Why Are There So Few Biblically Sound Radio and Television Programs Today?

Have you ever wondered why there are so few Biblically sound radio and television programs today? One reason is that television production is very expensive, and sadly, Biblical programming is just not desired by most self-described Christians today. Think about it. Who else wants Biblical programming but Biblically thinking Christians? How many Biblically thinking Christians exist today? The Bible says ‘narrow is the way and few who find it.’ By its very nature, Biblical broadcasting is desired by a small remnant and it is very hard to cover the costs of filming, production, and distribution of Biblical programming if you are only going to reach the remnant. 

In order to reach a wider audience and have more donors, most of the so-called Christian programming of the day is very shallow and is largely based on entertaining and appealing to the flesh. Is it any wonder that some false teachers are reported to bring in $50 million to $100 million dollars a year when they are telling people to send in their “faith seed” as they preach their heretical “prosperity gospel?” 

Sadly, I believe ratings and dollars drive the content of most of what is falsely called Christian programming today. One thing we have never done, and will never do, is produce programming for the purpose of drawing a crowd or financially fleecing the hearer. Our programming standards are summed up in our purpose statement that includes “defending and proclaiming a Biblical worldview.”

Because of our Biblically defined mission statement, we are destined to not reach or appeal to the masses, but the remnant. This means that our budgets will likely always be small and we will have to do a lot with very little. But it also means that your support is that much more important. We do not have thousands and thousands of financial donors. While we reach many people on a global scale, it is just a small percentage that step up to the plate and financially partner with us so we can continue this broadcast ministry. That means you are a vital partner with us. Please do not doubt for one minute that your contribution of even a small amount does not make a big difference! 

I have some great ministry news for you. We have just returned from being on the road for 10 Worldview Weekend rallies in 10 cities in 10 nights. In 9 out of 10 cities we had to pull out more chairs over and over to provide for more seating.

After more than three and half years off the road building the ministry of worldviewradio.com and wvwtv.com, we decided it was time to host 10, free Worldview Weekend rallies in 10 nights. The April 1-10 conferences were ten days of ministry we believe bore and will continue to bear much Biblical fruit. 

Now more than ever we believe it is time to once again return to a more regular schedule of hosting the free Worldview Weekend Rallies. Why? The answer is simple. As false teaching and abhorrent theologies become mainstream the need for equipping the saints to contend for the faith is more urgent than ever. Secondly, as more and more churches reject Biblical truth or water down the truth, the saints are in greater need of true Christian fellowship. Actual Christian fellowship is only found around the teaching and sharing in the truths of God’s Word. 

Countless numbers of people told us how edifying and encouraging it was to be with other like-minded Christians for an evening of Bible teaching and fellowship.

Do you agree that we should once again return to a more regular schedule of hosting free Worldview Weekend rallies? 

The problem is that hosting free Worldview Weekend rallies is very expensive in addition to the numerous free radio and television programs we produce and distribute. Thus, if we return to hosting free Worldview Weekend Rallies, we are going to need to raise a considerable amount of funds to cover the costs as many of the offerings at the rallies do not cover the expense of renting the hotel ballrooms much less the travel and administrative costs. 

Many of these free rallies attract people of all ages including teenagers, college students, and young families that are not in a position to contribute to the free-will offering. Thus, it is imperative that we raise a considerable portion of the funds necessary to cover the costs of hosting the free Worldview Weekend rallies.

Our television and radio production costs, computer programmers, and bandwidth, among other expenses, keeps our budgets very tight and we cannot risk our global television and radio ministry by diverting our broadcast ministry budgets to free Worldview Weekend Rallies. 

Thus, a commitment to return to free Worldview Weekend Rallies will also require a commitment by many of our listening friends as they partner with us to make future, free Worldview Weekend rallies possible.

With your help we will be able to host the free Worldview Weekend rallies from October 23 to October 29 in the following cities:

Rogers, Arkansas
Ft. Scott, Kansas
McPherson, Kansas
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Dallas, Texas
Houston, Texas

In addition, we continue to produce new television and radio programs from our Memphis, Tennessee studios. Currently we produce and/or distribute around 15 radio programs each week at www.worldviewradio.com 

From our television studio we film, post-produce, and distribute six television programs with a seventh program being added this fall. These television programs include that of Brannon Howse, Mike Gendron, Justin Peters, Mike Abendroth, Tommy Ice, Usama Dakdok and the new program by Shahram Hadian, which we will add in November. We do not charge any of the broadcasters for producing and distributing these programs. If our broadcasters were asked to cover their own transportation to our television studio, pay for their own lodging, and pay for the cost of producing their television ministry program, their small ministries would not have the means to launch or maintain their current television ministry. It is because people like you partner with us that we have been able to build the free radio and television ministry that equips, encourages and edifies so many with Biblical truth. You can watch these programs for free at www.wvwtv.com

We have also seen an increase in the cost of server security to fight off the almost non-stop hackers that are daily attacking our site in an attempt to bring it down.

Television and radio production is very expensive. Because we make our radio and television program available for free, we must cover the bandwidth expense that comes with having people from all over the world visit our site and stream these free ministry programs.

In addition, servers and maintenance and computer technicians to oversee the network of computers, apps, Roku channel and infrastructure is very costly.

If you appreciate our ministry can we please hear from you today with a tax deductible contribution? By July 1st we need to raise $30,000 in order to meet our current budgets, be in a place to rent the hotel ballrooms and host the 7 free, fall Worldview Weekend rallies, launch the new television program by former Muslim, Shahram Hadian, and to be able to continue to maintain the radio and television programs we currently produce. We also must invest a generous amount of funds toward bringing our websites and broadcast distribution platforms up to date with mission critical improvements. 

 Thank you for partnering with us now in these ministry projects by making a tax deductible contribution online, by phone, or by check. All the details are at www.wvwfoundation.com  

If you prefer to give over our secure donation line, the number is 901-853-8792. Please be sure to leave your name, address, phone number, credit card number, cvs number from the back of your card and the amount of the donation.

If you prefer to send a check please use our address above. If you prefer to give online on our secure website then please go to www.wvwfoundation.com 

 Thank you for your support.


Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend
Worldview Weekend Foundation


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