What they are really saying about the Immigration Bill

What they are really saying about the Immigration BillBy Paul Shelby Lewis
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The following is a quote (kind of) from Janet Murguía, National Council of La Rasa President and CEO.
"It is utterly unacceptable for the Senate to fail to address the issue of amnesty comprehensive immigration reform.  .  .  . The Race The country demands and deserves a free handout from the American tax-payer solution to our non-existent broken immigration system, and it is unthinkable that the American people still have a country of their own after so great an effort by The Race to tear it down and return it to its own people the Senate would fail to ram this legislation down the throats of the American people before they have any chance to object move the debate forward.  The fact that conservatives actually read most of bill and saw the loopholes that we had snuck in there for future illegal immigrants is mystifying, and very disturbing.  We were hoping that no one would notice how much money we would end up taking from the pockets of the American people and giving to the people of The Race.  We are even more discouraged that Generalisimo Bush failed to take control of his party and subject them to our beckon call.
The Race's Our opportunity to improve this bill and to enact the reform that is most conducive to purposes of illegal farm-workers best possible reform rests with the United States Senate. They must not abdicate their duty to the businesses who want to skirt the law and hire workers who will work for wages far below that for which the average American is willing to work American public.  .  .  .  Like the many immigrants who came before them, those who are at the heart of the current debate have shown incredible audacity by seeking tax-payer funding for their health care, destroying American families by undercutting wages, and yet still asking for more courage, and resistance persistence in the face of the law of the United States of America adversity. They move the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />US economy back to Mexican control forward despite absolutely no resistance on the part of the current leadership in the House, Senate, and the White House enormous obstacles, and they do it with hope and faith that this great country will be brought down from its Capitalist perch and be reclaimed by The Race! in this great country. We share their desire and are inspired by their detrimental determination. Motivated by their example, we will continue to insist that the Senate pass the Amnesty Bill that will end up costing the greedy American public trillions of Dollars best possible immigration reform as soon as possible."


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