John McCain's Ratings by Conservative Organizations

John McCain's Ratings by Conservative Organizations<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  1. American Conservative Union (ACU) – 65 – (2006 rating) 

·         NOTE:  Lifetime is an 82 (number McCain campaign uses), because he started at 98, and has moved leftward steadily up to his current ranking of 65.

  1. Family Research Council (FRC) – 62 (2006 rating)


  1. National Right to Life – 69 rating (1996 – 2007 cumulative)


  1. Eagle Forum – 2007 – McCain supported their positions on only 4 out of 12 votes


    1. 2005 – 2006 – McCain supported Eagle Forum's positions on only 5 out of 12 votes


  1. National Rifle Association – C+ (Current rating)


  1. National Taxpayer's Union – 76 (Lifetime)


  1. Americans for Tax Reform – 82 (lifetime) But McCain started at 100 in 1994


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