Shady U.S. Government Affiliated NGO Based in Ukraine Gets Uncovered



  • A newly released video of Nancy Pelosi talking to her staffers on January 6, 2021, shows her admitting that the whole J6 debacle could have been avoided if she had done one thing, which she refused to do.
  • Hunter Biden was convicted by a jury Tuesday of lying about his illegal drug use so he could buy a handgun.
  • A U.S. government-affiliated NGO in Ukraine has published an enemies list that includes American journalists, business leaders, media outlets, websites, and basically anyone who has been critical of the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.
  • We have new information on that IDF raid that freed four hostages from the grip of Hamas terrorists.
  • And Joe Biden commits America to what many call an “economic suicide pact.”

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight with a bombshell video, newly released this week, showing Nancy Pelosi admitting that she was responsible for the security failure on January 6 that led to the breach of the Capitol.

The video footage was captured as Pelosi was being evacuated to Fort McNair. She admits to her aides that she was responsible for security, and she should have called in National Guard troops. 

But here’s the kicker: Trump asked for the National Guard and Nancy said no.

Watch this stunning video.



Meanwhile, the Federalist, in an exclusive piece, reports that former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney worked behind the scenes to cover up the truth about January 6.

Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence that President Donald Trump pushed for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital, a previously hidden transcript obtained by The Federalist shows.

Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had “no evidence” to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had communicated its desire for 10,000 National Guard troops. In fact, an early transcribed interview conducted by the committee included precisely that evidence from a key source, the Federalist reports. The interview, which Cheney attended and personally participated in, was suppressed from public release until now.

Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato’s first transcribed interview with the committee was conducted on January 28, 2022. In it, he told Cheney and her investigators that he overheard White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows push Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as many National Guard troops as she needed to protect the city.

He also testified President Trump had suggested 10,000 would be needed to keep the peace at the public rallies and protests scheduled for January 6, 2021. Ornato also described White House frustration with Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller’s slow deployment of assistance on the afternoon of January 6, 2021.

Not only did the committee not accurately characterize the interview, they suppressed the transcript from public review. On top of that, committee allies began publishing critical stories and even conspiracy theories about Ornato ahead of follow-up interviews with him. Ornato was a career Secret Service official who had been detailed to the security position in the White House.

Cheney frequently points skeptics of her investigation to the Government Publishing Office website that posted, she said, “transcripts, documents, exhibits & our meticulously sourced 800+ page final report.” That website provides “supporting documents” to the claims made by Cheney and fellow anti-Trump enthusiasts.

But transcripts of fewer than half of the 1,000 interviews the committee claims it conducted are posted on that site.

Those documents support the committee’s narrative rather than the truth of the events leading up to January 6, 2021, said Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight.


Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was convicted by a jury Tuesday of lying about his illegal drug use so he could buy a gun, making him the first child of a sitting U.S. president to be convicted of a crime.

A 12-member jury in Wilmington, Delaware, found the defendant guilty on all three counts against him.

Hunter Biden, 54, lightly nodded his head after the verdict was read but otherwise showed little reaction. He then patted his lawyer Abbe Lowell on the back and hugged another member of his legal team.

Lowell said in a statement they would "vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to Hunter." Biden still faces a separate tax case in California.

Hunter Biden, seen at a Wilmington food hall after the verdict, referred Reuters reporters to his statement when asked for further comment but said, “all is good.”

“How could it not be?” he added, motioning to a child on his lap he did not identify.

The trial took place against the background of a November 5th election pitting Democrat Joe Biden against his Republican predecessor Donald Trump, who was himself found guilty at a landmark New York state trial last month.

At trial, prosecutors offered an intimate view of Hunter Biden’s years of alcohol and crack-cocaine abuse, which they said legally precluded him from buying a gun.

After about three hours of deliberation, the jurors found Hunter Biden falsely claimed to be free of illegal drugs when he filled out a government screening document for a Colt Cobra revolver in 2018 and then illegally possessed the weapon.


The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity's Daniel McAdams has uncovered a U.S. government-affiliated NGO, based in Ukraine, which has published an enemies list that includes American journalists, business leaders, media outlets, websites, and basically anyone who has been critical of the Biden administration.

The NGO is called Data Journalism Agency, also known as TEXTY, and it published a report last week titled "American swing. From Trumpists to communists, who and how is campaigning for the end of aid to Ukraine."

According to Zero Hedge, which itself is on the list, “The report intends to smear American conservative journalists, media outlets, and organizations as disseminators of Russian propaganda. But it's really a list of anyone opposed to the war in Ukraine, or Biden, or the left in general.”


