The Truth About Christian Support for Mitt Romney

The Truth About Christian Support for Mitt Romney<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
One of the great services of the Christian World View Network is that it brings to light things which otherwise would carry on as successful deceptions.

I think that is one of the major reasons that the site is such an assistance to Christians. The reader comes to this site to find out; carefully investigated, carefully exposited, truth.  Reasons abound whereby the blathering main stream media doesn't get around to truth-telling.  But the bottom line is it's just not their business any more.  Truth doesn't excite the main stream press at all. It doesn't monetize it. But truth is the ravenous hunger of the Christian. 

Would you like the truth about Christian support for Mitt Romney?  Ok. Here it is.

First, the truth about Mitt Romney is that he is a Luciferian cult figure, a missionary high-priest, who belongs to a religion that, to this day, declares black people to be cursed of 'god' and inferior. 

Sorry to shake up all your preconceptions about how "religion doesn't matter", but the blunt facts are that Mitt Romney's religion only allowed blacks to be clergy after 1978, because Mormons never have been able to renounce or explain all the "god breathed" anti-black curses that are in Mormon scripture.  The Mormons have a hard time rewriting what they call the "word of god", but they do manage to pull it off for things they think are really serious - things like polygamy.

But they apparently still think African bigotry is a lesser problem.  
"Cain slew his brother....and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin..."  -- Mormon Prophet Brigham Young.
"I'm, as I say, true blue through and through. And so I accept the teachings of our church, and I do my best to live by those teachings." –Willard Romney

The founder of Romney's religion, Joseph Smith, appointed himself as a scripture-uttering prophet, a priest with full rights to forgive sins, and a political king who ruled over the cities where the cult lived.  Joseph Smith, and his successor Brigham Young, both ran for President.  Young's son, John D. Lee, ordered the slaughter of scores of Christian men, women, and children out in the prairie on September 11th, 1857.  Indeed, facts, even strange ones, are stubborn things: besides prophesying that Mormonism was destined to take over the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />United States, the Mormon church at one time required that the Washington D.C. Mormon Temple have an exact replica of the White House Oval office built into the 'church' building. 

For what? Shooting haz-mat videos during the Clinton era?

Does your Church or Synagogue curse black people in holy writing? Does your congregation insist often that it no longer practices polygamy? Do many offshoot sects of your church live in isolated villages where men own five wives? Does your denomination have a standing prophecy that it's the destiny of your church to politically take over and rule America as a theocracy?  Do your elders build exact mock-ups of the oval office in the church basement?

Pardon me for asking, but what if your religion really was not "basically the same" as theirs?

There are more consequences to be told about the Christian acceptance of Mormonism though. Bob Jones III and Jack Wilke have committed serious immorality by endorsing Mitt Romney for President because they have violated the people who follow them. Their endorsements are an abandonment of basic Christian commitment for Pastor Jones, and an absolute abdication of principle for Activist Wilke. When men whose public vocation is the upholding of convictions stray like this, it can only be called immoral.  They flew in the face of God; they publicly and with forethought betrayed their bedrock for expediency's sake.

Principles have public consequences.  Endorsements matter.

Wilke said in his statement, "Governor Romney has a record of action in defending life. Every decision he made as Governor was on the side of life." This is wildly, insanely, untrue. 

It's like Wilke has been taken over by a software virus and forced to spit out canned romneyspam.  It's so far off the deep end that it doesn't even require us to think about it, just to gape with hyperventilating. 

Romney was openly Pro-Abortion when he ran in 2002 for governor, and only "converted" to an allegedly Pro-Life posture in July 2005 after 35 years of being Pro-Abortion.  Romney-2002 said he would, "protect the right of a woman to choose under the law of the country and the laws of the commonwealth."

Romney-2002 went to the brain-download website after governorship and got a new security-plugin brain version: President08.  But the brain-version was written by a buggy, internationally known software company, so Romney-2008 frequently crashes, outputting totally contradictory sentences.  (No, I don't want to email an error report, thanks.)  But that company is working night and day to patch the bugs in the new Romeny-user interface because they know their software wants to run the world.

The New York Times reports that Romney was an abortion rights supporter for most of his time as governor. NYT also reports that local pro-life groups considered Romney to be pro-abortion, and that payoffs of hefty money donations have changed the tune of at least one pro-life group and one Christian group. 

Is that all the conviction we've got these days?  Flash the cash and moral endorsements follow?  I wonder if Mr. Wilke and Mr. Jones would like to open their financial statements to see if Mr. Romney has been sympathetic to their causes at all?

Mitt Romney made the Human Events Top Ten RINO list in 2005, and Bay Windows, Boston's homosexual newspaper, gave Mitt Romney rave reviews.  But besides the fact that his far-left social governing reputation should have alerted the observer to his words not matching his actions, exposing the Pro-Life issue brings out a whole lot more stunning Romney version 20XX bugs.  Mr. Wilke, please answer these:

  • When asked by Planned Parenthood if he supported Roe v. Wade, he answered only an unequivocal: "Yes".  Running for governor, Romney version 2002.
  • The spokesman for Planned Parenthood said Romney supported tax payer funded abortion.  Romney version 2002.
  • Massachusetts Citizens for Life said Romney05 was an abortion supporter. After MCFL receive a software upgrade, along with a fat check from RomneyFund, they reprogrammed their output device to say NiceRomneyThings for Romney06
  • Romney supported experimentation on frozen embryos from in-vitro fertilization procedures. Romney05.
  • Romney supported chemical abortion pill RU-486 while running for governor. Romney02.
  • And Catholic hospitals wanted an exemption from being forced to hand out abortafacient RU-486. Romney destroyed the exemption after first pretending to support it. Romney Trojan, version 2005

Forgive me Dr. Wilke, but forcing Catholic hospitals to hand out chemical warfare agents to kill inconvenient little girls does not strike me as, "Every decision he made as Governor was on the side of life."  Sir, why do you squander your capital like this?  Why do you deceive yourself and all of us?  No amount of respect for you personally should ever allow you to make such absolutely ridiculous public statements so damaging to the cause of Life. 
And what to make of Bob Jones, allegedly the guardian of conservative Christian doctrine, shilling for an occult high priest?  Jones, when faced with a choice of a pro-abortion secular witch, and a pro-life satanic high priest, chooses the overtly devilish theology over the neo-pagan one.  That's really not much of a Biblical apologetic, Mr. Jones. Let's see?  I shall give the sheep to the wolf or to the leopard? But Mr. Jones, you missed the verse, "A house divided against itself will not stand."  Jesus was answering the idea that Satan can be used to beat Satan.
Here's a quick memory verse for Wilke and Jones, other great former Christian leaders.   
"Quit judging by appearances and make a righteous judgment."
Mitt Romney looks good!  Mitt Romney sounds good!  Ooo, therefore he is good! 
Believe everything he says and inhabit utopia but, most importantly, cling to influence.
And if you are a person of integrity, throw away your carefully built reputation for a liar. All the cool kids are doing it.

Wilke, Jones?  True love waits? Hello?

"…deceiving even the elect, if that were possible." –Jesus Christ


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