The Chilling Truth about Global Warming

The Chilling Truth about Global Warming<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
                                                By Brannon Howse
This article is from Brannon's newest book, Christian Worldview For Students Vol. II: Your Worldview Notes For Going To College Without Going Astray. This hardcover book makes a great graduation gift. To order your personally signed copy click here now:
Global Warming is a hot issue, not because it's a real problem but because many would like to scare you into thinking it is. Consider this report:
Mayor Bloomberg yesterday compared the scourge of global warming to the threat of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Although it is a "long-term" fight, he said, reducing gas emissions may save the life of "everybody" on the planet, the same way that fighting terrorism and its proliferation saves lives in shorter terms.[1][1]
The <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />New York mayor believes this even though more than 10,000 scientists don't. For example, Michael Griffin, head of NASA, has said he does not see global warming as a threat.
But what about all the disastrous consequences the alarmists say are already upon us? Let's see how many of their predictions have come true:

  • Not so many years ago scientists predicted that the seas would rise from 20 to 40 feet because of Global Warming. On waves crashing against the base of the U.S. Capitol building, someone could launch boats from the bottom steps; one-third of Florida and large parts of Texas were projected to be under water. Now, however, estimates have been radically revised to a maximum water rise of several inches to just a few feet.[2][2]


  • In the 1970s, scientists claimed aerosols were a leading cause of harm to the environment, but a recent report now shows that aerosols eventually have a cooling effect on global temperatures which helps cancel out the warming effect of CO2.[3][3]


  • In the 1920s, scientists warned of a fast approaching Glacial Age, but in the 1930s, they reversed themselves and predicted serious Global Warming. By 1972, Time magazine cited numerous scientific reports warning of runaway glaciation, and in 1975, Newsweek reported overwhelming scientific evidence that "proved" an approaching Ice Age. Some even advanced ideas to melt the artic ice cap in an effort to forestall the coming Ice Age. [4][4]


  • In 1976, the U.S. government released a study affirming that the earth is heading into a mini-ice age. Now, however, the doomsday prediction of an imminent Ice Age has been replaced with the warning of a Global Warming disaster. In less than a century, environmental science has reversed itself on this issue no less than three times![5][5]

We could fill pages with unfulfilled end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it scenarios, but these few should be enough to reveal the undependable predictions of the Global Warming doomsayers.
Global Warming proponents base their belief on the alleged fact that temperatures are rising. But are they? Here are the facts:

  • The temperature fell throughout the 1920s, rose during the 1930s, fell again during the 1960s, and has been rising since the 1980s according to one study.[6][6]


  • Professor Bob Carter, a geologist at James Cook University, Queensland, Australia, says the Global Warming theory is neither environmental nor scientific, but rather, "a self-created political fiasco." Carter explains that "climate changes occur naturally all the time, partly in predictable cycles and partly in unpredictable cycles."[7][7]


  • According to Robert Essenhigh, professor of energy conservation at Ohio State University, the ice sheets at the poles have been melting since the early 1900s and the Earth's warming had begun about the middle 1600s.[8][8]

Some studies show that the earth's temperature has risen and others indicate it has fallen. Why can't experts agree on the temperature? For starters, the earth's temperatures are taken in two different ways, and one method is not as reliable as the other. Dr. S. Fred Singer, an atmospheric physicist at George Mason University explains:
You have to be very careful with the surface record. It is taken with thermometers that are mostly located in or near cities. And as cities expand, they get warmer. And therefore they affect the readings. And it's very difficult to eliminate this-what's called the urban heat island effect. So I personally prefer to trust in weather satellites…And if you look through the summary [of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)], you will find no mention of the fact that the weather satellite observations of the last twenty years show no global warming. In fact, a slight cooling. In fact, you will not even find satellites mentioned in the summary. These are the only global observations we have. They are the best observations we have. They cover the whole globe. They don't cover the oceans very well, which is 70% of the globe. So you see, the [U.N.] summary uses data selectively, or at least it suppresses data that are inconvenient, that disagree with the paradigm with what they're trying to prove."[9][9] 
But regardless of temperature issues, we know the rise in sea level threatens much of civilization, don't we? That would be "No". In the April 16, 2007 issue of Newsweek International Richard S. Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published an article, "Why So Gloomy," in which he notes:
the ill effects of warming are overblown. Sea levels, for example, have been increasing since the end of the last ice age. When you look at recent centuries in perspective, ignoring short-term fluctuations, the rate of sea-level rise has been relatively uniform (less than a couple of millimeters a year). There's even some evidence that the rate was higher in the fist half of the twentieth century than in the second half. Overall, the risk of sea-level rise from global warming is less at almost any given location than that from other causes, such as tectonic motions of the earth's surface. There is no compelling evidence that the warming trend we've seen will mount to anything close to catastrophe.[10][10]
Not exactly a compelling reason to start building another ark.
This article is from Brannon's newest book, Christian Worldview For Students Vol. II: Your Worldview Notes For Going To College Without Going Astray. This hardcover book makes a great graduation gift. To order your personally signed copy click here now:

[1] New York Sun on February 12, 2008 reported that the Mayor of New York City

[2] David Barton, Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Hearing on Global Warming in the Environment and Public Works Committee, June 7, 2007.

[3] Ibid; p. 3

[4] Ibid;

[5] Ibid;

[6] Ibid;

[7] Fanatics, heretics and the truth about Global Warming by Tom DeWeese

[8] Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center wrote this in an article entitled Fanatics, heretics and the truth about Global Warming found at

[9] Interview with Dr. S. Fred Singer by Nova on PBS, March 12, 2000.

[10] In the April 16, 2007, Newsweek International an article was published by MIT's Richard S. Lindzen entitled, "Why So Gloomy".



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