Our Role: Blessing Israel

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From: Jonathan Falwell
Our Role: Blessing Israel
Earlier today (Friday), I had the privilege of speaking at the Seventh Annual Israel Solidarity Event held at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C.  I was invited to speak by the Ambassador from Israel to the United States, Sallai Meridor.   
As I began my address to the crowd that had gathered in the Embassy auditorium, I couldn't help but recall my dad's great love for Israel.  During his nearly 55 years of public ministry, dad never wavered from his position of support for Israel.  I shared that, as we have moved into the next generation, we must never walk away from our Israeli friends.
Before the event, Ambassador Meridor invited me to meet privately with him to discuss international conditions affecting the state of Israel.  During this meeting, Ambassador Meridor was very candid in his assessment of the current state of Israel's security and its future.
The Ambassador was very appreciative of the efforts of Evangelical Christians in their support of Israel.  He recalled a meeting that took place about 30 years ago when my dad met with Prime Minister Menachem Begin.  It was described as a historic meeting that birthed a cooperation that has benefited both Christians and Jews.
While the Ambassador shared his appreciation, he also shared his concerns for Israel in the days to come.  His comments were quite poignant in regards to the great challenges that lie ahead for Israel and the very real threats that exist.  Those moments together served as an important reminder to me that Evangelical Christians must not waver in our support for Israel.
Expressions of support for Israel are easily and cheaply spoken, but it is action behind those words of support that is needed in today's political climate.  But the realization of Israel's need for support begs the question, "What action of support for Israel can today's American Christian take?"
I can answer the question because the Ambassador personally gave me the actions that we can take to ensure Israel's peace and prosperity.  He stated that the greatest and most immediate threat that faces Israel today is the brutal regime currently in power in Iran.  Ambassador Meridor was very clear regarding what must happen to ensure that Iran is not successful in its efforts to "wipe Israel from the map" which Iran's president Ahmadinejad has very recently claimed to be one of his goals.
The Ambassador told me that there are several vulnerabilities that face Iran today, not the least of which is its economy.  He shared that while Iran is one of the richest oil reserve states in the world, it actually does not have much capability for refining that oil.  Thus, Iran actually imports half of its gasoline even though oil exports are its most important economic product. 
Ambassador Meridor shared that one way to pressure Iran into seeking peace, rather than destruction, is to put economic pressure on their country.  And, he stated, the best way to do this is through divestment.  Currently, there are a number of states, such as California and Illinois, which have taken steps, via their state pension funds, to divest themselves of company stocks that support Iran.  He said that there are many state legislatures that are following suit.  He also said it is important for individuals to do the same thing.
He shared a personal story of how he called his own investment brokers and asked them to make sure that none of his own funds were being invested in companies that are connected to Iran.  With a little bit of research, his broker was able to move funds out of one company and into another company with no ties to Iran.  If millions of Americans would do the same, this might pressure Ahmadinejad to back off of his threats and force him to become a constructive member of the world community.
In Genesis 12, God told Abraham that He would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.  As we approach the 60th anniversary of the rebirth of the State of Israel, let us make sure that we are doing everything we can to bless Israel.  We must realize that God's statement to Israel did not give us the benefit for interpretation or adjustment.  His directive was clear: bless Israel. 
Let us all stand by Israel and do what we can to help bring about peace and security for this very important country.  One action that we as Christians can certainly take is to pray.  Let us daily pray for the peace of Israel, peace in the Middle East and peace in our world. 


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