A total of 390 individuals and 76 organizations are included in what McAdams describes as Ukraine's "enemies list." 

More from McAdams:

The report also includes such prominent American politicians and journalists as Sen. JD Vance, Sen. Rand Paul, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rep. Jim Jordan, and Col. Douglas Macgregor.

McAdams writes:

“Perhaps what is most shocking about this attack on American citizens is the fact that the Data Journalism Agency (TEXTY) has a long affiliation with the US Government itself! In fact, the founder of the publication Anatoly Bondarenko appears prominently on a US Government website as a participant in the US State Department's "TechCamp" project.”

Commentator Robby Starbuck chimed in on X; "This is insane. A Ukrainian NGO just put out an enemies list that includes US citizens. This list blames us for Ukraine's issues on the battlefield," adding "Here's where it gets crazy… The founder of this NGO ( was TRAINED by the US State Department."


One man who won’t end up on any of Ukraine’s enemy lists is French President Emmanuel Macron. He has been one of the most aggressive supporters of the Zelensky regime.

In fact, the Kremlin says that France, a member of the NATO alliance, is fast becoming a “direct” participant in the Ukraine war, which threatens to drastically inflame tensions and escalate the conflict further, possibly beyond Ukraine's borders.

Macron last Friday committed to transferring Mirage fighter jets to Kiev, as well as setting up a French training program for Ukrainian pilots. He said this while Zelensky and Biden were in France commemorating and attending D-Day 80th anniversary events. Macron went so far as to repeat his call for Western countries to send troops into Ukraine.

Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov reacted by stating: “Macron demonstrates absolute support for the Kiev regime and declares readiness for France's direct participation in the military conflict. We consider these statements to be very, very provocative, inflaming tensions on the continent and not conducive to anything positive.”

Macron has pressed ahead undeterred despite repeat Moscow warnings and despite his party’s drudging in last week’s European elections.


We reported last night on the incredible rescue operation that brought four Israeli hostages back home to their families.

Tonight, we have more information on the IDF raid that freed the four hostages from the grip of Hamas terrorists, who had held them captive since October 7 of last year.

Here’s a news clip explaining how the Israeli soldiers got into the compound where the hostages were being held and how they got them out.



The Biden administration has just signed an economic suicide pact that would require the United States and six other Western democracies to shut down its coal power plants by 2035, while China, India and the rest of the world have more than 1,000 new coal power plants in the planning or construction phase. The no-coal pact allows all nations but the Suicidal Seven to continue using as much affordable coal power as they like.

Zero Hedge notes that the corporate media are serving as government propaganda outlets in the drive to demolish the role of coal and other cheap, efficient energy sources. The outlet writes:

 “You’ll notice this trend now across the Western world. All the video clips on YouTube from government propaganda channels have comments ‘disabled.’ The irony is that Western media outlets disable the comments section while Russian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern ones don’t.”


Last week, The Bank of International Settlements – an institution sometimes referred to as the “central bank of central banks” – announced that Saudi Arabia has agreed to formally join its bridge project to produce and facilitate central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

According to the BIS in a blog post from 2022, “Project mBridge is a collaboration between the BIS Innovation Hub Hong Kong Center, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Bank of Thailand, the Digital Currency Institute of the People’s Bank of China and the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates.”

They add: “After experimenting with different technology architectures in earlier phases of the project, the project team developed a new blockchain – the mBridge Ledger – custom-built by central banks for central banks to serve as a specialized and flexible platform for implementation of multi-currency cross-border payments in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).”

More recently, the BIS announced that much progress has made with mBridge and it’s now ready to begin the next phase of development, indicating that CBDCs around the world are close to being implemented by the world’s central banks. 

Also, the BIS announcement that Saudi Arabia has become the latest member to join the mBridge collaboration is likely to kick-start the project.


A school in Switzerland has announced it will start using digital tracking wristbands to keep tabs on the movement of children at all times.

As highlighted by Remix News, a Swiss outlet reports that the Letten after-school care center in Birmensdorf will require kids to wear the Bluetooth technology at all times during care hours unless parents specifically opt out.


The wristbands will track the wearers, with staff being alerted should a pupil wander outside the sanctioned location without prior authorization.

The report notes that “important individual information about food intolerances” can be stored in the system for the children to make check-in at lunch easier.

The report adds that the tracking system was developed by the head of the education center, Joel Giger, as part of a start-up called Companion.

School administrators stated “Birmensdorf school can gain new insights through the pilot project and at the same time offer the company the opportunity to test the product together with specialists on-site as part of the pilot project.”

