President May Sign Hate Crime Legislation?

Call to Action

According to Rev. Ted Pike, who is fighting hate crimes legislation: "The Conference-approved version of the National Defense Authorization Bill, HR 1585, with hate bill attached, could be passed by the US House and Senate when Congress reconvenes on Monday. There is an increasing chance the President, desperate for military funding, may approve these two incongruous bills."  Please click on the link at the end of this page to email President Bush today to hold true to his promise to veto the hate bill.The National Defense Authorization Act, HR 1585, to which is attached Senator Kennedy's hate crimes amendment, is expected to soon reach President Bush for his signature. The Defense Authorization Act is needed. However, the hate crimes amendment is NOT needed and has nothing to do with national defense. The hate crimes amendment is dangerous legislation. There is no need to give certain citizens special protection under the law. We all deserve equal protection under the law. Hate Crimes Legislation requires law enforcement to become thought police, and will lead to persecuting Christians and taking away our free speech.ACTION:1) Send an email to President Bush by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.  Urge President Bush to hold true to his promise to veto the hate bill. Veto HR 1585. Send it back to the Senate to have the hate bill stripped off. 2) You can also call 1-202-456-1111 (the Whitehouse Message Line) and ask to leave a message for President Bush.For more information, go to: you find our efforts worthy, please make an online donation. American Family Association of KentuckyPS. On Monday, November 26, 2007, the Jefferson County School Board on a 4-3 vote decided to add 'sexual orientation' as a protected class in their hiring policy. Thanks to those of you who emailed, called and spoke up to protect the children - it helped 3 board members decide to vote to protect children.    The following 4 people voted Yes - to give special rights to homosexuals in hiring:   District 2-Stephen Imhoff - 899-2414 or 899-2415 - [email protected]  District 3-Debbie Wesslund - 429-3808 - [email protected]  District 4-Joseph L. Hardesty (Board Chair) - 485-3566 - [email protected]  District 7-Larry Hujo - 491-1447 - [email protected]  The following 3 people voted NO.    (Thank these people for their vote.)          District 1-Ann V. Elmore-(502)485-3566 or (502)776-4718  District 5-Linda Duncan (502)361-5973 - [email protected]   District 6-Carol A. Haddad - (502)634-3134 -  [email protected]..................................................................................................Please click on the link at the end of this email to send your message to President Bush.Click the link below to log in and send your message:


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