Advisory: Economic Crisis in Bangladesh With Food Prices Going up 50% in One Week

Advisory: Economic Crisis in BangladeshAlert From Compassion International
UPDATE: April 30, 2008 - Food prices in Bangladesh have increased 50 percent in the past week due to an economic crisis resulting from a rising rate of inflation. The cost to feed a family for one day far exceeds a normal day's income of U.S.$1 to $2. Starvation is widespread.
Approximately 95 percent of Compassion-assisted children are feeling the effects of the crisis. Many are living on one meal a day -- receiving it at their child development centers -- and struggling with feelings of guilt and sadness because their family members don't receive the same benefit. Compassion Bangladesh is working to subsidize the growing needs of the children and families it ministers to.
Please pray for God's provision and favor over Compassion staff, families and children in Bangladesh.
Compassion Bangladesh will provide updates as information becomes available.
Compassion International will contact you if your sponsored child has been affected.
April 23, 2008 - A high rate of inflation is causing economic turmoil in Bangladesh and contributing to famine conditions as people are unable to afford rising food costs.
Compassion child development centers are suffering from the rising prices as activity and food costs exceed program budgets. Compassion partners throughout the country have cut activities from six to five days a week, and daily food rations for the children have also been reduced. 


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