Get Out the Bushes

Get Out the Bushes<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
A nuke in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Brussels is better than two from the Bush.  That's essentially the grand bargain that George Jr. would appear to be triangulating.  In the midst of a confused leftist opposition to nuclear energy at home – the only source of power that can clearly save our economy from Islamist oil – George Bush has finally figured out a way to simultaneously repay Tony Blair for loyalty and get the squirrel worshippers to love nukes.
Just say no to CO2.  The rest is detail.
Tony Blair, sharing the hubris and ambition of GW Bush, if not his conservative outlook on the world, has insisted that a 50% cut in the emission of "carbon" is something like an international moral imperative.  This is wonderfully vague and impossible to achieve besides being a rather cataclysmic way to destroy all western economies at once in achieving…achieving…well, no one really knows that.  Cows emit more carbon than people do Tony.
But in the mind of a highly pragmatic and bemused Texan, a vision of resolution has finally appeared.  Desiring to unleash a new wave of nuclear energy upon the American continent, but long opposed by naturalists who worship anything with non-zero chlorophyll, Bush had been stymied.  Chemical based fuels, be they petroleum or bio-mass, have held with them the same inescapable – there is only so much energy one gets from burning stuff.  And while the Arabs oppose on one hand, the price of tortillas object on the other.
But the Greens complain about it all.
Nuclear power, with its geometrically powerful energy release and boundless domestic sourcing, has been the rational man's answer from the beginning.  But litigation, paganism, and the incoherent cries of leftists confused by their own right hands have limited results and at least tranquility – what to do?
 Enter Tony Blair with a salvation talisman.  The great and international sword of the mythical global warming held above him, Blair holds an umbrella under which Bush may take refuge from the storms of the left.  The great co-opter has struck again and we, along with him, are laughing.
Now it is that the left will herald and scream that the CO2 reductions reached with Blair absolutely must be upheld.  In time, and too slowly, they will realize that this means nuclear power plants being built everywhere and the cessation of foreign oil.  That is not something Bush has been able to achieve on his own because every time he says it, the left groans in ridicule, litigation, and dissection of motive.  Yet here now is a scion of international liberalism, Mr. Blair, and a story-book myth of international paganism, global warming, fresh and preened, ready to usher in the American nuclear age that conservatism by itself wasn't able to foist on a wise and needy public.  It is marketing and it is substance, it is cover and it is sub-contracting, it is cynical and it is brilliant.
Bush finally figured out how to deep-six the tree huggers; Greenpeace is building new nuke plants in North America for Dubya.
By the time they all figure it out, there will be megawatts far and wide, Bush will be laughing on the history channel, and Blair will be barrister-head of the World Bank.
 But he really is stupid, isn't he?
But while we may admire the deftness of the operation, allegedly losing the worthless to gain the indescribably important, we must also recognize that this kind of deal making, based on the kind of cynical loss of the truth, does not do well in the long run.  Our President has chosen, on major decisions before, to tell the little people a broad idea that he knew was misleading – namely that the 1.77 tons of uranium found in Iraq did not constitute a WMD program.  The nation, still suffering for thinking Sadaam had no nuclear weapons program, has reeled under the shock of dishonesty, struggling to fight a  war against fearful odds for dubious auspices.
Lies bite you in the end.
So while it may be that the pagan left will, due to Bush's grand scheme, end up creating nuclear energy plants across the fruited plane, we will end up paying a price for this moronic acceptance that humans somehow are so obviously to blame for causing global temperature changes. 
Science cannot demonstrate forcefully that humans cause global warming, Bush's right stance for years was laudable (i.e. prove it if we are going to destroy our GDP over it).
What the outcome of viewing a deception as advantageous will be, we do not yet know.  But we can reflect it will fall some along these lines.
If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked. –Pv 29:12
Don't do it George.


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