Was VA Tech Massacre A Terrorist Attack?

Was VA Tech Massacre A Terrorist Attack?Reported At Christian Worldviewnetwork.com First:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The following is a letter from a Rabbi in Virginia. Several other sources have confirmed aspects of this story. It truly appears the mainstream media is ignoring what looks like what was a terrorist attack. Officials need to release the audio and/or transcripts of the other videos made by this terrorist.
Please read this letter and post your feedback on our site.  
Shalom Dear Brothers and Sisters,I wanted to take a moment and share with you some inside information concerning the events at Virginia Tech this past Monday. Living in Old Dominion, this was not a national tragedy, it was a family tragedy. Several gunshot victims are friends with my own children who graduated High school with them and several murder victims were from our communities here in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Newport News, Yorktown, Hampton, and Virginia Beach. This morning (Thursday April 19th) I met and prayed with some of the Samaha family members here in Williamsburg, Va. 19 year old Reema Samaha, a beautiful, vibrant, and outgoing Freshmen at Virginia Tech was violently murdered Monday. I cannot place in words the grief, emotions, and shock we are experiencing now, even as I reflect back upon this morning and feebly attempt to communicate to you what we are experiencing and that has occurred here.The Samaha family name is misleading. They are a close knit Lebanese Christian family that dearly loves the lord. Reema's parents live in Centerville, Virginia but a major portion of the family live here in our area. The family expresses it's heartfelt thanks for your prayers and support as they grieve their horrendous loss.
I also spoke this morning, right after this meeting with a peace officer here in Virginia who had access too and has read some of the transcripts of the other ten videos that are not being shown on the news. The shooter (Cho) was quoting verses from the Koran and had Ishmael written on his arm and as his return address on the package sent to NBC. It appears that he did not randomly pick his targets but rather chose classes that had high concentrations of Christians and Jews in them-he was targeting Christians and Jews!!!!!
This may never come out in the media and some may tend to disregard this but my source is a solid believer and a trustworthy officer who has personally read some of the transcripts. What adds to this is that the press is not mentioning that a very high percentage of the victims were believers. The names of the victims can be misleading and don't indicate who they really are! It has literally been a whirlwind here these past few days and unfortunately it has just begun for us. The blast arc of destruction extends beyond the campus in Blacksburg to friends and families across the Commonwealth into our own communities and people who are in shock, pain, and overwhelming grief. The initial shock will linger as long as the media circus continues but the true pain, emotional impact, scaring, and damage will surface in the next 6  to 12 months and longer when the nations short term memory has forgotten the rampage and terror that occurred here.I have been astounded by our young men and women who have shown great courage, integrity and faith in the face of an inimaginable horror. Their resiliency and determination have led to a great openness towards God and Yeshua as they congregate together in grass roots prayer meetings, seeking the Kingdom of God! I pray this would be a great time of revival among them and that God receive Glory for what the enemy meant as devastation and destruction.We, the families of the victims, all of those at Va Tech, across Virginia, and the Congregation covet your prayers and support at this time. Please continue to stand in the gap for us and pray for healing and shalom.In His Love,Eric S. Carlson, Rabbi


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