Is Your City, Town, or County Involved in Freedom Robbing Sustainable Development?

Is Your City, Town, or County Involved in Freedom Robbing Sustainable Development? By Brannon Howse <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Don't know what sustainable development is? Click here for an excerpt from my book Grave Influence that explains what it is and who is behind it:
Click here to find out if your city, town, or county is involved in sustainable development
Here is what a group in Washington state is seeking to do to get their town out of tax-funded sustainable development: A group from Spokane, Washington called the Spokane Patriots will issue a demand that the city council withdraw from "Sustainability" policy and terminate the city's contract with the international Non-Governmental Organization called ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). ICLEI works in over 600 U.S. communities and 1,000 communities worldwide. The Spokane group presents a city charter amendment along with an ordinance asserting the unconstitutional alliance between the City and ICLEI.Click here for complete article:

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