T.D.Jakes masterfully deconstructs the entire practice of theology

T.D.Jakes masterfully deconstructs the entire practice of theologyBy Pastor Tom Chantry
Don't be fooled by the panel members who insist that he affirmed the Trinity. What he did was say, "I'm Trinitarian so long as I am free to express it in Sabelian terms." He repeatedly insisted that Oneness folks and Trinitarian folks are all saying the same thing. He dismissed the question as secondary - not worth division among the people of Christ, among whom he clearly counts the Oneness churches. Once he has deconstructed the very idea of systematic theology, he can affirm anything. So yes, he answered "absolutely" or "yes" to each and every one of Driscoll's questions, but what does that mean? Not much.
Click here for complete article:http://crbcviews.blogspot.com/2012/01/quick-hit-thoughts-on-er2.html


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