The Technology is Amazing and We Endeavor to Use it to God's Glory

Worldview Weekend Foundation1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228Collierville, TN <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Dear Worldview Weekend Foundation Partners,
We wanted to give you an update on what your Worldview Weekend Foundation has been up to since my last letter to you. We are busy preparing for nine, free, Biblical Worldview Weekend Rallies. Between October 7 and November 18, we will be hosting these free conferences in: Destin, FL; Wichita, KS; Des Moines, IA; Minneapolis, MN; Tulsa, OK; Rogers, AR; Peoria, IL; Milwaukee, WI, and Rockford, ILWe will train several thousand people in person while in these cities. The speakers joining me will be Justin Peters, Mike Gendron, Jimmy DeYoung, and Chris Pinto. Despite this busy travel schedule, there are millions we must still reach and can never reach in person. Therefore, on September 10, 2012, was launched. Until this week, the national television program, The Worldview Weekend Hour, has only been available on DIRECTV. Now every Tuesday, The Worldview Weekend Hour will be available to people all around the world through a computer, Roku, iphone, Android, or an Ipad. Please tell your friends about the program and that they can watch the program on demand every Tuesday from 12:01 am EST to 11:59pm PST. Please help us get out the word about  Additional programs by Chris Pinto, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, and others will be added in the next few weeks.
On the second week of broadcasting on, 4,800 people watched The Worldview Weekend Hour in one day. With the promotions  planned, we believe in the next few weeks we will be reaching 20,000 to 30,000 people every Tuesday through The Worldview Weekend Hour television program.
The technology is amazing and we endeavor to use it to God's glory. Recently I was invited to travel to Denver to speak for a conference. I explained that I would very much like to speak but that I could not travel to Denver to be there in person but would like to speak live via Skype. On Saturday night September 22, I had the privilege to speak to almost 1,000 people via Skype.  Five hundred people where in a hotel ballroom in Littleton, Colorado and several hundred others were watching through a live internet stream. I spoke for almost an hour on Acts 20:28-31, 2 Peter 2:1 and Jude 3-4 in relation to the false teachers and their paganism and pragmatism that has invaded modern-day evangelicalism. The response was so positive that I have been invited to deliver the same Biblical message via Skype on February 23, 2013 to the Los Angeles conference. We are so thankful for these opportunities that technology is now permitting. Through your partnership, we are given the honor of being able to reach Christians and non-Christians world-wide with Biblical truth through Worldview Weekends, Worldview Weekend Radio, The Worldview Weekend Hour and website articles. Here are just a few e-mails we received in the past few months.
·        I have been feeling very alone in the way things are going in the country and the world. Your teaching and your guests give me some support. (Betty)
·        I would like to thank you again for taking the time to speak to me on Friday night in Tyler, Texas. This conference woke me up…This conference has set my heart on fire for God… (Tammy)
·        I unfortunately do not have a discerning church to go to…and rely heavily on the Godly messages and information from your website and others. (James)
·        I read all your articles. I have been the victim of false teaching and spent an incredible amount of time putting myself back together again. I too am now very sensitive to what is being said and taught in the name of Christ. I am so thankful for this [web] site. (Sandra)
·        I am so blessed by your research. I cannot express how grateful I am for your show. It almost brought me to tears to get such relief from your research. (Tiffany)
I pray this letter is an encouragement to you because it is through your partnership with us through the Worldview Weekend Foundation that much of this has been possible. Thank you for your continued, generous support of our work through the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Several people have asked us to set up the ability for them to contribute automatically with a monthly contribution. You can set this up at  
You can still make a one-time contribution as well on our website. If you prefer to send a tax-deductible gift by check our address is at the top of this letter. Thank you.
Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend Foundation


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    Worldview Weekend Foundation
    PO BOX 1690
    Collierville, TN, 38027 USA

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