Democrats Look To Silence Conservative Talk-Radio and Christian Radio

Not "Fair" At AllBy Gary Bauer <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
 For years conservatives have been painfully aware of the liberal bias in "big media." On the three big networks ABC, CBS and NBC, the bias permeates everything from news shows to the entertainment programming of sit-coms and dramas. On cable, CNN and MSNBC are not just anti-conservative, their coverage of international issues consistently undermines the interests of our nation. But in recent years the liberal "monopoly" has been broken. Conservative talk radio has been an incredible success, while Christian radio has grown and cable alternatives like FOX News have taken off, too. The left-wing agenda no longer has a free-ride - it has competition. But don't celebrate too soon because the "tolerant" Left appears to be ready to use its new power in Congress to launch an attack on conservative media. The American Spectator, a conservative magazine, quotes an aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying, "Conservative radio is a huge threat and political advantage for Republicans and we have to find a way to limit it." That "way" may be to revive the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," which would require equal time for the leftwing worldview on every conservative radio show. The article goes on to suggest that the staff of far-out leftist Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) is investigating Salem Radio, the largest Christian radio network. And Rush Limbaugh apparently has a target on his back, too. The Spectator quotes sources saying, "We can't shut him up, but we want to make life a bit more difficult."Ironic isn't it? The Left always presents itself as the tolerant defender of rights. It defends the right of Islamofascist imams to spout anti-American invective; it rallies to the banner of the local atheist, who insists his rights are violated if he sees a Christmas tree; it hyperventilates if a prisoner at "Gitmo" doesn't have his own ACLU lawyer and a government provided Koran. But when it comes to conservatives, the Left doesn't hesitate to figure out how to use the power of big government to "make life more difficult." With your help, Campaign for Working Families will fight with every resource we have to stop Pelosi and company from regulating conservative news alternatives by putting her back in the minority


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