Would America's Founders Agree with Focus on the Family's Spokesman?

Would America's Founders Agree with Focus on the Family's Spokesman? By Brannon Howse
Focus on the Family has no problem with a nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court being a homosexual? To confirm the accuracy and validity of comments made by Bruce Hausknecht, a spokesperson for Focus on the Family, I called and spoke with Bruce Hausknecht and Bruce confirmed that his quotes in an article on the Plum Line website were accurate. I asked him three times if they were accurate quotes and each time Bruce affirmed they were. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
In the article Mr. Hausknecht is quoted as saying, "We agree with Senator Sessions…The issue is not their sexual orientation. It's whether they are a good judge or not." Hausknecht said their sexual orientation "should never come up…It's not even pertinent to the equation."  Hausknecht continued, "Our concern at the Supreme Court is judicial philosophy…Sexual orientation only becomes an issue if it effects their judging."
While we commend FOTF for many of the wonderful things they have done, these statements by a spokesman are very troubling. I waited for a few days to cover this story in hopes that the statement would be retracted but it was not retracted but confirmed.
What did our Founding Fathers and the leading legal scholar for the Founders have to say about the issue of homosexuality? Would our founders give a pass to a heterosexual on the high court that was a serial adulterer?  Why did George Washington refuse to allow homosexuals to serve in the U.S. military and what did he do when a homosexual was discovered among the ranks? I Answers these question in great detail on my radio program.
President Bill Clinton's defenders said during his controversy that personal and private behavior has nothing to do with public service. During the Clinton controversy, FOTF aired a sermon by Dr. Adrian Rogers on the qualifications of a leader.  How then can FOTF now say, through a spokesman, that sexual orientation is "not even pertinent to the equation"? How can a judge who lacks morals, integrity and self-control have any hope of being a "good judge"? Judges do not separate their personal worldview and values from their judicial decisions and we have a long track record of unconstitutional decisions based on their worldview, personal opinion and bias to prove this.
John Adams who was Vice-president and then President said, "Have you ever found in history, one single example of a Nation thoroughly corrupted that was afterwards restored to virtue?...And without virtue, there can be no political liberty." Many believe the comments by the FOTF spokesman and Senator Jeff Sessions, reveals why Republicans and pro-family groups are losing credibility, donors and influence among Bible-minded Christians.
In 1856, the first platform of the Republican Party included, "Calling upon Congress to prohibit in the Territories those twin relics of barbarism-Polygamy and Slavery." If the founders of the Republican Party were that opposed to polygamy, which includes a natural act, what would they say about homosexuality which, according to the Bible, is an unnatural act? The Republican Party has left its foundation and purpose and has become a force of harm to America. I believe political and pro-family leaders have compromised for the sake of pragmatism.  
There is no hope of reclaiming America if we cannot reclaim the church. We cannot reclaim the country if Christian leaders and organizations do not embrace sound public policy based on a Biblical and Constitutional worldview.   Sadly however, the criticism will not go to FOTF in large numbers as it should, but it will come to me. Why? Because the majority of Christians in America are an inch deep and a mile wide because theology, doctrine, reason and logic no longer matter to a post-modern church that is intoxicated with feelings, emotions, non-judgementalism and Christian celebrities. Thus, whenever any member of the remnant dare question any "popular" author, personality or organization, the fur flies. 
None of us are above correction and Christians should stop being committed to a celebrity driven Christianity that causes them to take leave of their senses. These people put their pants on one leg and a time like the rest of us and are not exempt from being challenged when they publically get it wrong and refuse to get it right.  Francis Schaeffer predicted that political correctness and pragmatism would eventually be accepted by "Christians" and it would be the beginning of the end for America. I discuss this entire issue on my national radio program and take calls from across the country to see what Christians think about this issue. Click here to listen now:http://www.worldviewradio.com/episode.php?EpisodeID=12186


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