Former Mexican President Tells Larry King "Amero" Is Coming

Former Mexican President Says "Amero" Is Coming
October 8, 2007 Larry King LiveLarry King interviews Former Mexixcan President Vicente Fox.
KING: E-mail from Mrs. Gonzalez in Elizabeth, New Jersey. "Mr. Fox, I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency?" FOX: Long term, very long term. What we propose together, President Bush and myself, it's ALCA, which is a trade union for all of the Americas. And everything was running fluently until Hugo Chavez came. He decided to isolate himself. He decided to combat the idea and destroy the idea... KING: It's going to be like the euro dollar, you mean? FOX: Well, that would be long, long term. I think the processes to go, first step into is trading agreement. And then further on, a new vision, like we are trying to do with NAFTA. KING: How is NAFTA doing? FOX: Excellent. Mexico's seventh largest trading economy in the world. Mexico trades more products and services than all of Latin America together, including Brazil, Argentina and all of them. And Mexico buys -- and this people don't know -- Mexico buys from the United States more products and services than what Italy, France, Germany and Britain do together. So we account for hundreds of thousands of jobs in this economy in the U.S. KING: An honor seeing you again. We'll make the next visit not so long.
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