Sounds like a clever way to get the youngest generation hooked into what amounts to a digital ID, using them as a guinea pigs for a social experiment. No discerning parent would allow their child to be digitally tagged like a cow in a feedlot. 


The Daily Mail reports on a new study that suggests an underwater fault line along the US West Coast could trigger a mega-earthquake that would be more devastating than the so-called Big One along California's San Andreas Fault.

Using underwater mapping techniques, scientists have mapped the Cascadia Subduction Zone – a 600-mile fault line extending from southern Canada to northern California – in never before seen detail.

What they found was stunning. The fault splits into four segments instead of being one continuous strip like most fault lines. The discovery could prove more catastrophic because the tectonic plates can slide under each other, creating more pressure and more severe earthquakes.

The researchers concluded the Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential to unleash an earthquake measuring 9-plus on the Richter Scale.

By comparison, California's San Andreas Fault is poised for a quake of up to 8.3 in magnitude. 

If an earthquake of more than 9.0 in magnitude struck the West Coast US it could generate tsunamis reaching 100 feet or more, kill more than 10,000 people and cause over $80 billion in damages in just Oregon and Washington alone, according to the study.

Disaster emergency plans in Oregon and Washington warn that in the aftermath of a quake that big, they could face a wave of long-term deaths due to disease from exposure to dead bodies, animal carcasses, contaminated water and Hazmat spills from commercial, industrial and household sources. 


Apple is about to unleash its version of generative AI on millions of its customers in the latest iteration of its popular iPhone and iPad products.

Wired Magazine reports that Apple CEO Tim Cook announced Apple’s long-awaited AI reboot on June 11 at the company’s Worldwide Developer Conference in Cupertino, California. 

Wired writes:

“What the company is calling Apple Intelligence, available in beta this fall, includes a handful of features that will shape the iPhone, iPad, and Mac experiences in ways large and small. Apple also gave Siri, its currently-limited voice assistant, a significant generative AI overhaul.”

The company also announced that it will incorporate outside AI models into its software, starting with OpenAI’s ChatGPT later this year, making clear that the experience will be opt-in only and won’t require a ChatGPT subscription. Siri will determine whether a query can benefit from accessing ChatGPT, and then ask for approval to share information with the model. Apple said it would tap into other AI models, beside ChatGPT, in the future.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, a known transhumanist, said in a statement:

“We’re excited to partner with Apple to bring ChatGPT to their users in a new way. Apple shares our commitment to safety and innovation, and this partnership aligns with OpenAI’s mission to make advanced AI accessible to everyone.”

Wired notes that until now, “Apple has been conspicuously absent from headlines about generative AI. Competitors like Google and Microsoft have rushed to embrace the technology ever since ChatGPT burst onto the scene in late 2022. Apple has apparently been biding its time, developing a comprehensive strategy that touches on many of its products and services.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Business Insider reports on a new left-wing study calling for a climate tax that would fund universal basic income programs on a global scale.

Researchers behind the study, called “Utilizing basic income to create a sustainable, poverty-free tomorrow,” explained how paying people to do nothing could provide a “two-pronged solution to both environmental sustainability and social resilience.”

Universal basic income was tested during the forced lockdowns implemented as part of the COVID-19 plandemic, which caused record-high unemployment — nearly 15% — in the United States in 2020.

Rashid Sumaila, the study’s primary author at the University of British Columbia, believes a UBI funded by carbon taxes on a global scale would be costly upfront but pay off in the long term.

She told Business Insider:

“I must concede that the US may be the last place to engage with our proposal for all sorts of reasons. But the situation may not persist forever as there are indications that Gen Z and millennials seem to care relatively more about tackling both climate change and inequality than older Americans.”

UBI pilot programs have met with opposition from conservative lawmakers in the U.S. One representative in Iowa, which moved to ban such programs, called it “socialism on steroids.” 

South Africa is on track to be the first country to adopt a universal basic income.

Sumaila told Business Insider:

“In theory, it is a beautiful idea to use basic income to help people, sustain nature, and boost the economy. It also seems possible to raise a big chunk of the funds needed to do this by taxing C02 emitters, degraders of biodiversity, overfishers, deforesters, plastic polluters, oil spillers, and the agricultural sector.”

Spoken like a true communist.

These are the types of junk-science studies that leftists use to justify taking away bedrock freedoms in America and other countries.

They say UBI and a climate tax will spur economic growth. That’s a big lie. Wherever these climate policies have bee enacted, we see small businesses and family farms being destroyed. That, in the end, is what they want. Only governments and big corporations will be left, devoid of any competition, and they’ll all be equally oppressive.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…


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