It Is Legitimate to Criticize Mormonism

It Is Legitimate to Criticize Mormonism<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
It is perfectly legitimate to oppose Mormonism, and it is a smear tactic of marketing to label all people who oppose Mormonism as "bigots".  There is a severe lesson to be learned from the Presidential candidacy of Willard Romney and one which bears on our national survival.

Romney refuses to hear criticism of Mormonism and he refuses to answer it.  The fact that the Mormon church institutionalized the hatred of African descended peoples at the outset and has refused, until this very day, to denounce LDS scripture-based discrimination against blacks… is just for openers.  Yet, in the audacity of smear, Romney labels anyone who opposes Mormonism in public as "un-American".


Mormonism has always possessed a conquering political component.  The founder of the religion declared himself to be a political king, and he ruled his followers like one: the governor of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Illinois pursued Joseph Smith with warrants for arrest on the grounds of insurrection.

The political beliefs of the cult went beyond its founder.  Brigham Young, for whom the Mormon University is named, not only possessed large numbers of "wives", but he also ran for President of the United States.  He declared that God had cursed certain people, and had given them "black skin and flattened noses" as a sign of that curse.

Golly gee, Beeve!

So here we are thinking about handing the nuclear football to a priest of a religion that regards all dark skinned people as cursed-of-god, and we are not allowed to criticize the philosophy?  We are not allowed to raise questions about this man's fundamental beliefs? And we are to be cowed into silence with lawyers and lawsuits and state investigations when a bunch of phone calls get made saying, "Did you know this guy's a whacko?"

Frankly, you may call anyone you like on the phone and tell them I am a Christian.  I really don't need to file a lawsuit to stop that.  I hope as many people in the world as possible learn this, so that I may be convicted on Judgment Day of having been a follower of Jesus Christ. Calling all Carl Sagan followers: I am a Christian!

But Mitt Romney's using lawyers and media to censor the American public's objection to his evil beliefs smacks of something far worse than just setting rules for the primaries.  Mitt Romney's candidacy is assaulting America in the War on Terror, and we had all better notice it.

Who is our enemy in the War on Terror?  It is the Islamist movement, the Caliphate class, world wide.  And what drives the Islamist movement?  The Koranic ideology of the Islamists is at the root of the drive to destroy our lives, our lands, our sacred honor.  And we, as a people, have allowed this attack on ourselves.  How is that?

In the Cold War, we opposed Communism without apology and to great effect.  In World War II we opposed Nazism and destroyed it.  Here, in World War III, the ideology is Islamism and America has done all sorts of back-flips to try not to oppose it.  And that is why we are struggling with this war.

It is a tactic of design.  America has shown itself to be impervious to mechanized paganism (the Nazis).  America has prevailed over technological atheism (the Soviets).  And America will eventually win out over the totalitarian capitalists (China).  But learning these lessons of history, our enemies have decided to use our vulnerabilities, and our hospitality, against us by crafting a foe which is explicitly religious.  We face, now, a political ideology organized into a religion specifically so that the traditional American protections for religion will allow that enemy to set up installations inside our country.

Imagine having a "Nazi Meeting Hall" on the corner during World War II?  Imagine the ACLU defending the "Nazi Meeting Hall" in court saying that the group was simply expressing its religious convictions, and just because it preached the same things as the Berlin Nazis, and just because it sent money to the Berlin Nazis, that didn't mean all Nazis were bad.  Suppose further that anyone who criticized the Nazis were labeled "religious bigots" and CNN did a show "the misunderstood Nazi".

Wouldn't have really flown, would it? 

And it wouldn't really have won any kind of war, either.

But today, people like Mitt Romney are trying to undermine America's ability to criticize religion.  They are trying to remove from us the very power we so desperately need to survive: the courage to denounce some religious ideologies as evil.  So let me say something for the national survival which I promise I will never apologize for.

For its treatment of blacks, for its doctrines calling blacks 'cursed', for its deliberately equating Lucifer and Jesus Christ as brothers, for its blasphemous anti-Christian doctrines, for its present-day doctrine of 'spiritual' polygamy, and for its incessant lying and deception, Mormonism, the LDS Church of Salt Lake City Utah, is evil.  Pure, unadulterated, evil.

And no, that's not bigotry.  It is blunt criticism based on facts.  If Mr. Romney wants to denounce me, then I challenge him to openly debate me in public and try to convince people I'm wrong.  I have no fear of defending my beliefs in public. 

Does he?


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