Conservative Rebellion II by Gary Bauer

Conservative Rebellion IIBy Gary BauerThe Republican Party has been learning a valuable lesson in recent weeks.  The lesson is simply this:  men and women like you want the party of Lincoln and Reagan to remain a conservative party!  Unfortunately, it is learning the hard way in most cases.Last month I reported to you about the primary results in Pennsylvania, where nearly a dozen incumbent Republicans, including the two highest ranking leaders of the State Senate, lost their primary elections over an unpopular pay raise for state legislators and increased state spending.  The grassroots rebellion in Pennsylvania is not an isolated event.  There is more to report from the primaries around the country on Tuesday, as well.For example, in South Dakota, four Republican state senators who opposed the newly enacted abortion ban faced primary challenges from pro-life conservatives.  All four incumbents lost!  A political science professor at South Dakota State University said of the results, "There's certainly no good news in the outcome for pro-choice advocates."  That's music to my ears!  But, of course, this news, along with the overwhelming vote in favor of traditional marriage in Alabama, was virtually blacked out by the liberal media!Let's recap some of the results from this year's primary season.  In Ohio, Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, a staunch conservative champion, won the Republican nomination for governor over a moderate who had opposed Ohio's marriage protection amendment.  In Minnesota, State Sen. Michele Bachmann, who has boldly championed traditional marriage in her state, easily won her party's nomination for an open congressional seat.  In Pennsylvania, economic conservatives rose up and "retired" nearly a dozen big spenders from the state legislature.  In South Dakota, pro-life conservatives voted out four "pro-choice" incumbents.  And in the special election in California's 50th Congressional District, the message of border security over amnesty carried the day.  Do you see a pattern here?  I hope so – our values are winning!My friends, when confronted by defeatists who say it's hopeless and your vote doesn't matter, remember these results!  Don't get discouraged.  Work harder, vote, and support Campaign for Working Families!  We only give our endorsement and support to unambiguous pro-family, pro-life conservatives.We can make a difference and that is what this political action committee has been working so hard to accomplish for the past ten years.  We've been laying the foundation and our efforts – your efforts – are having an impact!I believe there will be more surprises in the days and weeks ahead.  We are identifying right now opportunities for us to make a few politicians feel the heat on the marriage issue.  As I have said before, we don't need to change hearts and minds when it comes to the meaning of marriage.  But we may well need to change the occupations of a few incumbents in order to make progress on Capitol Hill.  I promise you, my friends, with your support, we will do just that!Please stand with CWF today as we work to elect a conservative Congress this November.  Visit our secure website at to make a credit card contribution online.  If you prefer, you can call our office at (703) 671-8800 or you can mail a check to the address below.Thank you!


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