14 Benefits of Training Your Child Using the Moral Law and Christian Doctrine and the Consequences of Not Doing So

The Benefits of Training Your Child Using the Moral Law and Christian Doctrine and the Consequences of Not Doing SoPart 3<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Brannon Howse
I've identified 14 specific benefits to families and children when we use the moral law and Biblical doctrine to train  the heart and mind of a child to follow Jesus Christ. 
1) By training our children in the foundational doctrines of sin, the accuracy of the Bible, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are preparing their hearts to seek God. 2) By training our children at an early age to recognize their sinfulness, we inculcate them with the understanding that sin has serious consequences and that doing God's will brings blessing. 3) When we don't address the sin natures of our children, we confront merely behavioral problems that are symptoms of their heart condition, not the root cause.4) By training our children with Biblical doctrine at an early age and living it out before them, we show them the importance it plays in our home and life. 5) By training our children with the Scriptures at an early age we are building into them a Christian worldview and preparing them to be thoroughly equipped for every good work, regardless of what vocation God may call them to (2 Timothy 3:16).6) By training our children in Biblical doctrine, we are teaching them that God is sovereign-that He is in control and never caught by surprise. God's sovereignty gives us and our children hope, comfort, and peace in all circumstances, even when others are fearful, depressed, and defeated by the troubles of this world. 7) By training our children that we live according to the Bible because Scripture is a reflection of the character and nature of God, we encourage them to obey God's Word from hearts that desires a deeper relationship with their heavenly Father instead of fostering legalistic obedience.8) When we train our children that God has placed them under the authority of their parents for protection and training in accordance with God's Word, we teach them to obey us from the heart so as to honor and obey God. 9) By training the heart of a child to obey God, we train our children to be pleasers of God, not of men. By contrast, if we teach our children to obey so they avoid punishment, a scolding, or to receive an award, we train them to jump through our hoops so they can keep us happy. Although a common approach, this does not train the heart but rather teaches them how to manipulate us and others. Training children with man-centered behavior modification only gives us the human equivalent of Pavlov's dogs rather than God-honoring young men and women. Note well: Children that are trained from the heart will seek to do the right thing even when we are not watching because their motivation for doing right is not us but God. 10) By training our children in the essential doctrinal truths of Christianity, we prepare them to withstand the deception of false teachings and worldviews that will vie for their allegiance as they grow older. We are also equipping them with the knowledge they need to defend and contend for a Biblical worldview as commanded of every Christian. 11) By training our children in a Biblical worldview we grow in them Biblical values which produce Biblical conduct. 12) By developing in our children a love of Christian doctrine, we teach them to love knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is the acquisition of truth, and wisdom is the application of truth. 13) By training our children in the ways of the Lord, we prepare them to seek a godly spouse and raise godly children which produces a family that honors God and results in  the blessing of a close-knit family.14) By training our children in Christian doctrine, we not only develop their Biblical worldview, but we lay the foundation for a spiritual legacy that can reap benefits for generations to come and ultimately, eternal rewards for those that come after us.
What Happens If You Don't Train the Heart and Mind of a Child to Follow Jesus?
For the person that rejects Christ, the greatest consequence of their hardened and unrepentant heart will be the judgment and eternal wrath of God. Romans 2:5-8 warns:
But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who "will render to each one according to his deeds": eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness-indignation and wrath…
Studies show that, before they graduate from college, 70% to 88% of young people from Christian homes end up rejecting the faith they claimed to possess. When you consider the foundation of sand upon which worldviews are often built, it becomes evident why theirs collapses when secular winds and waves of skepticism, criticism, unbelief, and doubt undermine them.
Regrettably, the worldview of a typical Christian parent, Sunday school teacher, youth leader, and even pastor in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America has been far too influenced by the thinking of the world. As a result, it is not really hard to understand why students graduate from our church youth groups and move on from Christian homes doctrinally illiterate, only to become easy prey for the enemy waiting to devour them. They have not truly opened their minds and hearts to sound doctrine. They have not repented of their sins and yielded to Christ.
Lest you think I'm sounding a false alarm, once again, numerous surveys document that the average self-professing Christian adult cannot explain-much less defend and pass on to their children-the essential Christian doctrines upon which a Biblical worldview are built. It stands to reason, then, that the teen in the average Christian home also cannot defend foundational Christian doctrines.
If we have not trained the hearts and minds of our children to love sound doctrinal teachings, then we should not be surprised that three-fourths of them eventually walk away from the faith in college.  Unlike some of us, writers of Scripture were not in denial on this point. They warned that drifting from faith could happen:
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. (Colossians 2:8)
One of the greatest rewards as a parent is watching your children live committed, godly lives and see them raise their children (your grandchildren!) to do the same. I urge you to commit now to rise above the world's standard of good parenting and make your goal godly parenting so Christ can be glorified in your life and family.
Training takes time, patience, sweat, hard work, and endurance, so whatever happens, do not become discouraged. We must love Christ and desire fervently that the hearts and minds of our children are set upon honoring Christ. We must want this so desperately that we understand every effort or struggle is more than worth it. The consequences are eternal. Sacrifice is never fun, but if you turn off that TV show or sporting event or forego that internet surfing session, and instead faithfully and prayerfully use and re-use this book and your Bible, you can prepare the hearts and minds of your children to follow Jesus Christ. Pray by God's grace, they will.
To order Brannon's latest book, Christian Worldview For Children: How To Train the Heart and Mind of a Child to Follow Christ, please click on this link:


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