamaica, has the mandate to distribute revenues and 'other economic benefits' on the basis of 'equitable sharing criteria,' taking into account the interests and needs of developing States."
And guess what!  In case some third-world dictator doesn't like the way we operate, LOST has established a court in Hamburg, Germany that will hear his charges and render a final judgment.  You can bet the judges, juries, and executioners will be America-haters as well.
Along these lines, Former Attorney General Edwin Meese and Judge William P. Clark honed in on a point we must all keep in mind:
"[T]he increasing practice of U.S. courts to allow 'universal jurisprudence' to trump American constitutional rights and laws; and the use of 'lawfare' (multilateral treaties, tribunal rulings and convention declarations) by adversaries of the U.S. military as asymmetric weapons to curtail or impede American power and operations."
This international court will undoubtedly be anti-American, anti-capitalism and anti-military.
We must stop Senate ratification of this treaty NOW!  We are making progress.  Let's not give up.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and all 49 Republican Members of the United States Senate. Two weeks ago, Majority Leader Harry Reid wanted to sneak LOST past the Senate and the American people under the cover of darkness but because you spoke out, we were able to put the brakes on that plan.
We know Harry Reid plans to bring it up one more time; so let's send the message once again, in no uncertain terms, that the American people will not tolerate this surrender of our nation's sovereignty.  Tell the 49 GOP senators that we expect each and every one of them to vote NO on LOST.  We want this treaty to writhe and flail and die.  The GOP can make that happen and once again become the party of Ronald Reagan.
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Yours In Freedom,

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