Memphis City School Official Gets A Schooling in the Law From a Home-Schooler

This story below comes from the Home School Legal Defense Association. Memphis, TN has some of the most dangerous and failed schools in the nation and yet Memphis City School officials wanted to check up on the education of a home-school parent....That is until HSLDA, a legal organization that represents home-school families, gave the Memphis City Schools official a schooling in the law. 
Memphis City Schools Seeks Proof of Parents' Education
At the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year, Memphis City Schools sent a form letter to parents who had submitted a notice of intent to homeschool, seeking a copy of the parents' high school diploma, high school transcript, college degree, or college transcript to verify teaching qualifications. A Home School Legal Defense Association member family receiving the letter referred it to our office for assistance.
HSLDA Senior Counsel Dewitt Black responded on behalf of the member family in a letter to the school officials and pointed out that state law does not require that such documentation be submitted to public school officials. He referred the school official to notice of intent and registration forms developed by the Tennessee Department of Education for homeschools, upon which there is simply a blank for parents to check indicating that they meet the formal education requirements. Consequently, our member family received no additional requests from the school officials for the parents' own educational records.


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