Worldview Weekend Statement on John Piper Inviting Rick Warren to Speak at His National Conference

Worldview Weekend Statement on John Piper Inviting Rick Warren to Speak at His National Conference<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Because we are being asked for our take on this subject we are releasing the following statement from Brannon Howse, President of Worldview Weekend and host of Worldview Matters. Brannon will cover this issue on his national radio program on Monday but for now here is a written statement:
I think it is a VERY bad idea for John Piper to invite Rick Warren to speak at his Desiring God conference. Piper is showing a serious lack of discernment in this decision. I think Piper was taken in by the Warren personality and not the facts. I wonder if Piper even knows all we know from our own personal study and documentation of what Rick Warren has said in speeches and interviews. Sadly, and rightfully so, this will harm the ministry and influence of Piper with many true Christians worldwide. Does Piper agree with Rick Warren's endorsement of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation that is working to bring the religions of the world together? Does Piper agree with Warren signing the Yale Center document that states that Christians and Muslims worship the same God? I could go on and on with such examples. This is a very sad day for the church in America. Another leader we thought had enough common sense and Biblical discernment not to be taken in has revealed otherwise. Please pray that John Piper will change his mind and withdraw the speaking invitation of Rick Warren at his conference. John Piper is giving Rick Warren credibility and thus Piper is losing his.
I would like to read your thoughts on the decision of John Piper to invite Rick Warren to speak for his national conference. Please click our feedback button below to post your comments now. Sincerely,Brannon Howse
President & FounderWorldview Weekend


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